Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

The results, still unpublished, a medical study concluded for the first time in the spread of HIV in places of prostitution Parisian men and women. This new phenomenon raises today the problem of what to do to the risk of contagion created. The French study was conducted from a collaboration between the Institut Alfred Fournier, a specialist in sexually transmitted diseases, and a private laboratory for medical analysis of the district of Pigalle (laboratory Georges Aim).

Armand Frémont, rector of the Academy of Grenoble, and Mr. Guy Romier, director of Mutualité iséroise, gave Friday 9 January, the official of an extensive prevention campaign and information sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to educate one hundred and fifty thousand students and students of the Academy (five departments in the region: Ardèche, Drôme, Isère, Savoie and Haute-Savoie).

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality Tumours (,

"The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. "The virus of genital herpes causes serious consequences such as increased risk of contracting the AIDS virus or the transmission of herpes virus to children at birth, which may cause neurological damage and even cause death, "said Dr. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

). TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality tumours (, fibromas, ) develop slowly, without causing painful - symptoms. Histologic Genital Herpes research of remote tumours - necessarily. Treatment: surgical, mainly for cosmetic - reasons. , develop from bone and fabrics of edges and a breast. As a rule, good-quality tumours slowly increase in sizes, however sometimes regenerate - in a sarcoma, start to grow quickly and give metastasises. Tumours of forward department of a thorax can reach the considerable sizes, without causing a pain and appreciable frustration of the general condition-. Sometimes turns in , - sprouting in a thorax that causes a chest pain, a short wind. The bone tumours which are settling down on a back surface of a thorax, start with a body of a shovel or a shoot more often, have a dense consistence, at movements are displaced together with a humeral belt. Treatment: the surgical. At shovels - full removal of a shovel with surrounding fabrics is shown. Malignant tumours (sarcomas of soft fabrics, bones and cartilages of a chest wall) are characterised by fast growth, - reach the big sizes, are exposed to disintegration in the centre, -.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Method - Allows To Define Skin Rise

"Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. What is the treatment of genital herpes?To maximize efficiency of treatment for genital herpes it should be started as soon as possible, at first signs of the anticipated outbreak, whether it is valaciclovir of other natural or herbal solutions, which are in most case are no less effective then pharmaceutical products, only many time cheaper, it requires consistency and due regularity of the daily dosing, as prescribed or as suggested. In case of recurrent outbreaks of lower level, herpes treatment may be taken at more relaxed mode, but not at liberty of "whenever I feel like it" it still must be treated, it is still the herpes disease no less. Treatment of herpes may also be preventive, especially when it comes to the recurrences of outbreaks. " by Herpes: Protecting Others

The method - allows to define skin rise in temperature over - lymph nodes (, , , Herpes ) at presence in them of metastasises. Skin temperature over cancer knot on 1,5 - 2� above, than over good-quality formation or healthy sites of mammary glands. Features of a sectoral resection at not palpated - formations of a mammary gland consist that a site which is subject to removal, define on the basis of the analysis of roentgenograms - of the mammary glands executed in two projections and precisely specifying - in localisation of the pathological centre. In day of operation make interstitial marks of the formation which are subject to removal, by introduction 0,5 - 1 ml of a solution of 1 % dark blue in a mix about 0,5 ml of contrast substance (60 % of a solution , ). Correctness of marks supervise - repeatedly . Make a sectoral resection of a mammary gland. To check up correctness of removal - of the planned site, do the roentgenogram of remote sector. Rezetsirovannyj sector direct for histologic research - after which the question on the further tactics is dealt with.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

After That Find Surprisingly Happy Condition, Memorable To

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

After that find surprisingly happy condition, memorable to you in the blossoming, that is somewhere nearby from Herpes STD Genital twenty five years. This time of blossoming and the most co-ordinated interaction of all our functional systems. Find here that episode in which the happy instant for you has concentrated (it is admissible, you go to maternity home to take away therefrom the wife and the first-born-son). And one more sanguineous joyful event is recollected by you: something not so kept away from your present age (will tell, falling on a kayak in a roar of one of terrible falls of northern Kareliya when all your feelings it is maximum, is thousandfold are pointed, and only the life depends on your exact instant reaction both yours, and yours "" and when, passing all canines-thresholds and whirlpools, you, small , the winner a mad stream, promptly take off on open space of light lake). Certainly, a channel of our life - multibranchy, and on each of its pieces we can find as well other, alternative episodes selfless, nothing of saddened happiness, in what we live really how should live.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Knot Which Is Not Absorbing _131, Name

"What we need the most is not the alert and call for attention but rather a straight talk about the problem in simplified terms so any of us can understand and further share the immediate knowledge. However, the knowledge of Herpes very so like the virus of Herpes can go unnoticed and take the process of realization alike the process of human bodu contamination up to several years. However the problem is the person can be contagious without knowing it. . " by Treatment is difficult methods and remedies are wide range

The knot which is not absorbing _131, name "cold" knot (fig. 3). Such knots often happen the malignant nature. Do not accumulate _131 also , , hemorrhages and - sites a STD Genital Herpes thyroid gland. Research of hormones make by means of - radio immune methods. - Definition - (4), factor - active in - blood whey, and parities of Tz is possible---: 4 a hormone. These researches help - to establish interrelation of function - of a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. Test with a rilizing-hormone (TRH) gives the exact information on frustration which - can arise at level , a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. The - test with - a rilizing-hormone is especially important - at . After - operation on a thyroid gland - and therapy _131 frequency makes 1,5 - 3 %, reaching, under some statistical data, in the remote terms 20 - 40 %. Preservation normal ba-zalnogo level and - its increase after stimulation - TRH regard as latent (latent) - primary , caused - by defeat of the - thyroid gland. At - secondary low or normal, and reactions to introduction TRH are not present.

As It Is Known, Is Made To

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

As it is known, is made to achieve on purpose a paralysis a muscle Herpes Genital which as it is supposed traditional medicine, is responsible for change of the form of a crystalline lens. It becomes that it could not change the crystalline lens form, depriving, thus, a possibility eye to accommodate. asserts that practically in every tenth case the eye still kept ability to accommodate. It was obvious that accommodation in these cases was carried out not by change of curvature of a crystalline lens. At the same time Bejtsa have shown that accommodation was completely broken at atropine injection deeply in an eye-socket so that atropine could reach external slanting muscles of an eye. That is, it was clear, what exactly accommodation process through influence of these muscles was carried out. Theoretically possibility of work of an eye in the form described by Bejtsom has been stated even before occurrence of its works: (1696), Listing (1851) and a number of other authors. However wide experimental works confirming to this theory and working out of methods of the treatment based on it, - a merit of Bejtsa.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It Was Necessary To Search For Finding-out Of

It was necessary to search for finding-out of the reasons in the processes occuring(happening) in the inflamed center at action of chromic salts, together with in influence of fabrics and juices of the inflamed center on chromic salts. Studying of morphological and mechanical changes in the inflammatory center could not explain it(this) and consequently the centre of gravity has been transferred(carried) to a plane of physical and chemical attitudes(relations). In the beginning of our researches, applying tannins, we aspire To condense the connecting fabric surrounding vessels in the inflamed center. I Process of work there was a question on strengthening intensit Oxidation-reduction processes and downturn of osmotic pressure. With this purpose to medical structures the acid has been added - an sulfur. Results in experiment and clinic have confirme Rationality of this addition, but have not given direct proofs of tha The given preparations operate according to a special-purpose designation.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

4. At Training The Child And It Is

4. At training the child and it is useful To remember, that to its(his) age is more comprehensible certain The order (mode) of their execution(performance), rather than their performance in any The free moments of time. It would be good to do(make) them up to or After a breakfast, after a dinner and directly ahead of a dream. - Whether the child likes to do(make) them during other time let will be How it(he) wants it(this). If the child does not like to do(make) or be persevering, but not - it(him) to do(make) them, differently it(he) will simply begin to hate the - on improvement of sight. Find any stimulus is better, Compensation, the form of a praise to the child. 5. Many children like small and greater(big) turns, - if to do(make) them under music. 6. At training accommodation of small children - Those instead of letters or figures of a card with images various Animals, plants, subjects, etc. Instead of on the removed letters and them for Exercise on copying the letters located is more useful than them In the distance.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Remember: Your Eyes Practically Are Worse Than Nothing

Remember: your eyes practically are worse than nothing than eyes - Centuries with normal sight, short of their way - . ............................................................. Make to itself one more table for training sight. In To this table the principle of acquaintance to the person is actively used Object of sight that allows to avoid a pressure(voltage) at it(him) . EXERCISE N 85 (On the table with letters In) Get a leaf(sheet) of a white whatman paper in length in 0,5-0,6 meters. Draw on it(him) lines of letters in described below the order (from above Downwards). If you do not have for this purpose brush, make to itself a tampon From a slice of a cotton fabric on the end of the handle also dip It(Him) in black ink (it is desirable, ink). Be trained in - letters this tampon before it is final - them on a leaf(sheet) of a whatman paper. Draw top line In About height in 7,5 - , a next line And About With - height in 5 , The third line With - height in 4,5 centimeters, following Line With In - height in 3,5 centimeters, About - in 2,5 - Meter, And And - in 2 centimeters, - it is little bit less - , And - in 1,3 centimeters, - it is little bit less - , M - height in 0,6 centimeters, And And - still - Necks of height and, at last, - height about 0,3 centimeters.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thus It Is Necessary For Nonspecialists To Acquire

Thus it is necessary for nonspecialists to acquire firmly, that Alongside with the terms accepted in use "short-sightedness", " - ", and " senile sight " in ophthalmology - also the professional terms, less known wide To the reader - in this case, accordingly, "", " - "and" ". That is, short-sightedness is the same Most, as , a far-sightedness - , and so Named senile sight - . It is necessary to pay attention also to that fact, that considers(counts) (senile sight) as the form - (far-sightednesses). Such approach allows it(him) - for treatment practically the same Exercises, as in case of . The identical approach to To treatment and has found the reflection and in Books of a lot of its(his) followers. - a kind of infringement of sight, at which - distortion of the image of objects of an eye by optical system, Caused by that refraction of light beams in various - a passing(a taking place) light bunch(beam) unequally. At - the image of object looks(appears) not sharp. - the same, that a far-sightedness.

