Friday, December 19, 2008

To Last Of The Mentioned Factors - To

To last of The mentioned factors - to breath - in system Bejtsa also - the important role. The basic recommendations in this area - Wives us in following section. 3.6. BREATH Oxygen, as is known, plays the important role in many The vital processes occuring(happening) in an organism. Therefore - the big attention practically is paid to exercises in All systems of improvement of the person. Did not become exception and Method . Its(his) some followers respiratory - have been entered as auxiliary into the - Themes of training of sight. Pays attention on given experimental - which have revealed precise enough dependence between - attention of the person and a delay of breath. " When we - Rome on something it is close(attentive), for us the tendency -is noticed to hold the breath for many seconds successively, or, if we Nevertheless we breathe, to do(make) it, alternating(interleaving) with less deep, than Usually, . The reason of it(this) is that, when we We wish to concentrate the attention, we it is found out, that The noise created by breath and sensation of movement of muscles serve- in it(this).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Only The Pressure(voltage) Prevents To Undergo To An

Only the pressure(voltage) prevents to undergo to an eyeball - changes in the form. Instead of muscles of an eye this work - to do(make) glasses(spots) therefore eye muscles cease To carry out the functions and start to weaken gradually. (Spencer) speaks: " Each gift(for nothing) gets - to functioning through performance of the function. If this function for it(him) is carried out by other agent, - adjustments from the nature will not occur(happen). More likely, The nature will go on infringement of the nature, that - To fight to the artificial measures undertaken instead of - " [47, .14]. When the person any time should do without Glasses(Spots) (for example when it(he) breaks them), it is frequent - , that sight became a little bit better. One more aspect of harm of carrying of glasses(spots) with optical By lenses it is noted in C.L.Tomsona's work. It(he) writes: " Normal, The healthy muscle remains those only in case it(she) often It is started up in business and if its(her) amplitude of movement is used Completely.

Khaksli Is Offered. In The Book It(he) Writes, That

Khaksli is offered. In the book it(he) writes, that " A relaxation... Can be two kinds - passive and - . Art of sight includes receptions sorts- Passive relaxation of bodies of sight during the periods of rest and - a relaxation through normal and natural - during activity " [62, .82]. Further it(he) - , that the greatest success in treatment of bad sight is possible To reach(achieve) only at simultaneous application of both kinds - . In the present(true) section of the book we shall acquaint you with methods Passive relaxation. Distinctive feature of these(it) - "inactivity", passivity of bodies of sight, them is Immovability. The word "inactivity" is not casually taken in - as eyes, actually, even in a dream do not stop The activity. Thus about an immovability of eyes also it is possible To speak with the big share of a relativity. The designation is simple These methods as passive emphasizes smaller, than If it was a question of dynamic methods of a relaxation (- fixing, blinkings, movings, etc.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Subsequent Processes Of An Exchange Can Brake

The subsequent processes of an exchange can brake and even to lower intensity of an inflammation. The primary goal was not strengthening(amplification) of inflammatory reaction, and influence on inflammations with the purpose of normalization of the broken(disturbed) attitudes(relations). the moments were outside of a field of our interest. We began to apply - the old, tested anti-inflammatory means, - in which tanning properties are sharply expressed also preliminary experiences with, yielded encouraging results, us to stop on, as on a method of struggle against an inflammation. The term is borrowed from the tanning industry. It is necessary to emphasize now, that the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose on manufacture. a living tissue, having kept its(her) life it is impossible. in a medical practice it is necessary to understand in a view of views consisting the following: the molecule of fiber consists of the direct circuits connected by strong main valencies; among themselves these circuits communicate weaker.