Correct Lacks In Position Of Palms, Having Shifted

Correct lacks in Position of palms, having shifted them from each other. - Dig eyes under them. Be convinced of absence of a pressure(voltage) in - and eyebrowes. In due course, having remembered this optimum position for you Hands, you learn to do(make) correctly and without - a light source. Here it is necessary to note, that that position of palms, with Which you have begun selection of suitable their correct position, Represents only a starting point and should not serve For you the dogma which is not supposing any deviations(rejections) from. Your position of palms only externally should remind this - the form. Finally picked up position of palms Should meet two requirements: Eyes should open and be closed freely under - , i.e. palms should not render on eyeballs - What pressure; Position of palms should exclude an opportunity - light under them also should not demand any - hands, their strong pressing to the person(face), etc. It is necessary to pay attention to that, as other part Hands should not test any pressure(voltage).

Monday, May 18, 2009

Present, That The Handle Is Attached To A

Present, that the handle is attached to a top of your head Handles by means of which the grinding stone rotates, - sideways from you. Your problem(task) - to rotate this imagined Stone. At correct execution(performance) of exercise your nose should To make movements only upwards and downwards, but in any way from - aside. The control of correctness of execution(performance) will raise(increase), - Whether you will take advantage of a mirror. Movements, as always, should To be slow. ............................................................. To relatives on execution(performance) to this exercise is - , recommended by G.Bendzhaminom [40, .64-65]. Differs Only a trajectory of movement of a head. EXERCISE N 78 Lower(Omit) a chin on a breast, and then describe it(him) full Circle, turning a head all over again to the right shoulder, then to To back, to the left shoulder and, at last, coming back back in - position (..9). Change a direction. Make Only 12 full circles. Keep all time a neck in - a condition also do not forget every time to change direction Rotations, differently you will have a dizziness.

When Begins Possible(probable) To Look At A Bottom

When begins possible(probable) to look at a bottom Any letter and to see its(her) top is worse, or to look at top Letters and to see a bottom is worse, becomes possible(probable) and vision of this - You absolutely black and precise. At first such sight can To come only gleams - the letter will precisely come to light on any The moment, and then will disappear. But gradually, if trainings - to proceed, the central fixing becomes habitual " [16, .63]. ............................................................. Usually extreme degrees fixings - at a high degree . To such people to practise - is worse than a point not considered(examined) directly it is necessary on relatives Distance where at them good sight was still kept. - The distance is foamy is necessary to increase. In all cases of training of central fixing Recommends to think not so much of a point considered(examined) directly, As visible is better, how many about a point, not Directly, as visible is worse. " It Speaks that, - writes ,- That training on letters in most cases has - to strengthen a pressure(voltage) under which the eye already works.

Friday, May 15, 2009

We Shall Note Only, That Their Understanding Of

We shall note only, that their understanding of current of some processes (First of all, process of accommodation) during visual work Differs from that is accepted modern orthodox Medicine. In work it is underlined, in what consists The specified distinction. The basic purpose of work is impartial, - a statement of method . It is necessary to consider, that - in the book theoretical representations about functioning Eyes represent the point of view of supporters , - can be not always apprehended as conclusive. As if to efficiency of method , namely, Results of its(his) application in practice, authors in its(her) estimation Leaned(Based) on given a foreign press, as to this USSR Method, we shall repeat, it is practically unknown. Exercises are turned, mainly, to those who Suffers any kind of anomaly of a refraction - short-sightedness, Far-sightedness or . According to statements of some Foreign authors, system Bejtsa has shown positive - and at treatment of so-called senile sight () and a squint.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It(she) Helps(assists) To Disappear To A Cataract (in

It(she) helps(assists) to disappear to a cataract (in early it(her) Stages) and to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) at a glaucoma. 3. Read at good illumination(coverage) and light of a candle - . 4. Read at light of a candle and from time to time throw The sight at a pure(clean) homogeneous surface where there is nothing Interesting for . 5. It is recommended to practise moving the Sight on white lines of the text printed by a fine font (Together with blinking) at light of a candle. It is possible to move alternately also the sight on white To lines at good illumination(coverage) and at light of a candle - 3 times [10, .144]. ............................................................. EXERCISE N 100 Swing the body backwards-forward and read any The text. (compare this exercise to the exercise offered C.L.Tomsonom) EXERCISE N 101 Read a fine font and any book serially. EXERCISE N 102 Read a fine font and the verifying table from 3 meters Alternately. ............................

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do(make) Between Each Attempt To Achieve "gate". When

Do(make) between each attempt to achieve "gate". When you can achieve and keep them, begin - , strolling on a room and considering(examining) objects between Near columns of "gate". That you will see between them, Will represent the uniform image. .............................................................. On it(this) your work above the sight does not come to an end. You should follow as much as possible to advice(councils), - in chapter(head) 3, corresponding(meeting) section of chapter(head) 4 and - Holes of chapter(head) 5. Only then you can count on disposal From a squint. 5. TRAINING of SIGHT During DAY As it has been certain above, the major problem(task) in training Sight there should be a transformation of formal exercises in - Conscious, automatic habits of behaviour of eyes. It Becomes possible(probable) if you will do(make) these exercises (with - Which changes) all the day, anywhere and everywhere, than you Have been borrowed(occupied). Your principle thus is " Gradually, but is frequent ".

In Practice There Are Such People, For Which

In practice there are such people, for which - it is inconvenient also which than longer it(him) do(make), The start to strain more. It is better to these people to do(make) during the short periods of time. To the person it is useful even short-term . - if at you is not present described above problems with and If you wish to achieve effect, you should do(make) , at least, 10-15 minutes on end. R.S.Agarval recommends in summertime (on all - , in hot summertime) in case of occurrence of feeling - both headaches to wash out eyes and the person(face) cold water, To ship palms in cold water and to do(make) then in Current nearby . During in this case - from time to time to sip cold drink or Cold fruit juice [8, .138]. To what attributes it is possible to define(determine) correctness - ? R.S.Agarval allocates three basic attributes [8, .139]: 1. When it is ideal, color of any recollected - it is recollected ideally. The person feels thus Perfectly weakened also sees before eyes absolutely black Field (if they are closed and covered by palms).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Both Cases Watch(keep Up) The Nose Movement

In both cases watch(keep up) the nose movement of a ball. Apparently from technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of exercises, here - Receptions of correct sight use practically all: - , visualization, , central Fixing, etc. ............................................................. R.S.Agarval especially recommends short-sighted exercise On memoirs of any letter [8, .204]. Its(his) technics(technical equipment) It is simple enough. EXERCISE N 89 Enable the patient to look on any - on the verifying table within 5 seconds, often blinking Thus. Let the letter is remembered. Then eyes are closed and The patient starts memoirs of the letter. Alternately - the letter and closing eyes to recollect it(her) in more - Whom a kind, than it(she) has been seen by the open eyes, to the patient in The majority of cases it is possible to improve sight for this letter. The it is more precisely recollected or the letter is represented, the It becomes better sight. The maximal sight is found, - Yes the letter is recollected or it is represented as well with - Dug eyes, as well as with .

Except For Listed Above, There Is A Set

Except for listed above, there is a set of other kinds Bandages which are used for improvement of a condition of eyes At chronic diseases of a retina, "chicken" blindness, To glaucoma, etc. .............................................................. Other exercises from group strengthening blood circulation Use for achievement of the purpose if so it is possible to name, Mechanical influence on eyes. For example, P.Bregg recommends such exercise [44, .28]. EXERCISE N 61 Close eyes so strong as you only can. Then Open them so widely as it only will manage to be made. - Bark so on 10 times. Then make a little deep - and again repeat all complex from 10 and 10 an eye. Make such 5 cycles (campaigns). EXERCISES ON DEVELOPMENT OF ABILITY OF EYES It is a lot of recommendations authors result(bring) on training - an eye. They are directed on strengthening of muscles of eyes and - their functioning. The best exercise, as it Usually also happens, and idle time in execution(performance). It(he) consist In constant and conscious change of focusing of an eye with Near objects on distant.

Therefore Was - The Wife Other Technics(technical Equipment).

Therefore was - The wife other technics(technical equipment). Thus the patient should look Downwards and to raise a upper eyelid, substituting eyes To sunlight. The eye during should do(make) Slow, without the appendix of greater(big) efforts turns from the party(side) Aside, that all parts . To look On the sun it was directly recommended or during very - the periods of time (and that, only after The eye was accustomed to a bright sunlight previous - ), or at all it was not recommended. However such - exercises also a number(line) of lacks: Basically only top part , up to Bottom light practically did not reach; demanded use of hands, that not only Inconveniently, but also threatened with drift of an infection in eyes; Procedure in such execution(performance) is inconvenient. Inconvenience is a discomfort, the discomfort is already a pressure(voltage) Mentalities, that , thus, efficiency - . It is curious to compare offered and it(him) - with those exercises that are applied A number(line) of the Indian sects.

For It(him) It Had No Value. But With

For it(him) it had no value. But with Arrival to school children are compelled(forced) to examine small - , letters unfamiliar to them. Them sometimes force to it(this) - teachers, or parents. Close it is necessary them - the same unfamiliar letters and signs. The child begins - the eyes. Sight gradually worsens. In some cases the teacher can look(appear) for children " malicious and Bad which all time swears ". It attracts Behind itself an additional mental pressure(voltage). The specified reasons define(determine) an orientation practically Any your actions in relation to the child. Do not force It(Him) to study - let it(he) will want it(this). For this purpose - Those all employment(occupations) with it(him) in cheerful games, in entertainments. The child Should not test during study of compulsion. 2. Try before to reveal FIRST ATTRIBUTES - SIGHT at the child. Pay attention, how your child, especially looks After a lunch dream (..: in this case - It is put speech about children in the age of nearby three years, when at them already Binocular sight) was generated.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Then Becomes Possible(probable) - To Put The Letter

Then becomes possible(probable) - To put the letter continuously. EXERCISE N 26 Quite often at bad sight happens so, that during the moment, When the person looks at any letter, some of Large letters on lines above given or greater(big) letters "" and On the top of the table of Sivtsev would seem is more black, than - the letter. It does(makes) impossible ideal vision Fineer letters. To get rid from similar - Which fixings, look at the letter which is visible better, and - to the letter it is less. If it will be possible to you, small The letter in some instants will seem is more black, than more Large. If after several attempts of it(this) it will not be possible To achieve, allow eyes to have a rest, having closed them and having made - , and then again try to achieve the . It is possible also To move from the big letter to a point on some distance Below the small letter, gradually coming nearer to it(her) in process of Improvements of sight. EXERCISE N 27 Useful often there is a moving from verifying Tables on distance of 1-1,5 meters to the table on distance 3-6 meters, as unconscious memoirs of the letter, - in a near point, helps(assists) to reveal it(her) on distance.

Monday, May 4, 2009

An Eye With Bad Sight, - Concealling(Thawing) Anew

An eye with bad sight, - Concealling(Thawing) anew properties of a normal eye, gets also it(him) - . In this connection some words about -are necessary to tell hereditary predisposition to those or others - sight. Followers agree with it(her) in that - , that when we deal with bad sight of children, parents Which also do not differ good sight, speech follows Messages about inheritance of the bad vital habits leading to To deterioration of sight, instead of the wrong form of an eyeball, As it is approved(confirmed) by orthodox physicians. Among these habits Wrong visual habits, mistakes(errors) in -refer to , formation of a wrong bearing, etc. Considering that role, What is played by parents in education of the children, formation In them of positive habits in general, and also that parents Quite often are an example for the children, it is possible to assume, That this theory is strongly enough proved. For example, cares On formation of a diet of children up to the certain age entirely Lay on parents.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

M.D.Korbett Recommends At A Lamp With A Reflector

M.D.Korbett recommends At a lamp with a reflector capacity(power) of 260 watt distance up to - to accept 1 meter [47, .22]. As you can see, she is a supporter More intensive . However R.S.Agarval recommends To use even more powerful lamps - from 200 up to 500 watt [10, .142]. In any case remember: any lamp cannot To you to replace salutary beams of the sun. Therefore use Each given opportunity to substitute eyes To the sun. ............................................................. And, at last, last advice(council). Try, that yours - have been well shined(covered). It is not necessary to veil windows heavy, Absolutely not portieres not passing(missing) light. To eyes as - Wives light, as to you - meal. 3.5. THE DIET As often the person forgets wise saying: " If the father Illnesses it is unknown, its(her) mother always - a feed(meal) ". Modern The orthodox medicine practically does not give any - Mania of communication(connection) of a feed(meal) with a condition of sight of the person.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

If They Were Energized, When The Person -

If they were energized, when the person - The shaft, this pressure(voltage) definitely will be in greater or smaller Degrees it is continued during a dream, in the same way, as - a pressure(voltage) of other parts of a body " [16, .47]. Therefore in To system Bejtsa to a question of a putting in order of eyes after a dream in The order and their preparation for the working day it is given very much Attention. What will be recommendations? The measure promoting a good dream and a relaxation of an eye, R.S.Agarval considers(counts) directly ahead of a dream (and Right after it(him)) within 20 minutes [10, .157]. G.Peppard writes, that before a dream especially important - To beat muscles of the person(face), an eye and, first of all, language. It(he) also - directly ahead of a dream to do(make) greater(big) turns up to Those times while you properly will not relax and will not begin - . ............................................................. It is possible to carry to the exercises connected with a dream and that Has developed M.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

....................................................... Such Recommendations It Is Possible To Result(bring) Very

....................................................... Such recommendations it is possible to result(bring) very much. As you Could notice, all of them are based(founded,established) on properties normal Eyes about which we spoke in the previous chapters(heads). Take To itself for a rule to follow them always and everywhere. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS ON RESTORATION OF SIGHT OF CHILDREN It is a lot of researches in the field of ophthalmology - to preventive maintenance of infringements of sight and their treatment at children. - Correctly to define(determine) strategy of struggle against infringements - , the correct theoretical base is necessary, first of all. As is known, criterion of true is practice. Acquaintance With last directs at sad reflections. All - measures have proved to be the extremely inefficient. Every year The share of children with infringements of sight all grows and grows. Not - in details developed rules of visual work, Efforts of doctors. In what business? According to theory , the person cannot see with - sight of that it(he) did not see before.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Then Do The Same Mentally In Time (is

Then do the same mentally in Time (is more detailed about technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of it(this) - . 3.4.2.). You are convinced, that in such a way It is possible to keep attention to one object vaguely Long. This way of concentration is really useful for Sight. Thus, when you managed to achieve representation, For example, a black hat never fix the - a look in its(her) one point. Instead of it(this) begin the - Which travel after it(her) - all over again along edges(territories) of fields, then Upwards, on a diagonal, etc. your imagination in such mental Images nothing is limited. The main thing is, that yours Exercises during were entertaining and interesting. When you unexpectedly recollect about the field of vision, It will appear, that you simply do not remember, what it was, therefore, That it was absolutely black, i.e. on it(him) nothing was- Strokes, , hyphens. In some cases people, thinking that they have reached(achieved) ideal Blacknesses of a field, are perplexed, why does not come appreciable Improvements of sight.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

However Technics(technical Equipment) Is A Little Bit Complex(difficult),

However technics(technical equipment) is a little bit complex(difficult), and to result(bring) it(her) here We shall not be. ............................................................. More simple character is carried with bandages on eyes, - Blown by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .141-142]. These bandages well - to the tired and weak eyes. 1. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of ICE WATER. Dip two pieces Soft cotton fabric in the cold water which has formed At thawing slices of an ice, impose them on eyes and bandage Not so strongly approximately for 15 minutes. This bandage - a fine sedative for weak eyes, - after a steam bath. 2. The POTATO BANDAGE. Take wiped on a grater - also put it(him) on a piece of a cotton fabric. From above Potato cover with a piece of cloth with rare structure of weaving Or a gauze. Then put these potato "sandwiches" on Eyes also bandage them approximately on minutes 15 or - it is more. This bandage well calms at feeling Burnings in opinion of. 3. The BANDAGE FROM WHEAT FLOUR.

The Central Fixing (see Section 3.4.1.) Will Help(assist)

The central fixing (see section 3.4.1.) will help(assist) you To keep attention to black objects long time. Writes, that when people " will learn to see one part black - all object as a whole is more black, than, they can recollect This smaller area in the sizes during longer Time, than would recollect greater(big) in the sizes the area. It Will enable them when will do(make) , it is more - to see black " [16, .71]. The central fixing on - Tic it is impossible without continuous moving a sight and - , differently it will cause a pressure(voltage). also turns - on necessity of continuous moving mental Look: " It is impossible to see, recollect or represent Something, even within a second, without moving with one Parts of object on another or to any other object and Again back. Attempt to make it always leads - . The one who thinks, that it(he) recollects black object - , actually subconsciously compares it(him) to what Be not such black, differently its(his) color and position will be - to vary.

Monday, April 20, 2009

16. Recommends To Continue In Order To Prevent

16. recommends to continue in order to prevent relapse To train and after restoration of sight on some - daily. " As, - speaks , - any friend The object is capable to remove effort to see, daily reading It is usually enough verifying table for this purpose. It is useful Also (especially when imperfectly sight close) to read Daily fine font, holding it(him) so it is close also to eyes, as It only can be made " [16, .48-49]. It is necessary And for protection of eyes in case they it is undergone unexpected To strong influences (that can happen with everyone), - Measures, to unexpected blinding by headlights of counter cars. Eyes in such cases always should be in the form of. 17. You can and SHOULD do(make) any exercises of the chapter(head) 3 " Base principles of treatment for all " if on that is not present - the clause recommending given exercise only for Concrete kind of infringement of sight. Choose from all exercises what give in yours Case faster effect, also do(make) them more often.

63]. The Reason Of It(this) Sees That These(it) Kinds

63]. The reason of it(this) sees that these(it) Kinds of thin works demanded from them superb developed - fixings. For development of central fixing and the majority Its(His) followers - , and others - - Daily reading a fine font or font pouts. If you cannot get such fine font, - the reduced photocopy of any text. To many people, - on headaches during reading, and also on - growth of force of lenses in glasses(spots) for reading, this exercise Has brought greater(big) advantage(benefit). If you cannot read it(him) without - can take advantage of glasses(spots) at reading such - That some time but when sight will improve, to you - But it will be necessary to remove them during reading. Remember: reading of a fine font should occur(happen) without Any discomfort. If you test unpleasant - immediately stop reading. Discomfort - about presence of a pressure(voltage), i.e. about wrong - you of the eyes. If reading of a fine font - it is correct, anything similar to notice you should not. Reading Fine font not only does not demand greater(big) efforts, but also - it is easier, than reading of a large font, certainly, if it It is done(made) in the correct, weakened manner.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It(he) Has Named Such Objects "optimum". In The

It(he) has named such objects "optimum". In the same Time there are objects which representation to achieve Very difficultly. Such objects refer to "". To you, on Opportunities, it is necessary to search for the first and to avoid the last. As object for memoirs you can choose Any black object which is most easier manages to be recollected. For the artist it there can be black paints, for the veterinary- The wool of a black cat, etc. warns O.Khaksli that During it is necessary to avoid fixing mental Look on the same point: " During memoirs - episodes should be avoided everything, that reminds " - steadfast . Fixing mind(wit) too rigidly on - Someone a separate mental image, the person is easy(light) can - corresponding(meeting) fixing and an eye... That To avoid mental steadfast with accompanying Its(His) fixing of eyes, during always it is necessary To recollect objects which are in movement " [62, .85]. Your mind should travel on objects - representations easy and smoothly, similarly to current - , on what not being late.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

But On It(this) Business Did Not Come To

But on it(this) business did not come to an end. Alexander asked - to weaken muscles of a breast, both , and - , repeating: " I want, that my shoulders have relaxed, that They by itself have lowered(omitted) and removed back. I want, that My breast and that it(she) was distributed (back) has relaxed. I want, That all my body has relaxed and has spread on a floor, etc. " For orthodox physicians was simply amazing, As Alexander's method cured, apparently, incurable - , for example, , heavy forms of rheumatism with full Immovability in joints, illness , etc. Besides F.Aleksandera's method there are also other ways Achievements of a relaxation. Some of them carry rather - character. So, P.Bregg results(brings) in the book interesting enough And a little bit unusual way of a relaxation [44, .29]. It(she) - during time convenient for it(this) in the afternoon or after a dinner - To cook from vegetables or grasses a small amount . After How it will be ready, it is necessary to drink one-two it - and to lay down on half an hour, closed eyes and having put on them - or a cold compress.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thus On Several Lines. You Will Achieve The

thus on Several lines. You will achieve the best results, if at Transition from one line to another you will do(make) , Especially as approaching lines from small letters. After you will reach(achieve) limits of opportunities, Make thorough and . .............................................................. During performance of all exercises on sight - to transform them into process of SEARCH of objects, instead of in process Them . It will allow to avoid steadfast - also will actively involve the centers of the sharpest sight Eye. M.D.Korbett results(brings) an example in the book, it is fine - told. One secretary to develop in itself This habit, it(she) has thought up for herself exercise, which - on the work. It(she) has attached a small asterisk from Silvery foil on a dark door box opposite to the Table. Often stood out free minutes it(she) slided The sight upwards-downwards on a door box in searches - Daughters. At the beginning it(she) saw nothing, but it(she) knew, on What distance from top of a door it is necessary to search for it(her), and consequently Daily was engaged in original inspection of a door.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

They Will Help(assist) You To Calm Down. After

They will help(assist) you to calm down. After that you - to try to make . Superassiduous attempts to achieve vision of a black field - to finish the person even to convulsive conditions. In case of Failures stop employment(occupations) is better and try to return to It(Him) later. In some cases useful there is a reference(manipulation) to - black objects (. 3.3.2.). Usually for this purpose Any object of black color undertakes and is considered(examined) with - on which it(he) is visible for you is better. Then eyes Are closed, covered with palms and you recollect this - . If it(he) is recollected well all background becomes - . If the memoirs of object in black color is complicated and The field before eyes does not become black later a little - , and has any other color, for example, grey, Then all process should be repeated anew. But also here you - effort. Therefore, if you have wanted to recollect Any black object, for example, a black cat, and not Could achieve at once it(this) stop to do(make) .

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It Is Better To Try To Make This

It is better to try to make this some time later. Or It is necessary to change object of your visualization, - Measures, instead of a black cat a black hat. Characteristic mistake(error) at achievement of a black field, as well as At achievement of "vision" of black objects attempt is To concentrate on this floor(field) or object. Thus always The effort is put. writes in the book: " To reach(achieve) The purposes effort or attempt "to concentrate" on black - Probably. As concentration usually understand making or - only about one thing. But it is practically impossible, and Attempt to make impossible also is a pressure(voltage). Human Mind(Wit) is not capable to think only of one thing. It(he) can think About one thing it is better, than about all rest and is in Condition of rest only when and acts. But to think only of one thing it(he) it is not capable " [16, .74]. "... The Relaxation, - continues idea ,-... It is impossible To reach(achieve) any kind of EFFORT. The main thing is, that - has understood it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Let's Result(bring) The Most Typical Situations Where You

Let's result(bring) the most typical situations where you can - to principles of correct use of eyes, - . READING Reading is one of the most widespread kinds Visual loadings. Wrong habits of sight during - promote deterioration of sight. We shall look, what approximately The scheme(plan) of falling of sight in this case. C.L.Tomson writes, that at reading an eye make - with rather small amplitude [80, .12]. They thus Do(Make) fast enough movement with small amplitude lengthways Lengths of a line and very slow, with even smaller amplitude - on a vertical. At the same time, the nature provided For eyes much greater scope of movements. At enough Long process of reading with repeating monotonous Rhythmic movements with small amplitude and practically in The same direction (at the left-to the right, or on the contrary)- Rather probable threat in due course -is to wide movements of eyes in unusual at such mode Works directions. The muscles of eyes moving them from the party(side) in The party(side), thus those are loaded sufficiently, and Muscles that eyes upwards-downwards should move, - test - movements.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cover With This Card A Black Part Of

Cover with this card a black part of the letter "About" also pay attention to the white center of the letter which has remained Visible owing to an aperture in a card. Clean(remove) a screen and - Mark(Aim), that the white center of the letter seems is more white, than fields - tables when the black part of the letter is naked(exposed). When It(She) is covered with a screen, the center of the letter "About" seems having Same , as well as other part of the verifying table. Hence, it is possible to show, that the white center of the letter "About" - is more white, than it(he) is actually. It also is that, That named visualization (imagination). When we see what is not present in a reality, we actually not We see, and only we imagine it. Meaningly representing the center of the letter "About" is more white, than it(he) Is actually, we promote increase in contrast Between black and white and, thus, we improve vision of the letter. Than you center of the letter is more white can to imagine "About", That it becomes better your sight for it(her) and when improves - letters "About", vision and all other letters improves on To the verifying table.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Trying To Remove(take Off) This Pressure(voltage), The Doctor

Trying to remove(take off) this pressure(voltage), the doctor should struggle constantly With an idea that to make well, it is necessary Effort. This idea is fostered in us from a cradle... You can effort temporarily improve the sight, but To improve it(him) up to a normal condition it will not be possible. If to it(this) To effort will allow to become constants, sight will begin gradually To worsen and can be finally spoiled. Very rare Deterioration or infringement of sight because of any -is Prosperities in a structure of an eye. From two an equal measure of good pairs Eye one will keep ideal sight up to the end of a life, and another Will lose it(him) still in children's to a garden, only that one The person looks at objects without effort, and another of it(this) not - Barks " [16, .50-51]. 2. Everything, that gives rest to a brain, it is useful for sight. 3. Time(temporary) improvement of sight comes quickly, but time Approaches of constant improvement will be a miscellaneous for different - .

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

For This Purpose A Palm Closing An Eye

For this purpose a palm closing an eye Also develops . After end of work with one Eye close a palm other eye and repeat all again. ............................................................. Your purpose in exercises on blinking is to transform them In due course in a unconscious habit. Here still the some people - , developed by R.S.Agarvalom and intended for Developments of a habit of blinking [8, .49, 134-135], [10, .140]. EXERCISE N 35 Become before a mirror. Look at the right eye and - Bend. Look on an eye and again blink. EXERCISE N 36 Take in hands a ball and, throwing it(him) from a hand in - , softly blink at each contact its(his) hands. Make 100 throws. EXERCISE N 37 Slowly walking, do(make) blinking on each step, Paying attention to that the ground at legs(foots) seems moving in Return in relation to a direction of your movement the party(side). This exercise will develop in you a habit of frequent blinking. EXERCISE N 38 Take in hands the text with a fine font. Move the Sight on white intervals between lines also blink in the end Each white line.

2. Avoid Refined And Food: Sugar, Breads, Groats,

2. Avoid refined and food: Sugar, breads, groats, etc.; preserved(tinned) and crushed Products: fruit, meat, a fish, etc.; sweet dishes of type - , chocolate, cakes and other similar products. 3. Emphasize in the feed(meal) on natural, not to culinary processing to food - fresh fruit, - Laziness, vegetables, root crops, the nuts, the dried up fruits and - products. They make a basis of a rational diet. 4. The bases for avoiding a fish and meat are not present, but them it is necessary Is not so much (enough once a day). Thus meat And a fish should be as much as possible fresh (any - The products bathing and prepared for the future!). 5. It is not necessary to avoid especially also and consumption flour Products, but the moderation (disposable reception in -here is necessary it is sufficient). More all approaches(suits) bread from not sifted - . 6. Avoid a diet rich with starch, sugar, fibers: Jams, confectionery products, white sugar, a white loaf. Are harmful meat, a fish and the eggs consumed on 2-4 times a day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

................................. Some More Advice(councils) For Reading: 1. Hold The

................................. Some more advice(councils) for reading: 1. Hold the book below a level of a chin that was not Necessities to lift . The Upper eyelid always should be It is lowered(omitted) in the weakened manner [10, .22]. 2. One more advice(council) for reading is more often to blink. About- influence of blinking on improvement of sight we - in section 3.4.5. See(overlook) it(her) once again before reading. You should do(make) on one-two blinkings on each line - That. It is the most easier to accustom than itself to blink in the end of a line. It is possible Also to blink on each punctuation mark in the text. Often ask, whether will slow down such way of its(his) reading Speed. Duration of blinking is so small, that hardly this The factor should be considered. And here if you will try To read without blinking and other receptions of a relaxation, you - will often interrupt the reading because of coming Exhaustions of eyes and brain. Therefore time spent on - , pays off with interest.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Then For Concentration It Is Possible To Consider(count)

Then for concentration it is possible to consider(count) quantity(amount) of the simply Breaths, focusing, thus, ideas on breath. Usually, to reach(achieve) appreciable effect, happens enough To count 100-200 breaths. ............................................................. Now we shall pass to last, final section, Shining(Covering) one more kind of a passive method of a relaxation- Visualization. 3.3.3. VISUALIZATION The memoirs is rather closely connected with mental - . Use of these two exercises in improvement of sight Can be hardly probable divided(undressed). " Visualization, - - , - it is closely connected with memoirs though differs From it(him). Representation depends on memoirs, as To present any thing it is possible only when it(her) - to recollect. You cannot present a decline, if never It(Him) did not see. If you will try to present blue - , you become, as will show (..: see The dictionary in the end of the book), . Mental - , memoirs cannot be perfect(absolute), if mentality Completely it is not weakened.

The General(common) Corner- Gate Of A Head Between

The general(common) corner- Gate of a head between extreme final points should - To twist approximately 90 degrees, i.e. the head turns - But on 45 degrees in one party(side) and approximately on as much in Other party(side). It is not necessary during to open Eyes. Be given entirely pleasant feeling of heat On a leather(skin) of the person(face) from solar beams during turns of a head. REMEMBER: AFTER ANY IT IS NECESSARY TO DO(MAKE) . Duration should be Twice MORE TIME as it advises M.Korbett. Is on this account(invoice) and Other recommendations. So, M.Ronan advises to do(make) Approximately within 2 minutes to close eyes and do(make) Until ANY KALEIDOSCOPICAL COLORS SIMILAR , WILL not wither In DARKNESS And WILL not disappear. When it - , it is necessary to take away softly hands on behalf of and to open eyes. At once It will be possible to feel, how much(as far as) and fresh - they now also was become however sharper with sight after these(it) Procedures [59, .87]. Here we see a magnificent example - contrasts.

Friday, March 27, 2009

With Vitamin -2 Apples, Yeast, Germs And An

With vitamin -2 apples, yeast, germs and an environment are rich Grains of wheat, grain as a whole, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, Nuts, meat, liver. The minimal daily need(requirement) of the person for vitamin -2 - 5 milligram. Vitamin -6 () takes part(participates) in cellular, (Especially albuminous) exchange, renders appreciable influence on Condition of nervous system. At lack of this vitamin - For strongly strain and very quickly get tired. Can also To appear twitching eyes. The basic suppliers of vitamin -6 - yeast, milk, - , cabbage, wheaten germs, grain, a yolk, a fish All kinds. The minimal daily need(requirement) of the person for vitamin -6 - 2 milligrams. Vitamin -12 () unlike all - Numerical vitamins is only in products of an animal Origins. -12 accepts active participation in - , in particular, in formation(education) red blood . Except for That, vitamin affects activity - nervous system also participates in creation cellular - . At lack of vitamin -12 of an eye look(appear) dim, and prematurely grown old.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

144]. Your Sight Should Be On A Flame, But

144]. Your sight should be on a flame, but attention - on - . The last should absorb all your ideas. Only so It is possible to avoid a pressure(voltage). speaks, that during - it is necessary to be able " to keep visualization - in the heart or a brain " [10, .144]. It is impossible to look steadfastly at a flame is can result(bring) To a pressure(voltage), discomfort or headaches. If to you not It is possible to avoid it(this) take advantage of two candles, - Having put them on distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other. Then the sight will move from one candle to another in The soft rhythm, coordinated(agreeed) with a breath and an exhalation. To avoid steadfast on a flame it is possible and with- Power of moving of the sight from one edge(territory) of a flame on Another. Thus you should have an illusion of fluctuation Flame in the opposite party(side) [10, .144]. After concentration on a flame of a candle it is possible to make - or greater(big) turns. Concentration on a flame of a candle is useful at And .

Those Specks So-called - Images Which You Will

Those specks so-called - images which you will see during - time after , quite usual phenomenon. They Will quickly disappear after you will do(make) some time (that it is necessary to do(make) right after ). After again substitute eyes to the sun, but on This time both together and with the closed centuries. Such essentially strengthens eyes. On - Procession of some time to you will not be terrible any - reflections from a snow, patches of light on water or light - headlights. At least, they will be your eyes It is much less. To do(make) this exercise it is necessary 10 times if you work with The sun and about 20 times if you instead of the sun use Electrolamp (at capacity(power) of a lamp of 150 watt). At performance of this exercise remember the following: Never (at the open eyes) both eyes Simultaneously; Never look at the sun or on a light source - . ............................................................. As you can see, to technics(technical equipment) it is similar enough on the some To the elements for the way , the offered M.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

That - To Fight It(this) If You Do(make)

That - To fight it(this) if you do(make) laying, enclose(lay) under Elbows a small small pillow. If you do(make) sitting, The same small pillow can be put on a table, and elbows Already on it(her). Do not hold a head due to a pressure(voltage) of cervical muscles. Better it is easy(light) it(her) on a palm, so that weight of a head through Elbows and small pillow has fallen to a support (table). If at you is not present And you want a table elbows on knees it is necessary for you To enclose(lay) a pillow above. It is very convenient for this purpose - the small pillow of the triangular form, which one corner rests Between , and a flat surface of the edge opposite To this top, forms a convenient support for elbows. How to be, if near at hand there is no small pillow or if it(she) - too big or too small for you? Then You should do(make) without it(her). For correct - exercises it is necessary to consider a number(line) of the moments. If you do(make) , sitting for a table, in any Case do not curve a neck, "do not break" in it(her), not - and not a back as it usually happens at - execution(performance) of exercise.

" Such Simple Advice(councils) Of Type Of Covering

" Such Simple advice(councils) of type of covering "good" or dominating Eyes to force to function other eye, can Very quickly to become effective as soon as a feed(meal) will be - up to norm(rate), and the pressure(voltage) will be removed(be taken off). However the same The treatment applied without preliminary or - paying of attention to the general(common) physical or - to a background can lead easily enough to even greater - sight or to additional frustration still somewhere In an organism " [80, .21-22]. 3. Very useful at a squint it is considered Eye. Weakening action of solar beams is great. P.Bregg Writes, that after reception of solar baths, an eye never at once Do not mow in the same degree as well as up to [44, .23]. 4. If carrying of a bandage is not sufficient for - a squint (and it not a rarity), to a mowing eye, not Covered by a bandage, it is necessary to give the same exercises, that And for , if a mowing eye , and for - , if this eye . See(overlook) sections 4.1. And 4.

- That Inside Of Eyes Are Not Present

- That inside of eyes are not present any light, that all them - is something soft and black [73, .18]. Ways to which can reach(achieve) a physical relaxation, Are various enough. Many of them are described in - Russian cabbage soup to the literature. Works in this area American -are widely known , the chapter(head) of the Chicago school F.Aleksandera. It(he) - , that practically all diseases in human - are caused by a pressure(voltage). And all of them can be cured The corresponding(meeting) kinds of a relaxation removing it - a condition. F.Aleksander has developed set - ways of a relaxation, sometimes simply improbable. - successful ways of a relaxation, when -have proved to be repeated, that it(he) wants. For example, the patient sat down on a chair Or laid down on a floor as to it(him) it is easier, and started to repeat: " I I wish to weaken muscles of a neck so that my head could To rise forward and upwards. " Sometimes it repeated from hundred up to Thousand times. In such a way always it was possible to achieve - necessary groups of muscles.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

............................................................. BUT REMEMBER ALWAYS: IN ANY CASES FOLLOWING

............................................................. BUT REMEMBER ALWAYS: IN ANY CASES FOLLOWING SPECIFIED ABOVE to RECOMMENDATIONS WILL BENEFIT ONLY WHEN EYES And MENTALITY WILL be weakened. WORK ENERGIZED, ON THE CONTRARY, WILL WORSEN YOUR CONDITION. ............................................................ ABOUT THE DREAM Besides the exercises described above categories in separate A number(line) it is possible to allocate the exercises intended for increase Comfortable condition of eyes after awakening. Very much many People after awakening feel, that their eyes, speaking - M.D.Korbett, two decaying holes in woolen -remind . They are tired, in them the feeling of burning and sometimes they is felt Happen such tired as if worked all the night long without a break. " The majority of people, - writes , - when to them spoke, that - or a relaxation will eliminate(erase,remove) lacks of their sight, - Elk a question why it(this) does not do(make) a dream... Eyes seldom, If at all ever, relax during a dream.

At "walking", For Example, One Your Leg(foot) Goes

At "walking", for example, one your leg(foot) goes forward, While another moves back. Their position then - . In "scissors" of a leg(foot) widely get divorced in the parties(sides), and- Volume are reduced together so that they were crossed X was-shapedly. At It(This) from above should be that right, left legs(foots). At " to driving On a bicycle " legs(foots) do(make) circular , as though - pedals of the big bicycle. At performance of exercise with the fixed(recorded) legs(foots) - But something for deduction of legs(foots). Good results it is possible - To fight, if the body will be in horizontal - , however the best results position, when will give a leg(foot) - Are gone above a head. For performance of exercise it is necessary to make simple The adaptation which will provide to you inclined position. It represents a board in length about 1,5 meters with - a belt on one end for under it(him) of legs(foots). To To the opposite end of a board beat for stability - . The end of a board with a belt is established(installed) on a chair or Something like it(this), and another rest against a floor.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It Is Necessary, Having Removed Them From Itself

It is necessary, having removed them from itself on Length of the extended hand to look through them on any The removed object. It(he) should not look(appear) increased or Reduced. Besides at movement of glasses(spots) should not - To be given any "ripples"; 3. Accustom eyes to bright light. It is reached(achieved) through Exercises on (. 3.4.6.). ............................................................. In a question on the attitude(relation) to glasses(spots) with optical lenses Opinion and its(his) pupils misses with standard - . Lead researches have allowed it(him) - To give, that would be erroneous to consider(count) a refraction of eyes constant Condition. It(he) writes, that " the theory that anomalies - are caused by deformations of the eyeball, natural In the image conducts to a conclusion, that they represent constant Conditions also that the normal refraction is too certain - a condition. As this theory everywhere - as true it is no wonder to find out, that - the eye is considered the perfect(absolute) mechanism, which always Is in a good working condition.

Friday, February 27, 2009

These Recommendations Concern To All Categories - Sight.

These recommendations concern to all categories - sight. The basic advice(councils) here are reduced to the following. 1. During viewing films always remove glasses(spots). Enable eyes to work. 2. Sitting in auditorium, it is necessary to keep correct- bodies. The chin should be slightly raised, and - are a little bit lowered a little to hold eyes - in the weakened condition [8, .43]. 3. do not stare at the screen. Blink more often. 4. From time to time dart a glance in darkness of a hall, - thus a relaxation. Then dart a glance at a corner - Wound, its(his) middle, etc. Move continuously sight On the screen. 5. During the moments of dialogue on the screen, when action - stiffens, during other tightened(delayed) stages, do(make) Short-term , listening to conversation of actors and Mentally representing their persons(faces). It will not interrupt an outline of a plot and Very much will help(assist) you to sustain a long session. It is possible, if you not Wish to involve in itself of attention, easier(simply) to close on - Plenty time of an eye, not covering their palms.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2. Whichever There Was A Case, It Is Necessary

2. Whichever there was a case, it is necessary to do(make) exercises On a regular basis both at the put on bandage, and without it(her) [73, .123]. 5. At execution(performance) of greater(big) turns always become Thus in relation to the verifying table, that - the eye aspired for a sight at it(her) to turn aside, Opposite to a direction of the deviation(rejection). If, - Measures, your right eye mows inside (to a nose) become to - The person(face) the right side. At work as this eye it is necessary to use All properties of a normal eye - the central fixing, - and blinking. Ignoring of these habits correct Sight would be the big mistake(error) [73, .123]. ............................................................. Faithful to told exercise recommends K.Khakett [56, .179-180]. EXERCISE N 91 (EXERCISE WITH THE MIRROR) Become a back to a mirror (..13). If your left The eye mows inside cover the right eye with one hand and Look directly before itself the left eye. Turn top The part of a body to the left, allowing the sight to drift together with Movement of a body until you will not see the left eye In a mirror.

" When... The Eye Looks At Familiar Object,

" When... The eye looks at familiar object, - continues Idea , - the effect is absolutely other. It is possible not only To consider(examine) it(him) without a pressure(voltage), but in the subsequent decreases and The effort put at examining unfamiliar - . These data provide us with a method of overcoming - pressure(voltage) to which children are exposed at - to an education system. It is impossible to see something ideally At the moment when the brain is energized. If children Can relax during on familiar objects, They can (sometimes for improbably short periods of time) To keep this relaxation and at a sight on unfamiliar - You " [16, .172]. The child should to learn weaken the eyes and mentality All possible(probable) means. That fact, that at a sight on Familiar objects mentality and eyes of the person up to some - Relax, has laid down in a basis offered - simple and extremely effective exercise on - sight of children. In execution(performance) of this exercise in conditions Schools the help can render the teacher.

The Loaded Muscles Quickly Get Tired, In That

The loaded muscles quickly get tired, in that Time as muscles of the second group stay in an inert condition. As all these muscles surround an eyeball possessing Elasticity, resulting non-uniform - abnormal stiffness of one muscles and slackness Others lead an eyeball spherical Forms. Result - bad sight. Lack of movements of eyes of full amplitude, that It is observed at reading, leads also to easing eye Muscles and to deterioration of blood supply of eyes. Besides during Readings the book keeps on the same distances in - Bathing position. It leads to that during reading Eyes all time remain focused on the same Distance, making thus insignificant turns from - aside. It very quickly tires them. Eye muscles A little than differ from other muscles of a body. Try(taste) the some Time to take a hand in absolutely motionless position, and you Very soon will feel a pain in it(her), caused as exhaustion. In the same way at long reading eyes get tired. That advise to do(make) followers during Readings? C.

Monday, February 23, 2009

At The Beginning Sit Down Close Enough To

At the beginning sit down close enough to the table and - Those the sight backwards-forward some times under each word Or a phrase. And now the exercise using -- movements and intended for stimulation , The center of sight. EXERCISE N 94 Make to itself the table with letters In About, described in - Business 4.1. For performance of exercise hang up - on good illumination(coverage) on distance of 1-2 meters from itself, in Dependences on sight of your weaker eye. Cover Bandage stronger eye. Take in hands any The pure(clean) not used up card. You know, that top three - You are letters In "Write" their printed letters to the Sight at a white card in a hand, using thus a nose in Quality of a leading element. Then, having made a deep breath, - on the table in a distance and in the same way "write" them Printed letters some times on it(her). When letters become More precisely, "shake" this line here and there, - Driving a sight from one white field of the table to another and - to letters to leave from a way of your sight so, that you will be To see all over again a white field on the one hand tables, and then- White field on the other hand.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

5). If You At It(This) Will Feel, That

5). If you at It(This) will feel, that strain, interrupt at once reading Or try to apply other methods of achievement - at reading (for example, instead of apply a method The central fixing or both together). In the second case (at Reading of the removed objects) dimness of light and an arrangement Tables on such distance, that you should hardly strain, To see it(her), has for an object to cause effort to see - objects that leads to decrease(reduction) in a degree Or its(her) corrections. Remember always this DIFFERENCE in technics(technical equipment) Executions(Performances) of exercises on reading. For a case of SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS it is necessary All to do(make) on the contrary - to strain close because of dimness - and to read in the weakened manner the removed table. Now take in hands the verifying table manual - (the table " the Basic data on sight ") also give on it(her) Good illumination(coverage). Put(apply) some effort to read through - To the person(face) in the distance, then move the sight at white strips Between lines in the table " the Basic data.

Friday, February 20, 2009

2). Under Their Statement, Focusing Of An Eye

2). Under their statement, focusing of an eye on Nearby objects occurs(happens) by compression of slanting muscles of an eye At a simultaneous relaxation of straight lines. At focusing on The removed objects slanting muscles, and straight lines should relax Should be compressed a little bit. From the previous sections (section 3.1., section 3.7. And - ) you have understood, that at bad sight (especially at - carrying of glasses(spots)) either direct, or slanting muscles of eyes - . Therefore, comes to conclusion , relaxations - the compressed straight lines (at a far-sightedness and ) or - (at short-sightedness) muscles for improvement of sight can - insufficient. In the first case, despite of - the direct muscles, the weakened slanting muscles can appear not in Condition strongly enough to be compressed to focus - For on nearby objects. In the second case it is not enough Strong there can be direct muscles. Thus, Logically brings the reader to necessity of training - groups of muscles to compression (tension).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2. When Eyes Open, Good Sight Comes -

2. When eyes open, good sight comes - Slowly, and letters on the verifying table are visible absolutely Black also are precisely distinguished(recognized). 3. White parts of letters (the parts which were not coated) seem Is more white, than fields of the verifying table. Thus, you have familiarized with one of most - exercises on a relaxation. Itself very much Highly estimated(appreciated) value of this exercise: " When It is successful, it(he) represents one of the best what I know, Methods of maintenance of a relaxation of all nerves of sense organs, Including sight " [16, .75]. Followers marked(celebrated), That the people, stopped to be engaged in this system because of laziness or Already restored with its(her) help sight, continued to do(make) Some of its(her) exercises, including , owing to them To extremely salutary influence on mentality. 3.3.2. MEMOIRS According to the theory which have been put forward , exists close Communication(Connection) between a condition of mentality and sight.

Following Vertical Lines Spend Through - 7 Cells(cages)

Following vertical lines spend through - 7 cells(cages) (i.e. through 3,5 see). Now recede from top Writing-books on 2 centimeters also lead a horizontal line. Above It(Her) in each cell(cage) turned out 3,5-th centimetric - strips you write down initial letters of days of week: " , , , , , , ", in a following strip again " , , , , , , ", etc. In left 10- centimetric To strip on horizontals write down all over again a phrase " Time, - without glasses(spots) ", and below - names of all exercises from all Your complexes successively (it is possible alphabetically). If exercise Has no name simply write its(his) number and number - . At you will turn out about such records in left - to a strip (from top to down): " Time lead without glasses(spots); Greater(Big) turns; Neat arrows; ; (- 1); (a variant 2);... Exercise N 1; - N 2 (a variant 1); Exercise N 2 (a variant 2) ", etc. Now, every day put down in a section before - the exercise executed by you and under day, when you it(him) Did(Made) (for example, on Wednesday or Thursday), time, during - you did(made) it(him), or number of recurrences of exercise, or Simply tick testifying to its(his) performance.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

45]. 4. Such Variant Was Recommended Also. It Is

45]. 4. Such variant was recommended also. It is necessary - Host cold water to ship in it(her) the person(face), having opened eyes, And then, having pulled out a head from water to throw a short sight on The sun, simultaneously blinking. In some cases in water - to add it is a little salt. Exercise repeated nearby 10 times [10, .142]. ............................................................. The most effective, safe and pleasant technics(technical equipment) - follows, on visible, to consider(count) technics(technical equipment), The offered K.Khakett [56]. It(she) recommended to do(make) - always blindly. Its(her) advice(council) is considered by us at Reduction if so it is possible to tell, the classical scheme(plan) - (. N 49). Now we shall tell about some different way - which will be especially useful to beginners To master this exercise. For them is better to approach(suit) to - , having passed(having taken place) a number(line) of preparatory stages. It is possible - a technique offered by M.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eyes Of Children Are In A Stage Of

Eyes of children are in a stage of the development, therefore in You much can make this period for improvement of their sight [47, .104]. ............................................................. Training children to system of training of sight, try all Exercises to transform into amusing entertainments-games, that - itself aspired to their performance. Very interesting games for children, directed on - sight, offers R.S.Agarval in the book " Yoga - sight " [10, .146]. Among them the following: 1. Various exercises settle down in certain- (cards with their names and necessary for them - ) and participants of game pass accessories(belongings) from one - to another as soon as the handbell (everyone will sound Two-five minutes). Exercises on a choice: greater(big) turns, small turns, , sewing, the letter, increase in a saturation white - letters in the newspaper, the same with use of a card with Centimetric aperture, concentration on a flame of a candle with - Reading 100 , reading of a fine font with - white lines, the central fixing on the Ohm-card(-map).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sometimes Communication(connection) Between A Condition Of Sight And

Sometimes communication(connection) between a condition of sight And activity of other bodies of the person carries hidden(latent) - Rubbed. The idea on such communication(connection) and cannot come to a head - To grease doctors. Meanwhile, centuries-old experience Indian - systems of treatment of the Ayurveda opens some such " - " communications(connections). So, the Ayurveda approves(confirms), that the people suffering Chronic cold and locks appears more - to [52, .126]. For treatment are recommended The laxatives prepared from special grasses (at - ), drops in a nose (at cold), solutions for washing The eye, also prepared from grasses, , , Reading at light of a candle, greater(big) turns, games with - a ball, cold lotions on eyes, etc. It is usually done(made) with preliminary in eyes special The anti-inflammatory means prepared with - I eat honey and some grasses. The Ayurveda also gives some instructions(indications) on a diet for - . It is recommended to avoid sour, sharp dishes, - (brines, ), cottage cheese, a potato and others - which can lead to formation(education) of gases in a stomach(belly), - and corking of a nose.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

............................................................. Now G.Bendzhamina's Promoting One More Exercise To

............................................................. Now G.Bendzhamina's promoting one more exercise To improvement of blood circulation in the field of a neck due to a relaxation Shoulders [40, .62-63]. EXERCISE N 79 Become directly and relax. Hands freely hang on - bodies. Now lift shoulders upwards so highly, as you Only can (..10). Holding them in such position, - them back how much(as far as) can, then lower(omit) downwards and - in usual position. Do such in enough Vigorous rate of 25 full circular movements without interruption. Change a direction of rotation. ............................................................. And here the exercise developed by M.D.Korbett and - for a relaxation of cervical muscles. Original enough The name of exercise - " the Letter a nose " - speaks technics(technical equipment) Executions(Performances) of exercise which looks(appears) as follows [47, .35-36]. EXERCISE N 80 (THE LETTER THE NOSE) To remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) in a neck, close eyes and, - a nose as the extended handle, write to them something in air.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


EXERCISE N 86 (" NEAT ARROWS ") Arrange the table with letters In About on same good Illumination(Coverage), as the table with words from magazines. Before You start exercise, read through following(next) three - lines: " the RELAXATION WILL return to me SHARP SIGHT. " In Quality of preparation for exercise make , - and turns. You are ready to training. Holding one end of a ruler in length in 1 meter for an edge Close to the nose, direct other end on top - letters In O.Morgnite it is fast, looking on near the end - . This position " To prepare! " Throw a cursory glance to To the distant end of a ruler, blinking all time thus. It already Position " ! " Then jerk overcome distance up to Letters "". It already " Fire! " Close eyes and, not forgetting about Breath, make turns. After that again repeat all Stages " To prepare! ", " ! ", " Fire! ", but already for the letter "In". Have again a rest and repeat all with the letter "About". This exercise is directed on development of accommodation, - and centralization.

EXERCISE N 46 (2-nd Stage) Become The Person(face)

EXERCISE N 46 (2-nd stage) Become the person(face) to a bright sunlight, eyes thus Are still closed. Now begin freely, without a pressure(voltage) To turn a head and the case that to the right, to the left, tearing off for Simplification of this process of a heel from the ground and thinking the following In the image: " the Sun floats by me to the left, then again To the right, again to the left - and so again and again, always in - , opposite to my turn ". Of what you think in Time is very important, as it interferes - a sight under the closed centuries on the sun and " - " an eye to it(him,them) during your rotations. Let the sun - by you. EXERCISE N 47 (3-rd stage) When will cease to shudder and from - light and eyes will feel really well - under it(him) during performance of turns, cover one eye Palm so that any ray of light could not make the way(break through) through It(Her). The palm should be imposed so that - the eye under it(him) could open. Now start to do(make) - Mouths, sliding a sight barefaced a palm of an eye by the ground at The legs(foots).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

In Process Of Training At You - Sensation,

In process of training at you - sensation, that they really move from the party(side) in - . Do(make) and after work with everyone In the line. Work only with that line, that easily to you it is given, But do not work on it(her) too long. It is a little, but it is frequent - here Your principle. ............................................................. In another way developments of nerves is - to reading of a microscopic font. EXERCISE N 95 (.14) Take the table entitled " the Basic data about Sight ". With it(her) you already met. Do all - the work consisting performance of greater(big) turns, and . Now read through a weak eye this The table downwards it is so much, how many you can make without effort, Carrying out thus short slow turns by a head. If At each lesson you will achieve such relaxation, - Which is necessary for you, every day you will read all Further and further downwards. When you can see some words Microscopic font it means, that you is valid Became skilful in this business.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Understand, In What The Essence Consists These

To understand, in what the essence consists These exercises, make one of them. EXERCISE N 44 (EXERCISE ON GLEAMS) Exercise consists in the following. The patient should - a fast sight (on shares of second) on object, and then, Closed eyes softly to cover with their palms and to try in - to present this object, or a part of it(this) - That is more precise, than it(he) saw it(him). It is supposed, that duration Sight it is too small, that eyes had time to strain, and - To neck the effort to see has had time to worsen sight. Mental - object as we already marked(celebrated), also promotes To improvement of sight. After this the patient removes hands from eyes and Repeats procedure again. In such a way sometimes it is possible - Is free to improve sight quickly. You will find out, that are capable To keep eyes opened(open) longer, than shares of second, without - thus of the improved sight. On what distance from eyes to hold the verifying table Or the text, say, from the book depends on a kind of infringement of sight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Practice Of Physical And Chemical Indicators In

Our practice of physical and chemical indicators in these cases will be useless. Recognising it, it is necessary to specify, in what cases it is necessary to use our form of the therapeutic diagnosis. Practice of modern medicine can be divided into three basic groups: preventive maintenance, medical and, at last, plastic medicine. If to consider these sections from this point of view their problems, we will see the following: a problem of preventive medicine is definition and carrying out of the actions interfering occurrence or development of illnesses. The problem of medical medicine includes creation of receptions of influence on the developed pathological process on purpose to stop it, to change mechanisms, to recreate normal character of parities. At last, a problem of plastic medicine is restoration of the lost functions or struggle against illness consequences. The purpose of these sections of medicine on appearance are various. Nevertheless, the obvious line of demarcation between them is not present.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thus - The Eye Was Better, As Cervical

Thus - the eye was better, as cervical not - blood vessels, a neck did not become numb, etc. In some cases, especially at presence of opacities in To cornea of an eye, modern writers also - Pouts in the mornings and to evenings at the sun with opened(open) Eyes. For example, R.S.Agarval advises to cover a head - , legs(foots) to ship in with cold water and to look on The sun in the morning and in the evening the open eyes. Eyes at a sight On the sun should blink softly and often, and the body should - oscillatory movements here and there similarly to - . After end it was recommended - eyes and the person(face) cold water [8, .59]. Than it is caused so Strange technics(technical equipment) , namely, use - waters? According to opinion of old indian doctors, warmly the sun, in Difference from its(his) light, is harmful to eyes. To avoid - with overheating during in hot - , it is necessary to follow following recommendations: 1. Long execution(performance) Is undesirable on The hot sun long.

Besides Vitamin A Can Be Synthesized And -

Besides vitamin A can be synthesized and - from provitamin A - carotin. Are richest - carrots (65 %), sweet pepper, sea-buckthorn berries, a dogrose, green Onions(Bow), parsley, , apricots, spinach (raw, - Plenty), salad, fruits of a mountain ash. It is necessary to consider, that mastering Organism of carotin from occurs(happens) - It(Her) (at 10-12 time) if carrots is used in food with - . If you have paid attention, likely have noticed, that in Many culinary recipes which have come from people, carrots It is used in such combinations. Daily need(requirement) for vitamin A for the adult - Centuries - 1,5 - 2,5 mg. Vitamins of group In are one more keepers of health - . In a rough century of the increased emotional loadings, - stressful situations the nervous system of the person requires in Enhanced attention. To support(maintain) it(her) by way of among other Factors vitamins of group of Century are called Eyes represent an original ball of nerves. It(him) Also enough of vitamins of group of Century is necessary Among Them vitamins -1, -2, -6, -12 are especially important.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things See Also , As They It Are

Things see also , As they it are perceived, smelt, heard or felt them Taste. At sight afar muscles of eyes are weakened also beams from - objects are precisely focused on a retina. At sight Close slanting muscles of eyes are compressed, the eyeball is extended And rays of light from near objects are precisely focused on - eyes. Thus of effort, which slanting muscles of eyes - during processes, do not represent loadings on them. compares it to, how Birds all the night long can stay on a branch, strong compressing it(her) Fingers of legs(foots) and at all thus not getting tired. Thus, while the eye is in weakened - , it(he) possesses ideal sight. Only a pressure(voltage) it is possible To prevent to carry out correctly to eyes processes of focusing On objects. Such occurs(happens), if the eye is not given To itself and with it(him) something try to make. As a rule, it "Something" is effort to see. Thus, according to(agree) , the reason of deterioration - the mental pressure(voltage) which is -is excessive efforts of an eye to make out any object.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In Such Case The Number Of Recurrences Is

In such case the number of recurrences is necessary To reduce. Exercise should be stopped immediately, if it Causes irritation or causes any painful - . Remember also a principle of gradual increase - . EXERCISE N 69 To similarly exercise N 64 offered . At - exercises it is necessary to follow all listed in - Striding exercise to recommendations. EXERCISE N 70 This more complex(difficult) exercise in comparison with previous. Present, that before you a rainbow. Bypass eyes its(her) arch From one end to another from left to right and back. Now present, that before you the same arch, but - the top downwards. Pass(take place) on this arch precisely As from one end to another, making - eyes in the bottom part of your field of vision. Having repeated each of these(it) movements in - on some times, unite them and do eyes Full circle, periodically changing direction rotation of eyes. Movements of eyes should be smooth, slow and easy(light). EXERCISE N 71 This exercise diversifies your employment(occupation) and, as a matter of fact - , is updating described above exercise.

Friday, January 9, 2009

4.5. BLINKING AND GLEAMS Blinking - Movement A Century

4.5. BLINKING AND GLEAMS Blinking - movement a century of the person. At - movements a century tear is in regular intervals distributed(allocated) on Surfaces of a cornea of an eye also helps(assists) to keep it(her) Humidity at a necessary level. However blinking can - not only as a protective reflex, but also Meaningly. In system Bejtsa such conscious blinking Acts already as exercise on improvement of sight. For what blinking is necessary? As, according to system , the reason of deterioration of sight considers effort to see Any object closing eyes still is useful Before this effort will appear. Thus, blinking Prevents attempts of an eye, staring to make out object. That it is valid so, you - to be convinced on own experience. For now do - That experiment. Try to read through the verifying table, Hung up on distance of three meters from you on good - , without blinking. Notice result. Now do that Most, but already softly blinking on each letter. Result - It is put noticeably above. The nature had been stipulated weakening function Blinkings.

.-means Fabrics Of An Eye) To To The Adaptation.

.-means fabrics of an eye) to To the adaptation. Their extreme efficiency also leads them To condemnation. In the same way happens and to the person, when convenient For it(him) mediocrity and absence of stimulus - be it(he), though Unpleasant though pleasant - leads to laziness and stagnation " [80, .43]. Is also less essential, but too not so pleasant, Consequences of carrying of glasses(spots). This infringement of color perception(recognition) (You noticed behind yourselves, that, for example, at selection of fabrics in Shop you remove glasses(spots), because without them and a structure, and Color of a fabric are visible ?), nervousness because of their constant Pollution or , the limited field of vision, - a deposit on a shower(soul) of that all " people as people, and you - "", etc. greater(big) and fine troubles. Certainly, them It is impossible to compare on the consequences to that harm, which Puts(Renders) to eyes the fact of carrying of glasses(spots). As to be with glasses(spots)? Can throw out them absolutely, and Can wear(defame) all the same? Below we shall result(bring) opinion of experts On method on this account(invoice), and also some them - recommendations.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Category Of People Can Be Seen In

This category of people can be seen in - Goggles practically at any time. Them not so - , whether the dazzling sun or already twilight shines Conceal outlines of subjects. Where they were - on a beach Whether, whether in shop - we everywhere instead of their eyes see spots(stains) - glasses of glasses(spots). Meanwhile, means of protection of eyes from surplus of light were Are stipulated by the nature. A safety role here Have been called to play which can approach, and - which size can decrease, adjusting(regulating) such - quantity(amount) of light acting in an eye. Only at very - Whom illumination(coverage), for example, at electric welding, on a beach, in - or space, where reflected from - beams of the sun multiply force of light falling in eyes, - need(requirement) for sunglasses. Such need(requirement) Can arise and at drivers at a long trip on - in solar weather when the sight all time is chained To road. Reflection of light from it(her) in such cases not so Pleasantly for eyes which have not passed(have not taken place) a special rate - through (.

It Is Remarkable In This Respect Harold Pepparda's

It is remarkable in this respect Harold Pepparda's statement, which in the foreword to the To the book " Sight without glasses(spots) " has written the following: " the Present(True) book It is written with understanding of that adherents "adjusted" - and optometry do not agree with this method of treatment of eyes. It and is clear, as their formation(education) has inspired them principles, Which are opposite to the given theory, and also because at They are not present experience of treatment of eyes without the help of glasses(spots). For those from us who has such experience, this system - is not more disputable theory, and represents Established fact. We do not put a question on, whether it can To be made is it is already made.... We do not wait for approval and- Power from the settled school. We go another, newer - , road which as we were convinced, will lead to that, to To that we aspire - to precise sight for all our long life. " [73, .2]. So, two opposite opinions on value of method - .

Friday, January 2, 2009

Time Of Carrying Of A Bandage Should Be

Time of carrying of a bandage should be increased Gradually, If the child is very small also a bandage irritates it(him) and - to cry, remove it(her) after 5 minutes - . When it(he) will gradually get used to it(her), time of carrying It is possible to increase gradually while the whole will not be possible to carry it(her) Day without any discomfort. It would be good, if you Have developed at the child a certain positive reflex, singing, - , which very much is pleasant to it(him), only then, When it(he) puts on a bandage. Such stimulus can be any Thing which is pleasant to the child. Some children willingly - to carry a bandage if their mums or the doctor too puts on it(her), To keep its(his) the company [73, .122-123]. But there is also other advice(councils) which can be used At treatment as adults, and children: 1. First of all it is necessary to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) all - to you means. For this purpose once again see(overlook) the chapter(head) 3. 2. It is simultaneously necessary to normalize a feed(meal).