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Friday, November 23, 2007
As A Result Sight Worsens. To Return Sight
As a result sight worsens. To return Sight in norm(rate) is necessary to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) from mentality. In conditions of the present a brain of the person constantly - under influence of heavy mental loadings. - good sight without special exercises on - now it is hardly possible(probable). Therefore exercises from Systems Bejtsa will be practically useful to any person. As we already spoke, followers were - also a number(line) of additional recommendations to its(his) system, Mentioning(Touching) breath and a diet, and also directed on - , improvement and entering of a variety in - it(him) of exercise. Despite of it, as a whole, their methods - have kept much enough from an original technique to carry its(his) name. Below us the cores practical -will be resulted(brought) and its(his) followers, being base for - at all kinds of infringement of sight. Some distinctions in Application of these recommendations, and also additional, - for each kind of infringement of sight of exercise - us in chapter(head) 4 " Additional remarks and special Exercises ".
Thursday, November 22, 2007
At - Basically Sight Close Worsens. Is Fineest
At - basically sight close worsens. is fineest of usually used - fonts. A size (height of a letter) in a font - for a capital letter of 1,5 millimeters, and for lower case (Small) letter - about 1 millimeter. Inch - unit of length in system of English measures. One inch is equal 2,54 centimeters. - the same, that short-sightedness. At short-sightedness - sight afar. - specially picked up signs, which - in tables for check of sight. As Letters, figures, strips, figures, etc. can be applied Ophthalmology - the area of medicine studying(investigating) anatomy and Physiology of body of sight, illness of eyes and developing - their diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance. - the same, that so-called senile - . At sight close (basically) is broken and Sight afar. - the tool for definition of a refraction of an eye. Refraction - you also repeatedly will meet this term In the book. A refraction as writes , this refraction light Beams in optical system of an eye. More exact would be under Refraction to understand refracting force of optical system - For.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Wrong Diet, To Which Since The Childhood
A wrong diet, to which since the childhood The child and from which hardly (if at all) -gets used , becoming(beginning) the adult, thus, entirely fault(wine) of parents. And Meanwhile, according to opinion , to a wrong diet One of main "merits" in deterioration of sight belongs. It is necessary to note, that now exist Some "branches" from system Bejtsa, using a number(line) Its(His) exercises and recommendations, but essentially added and Putting forward own theories of the reasons of deterioration of sight. So, authors of the book " Force of eyes " A.Khoops and T.Khoops (See [61]) anomalies of a refraction are considered(examined) not as - genetic defects, and as result continuous, - stressful influences on the person plus - infringements of balance of its(his) psychophysical system. - as the reasons of infringement of balance of this system are considered - conditions and a way of life of the person. For example, - , persistent, tiresome reading, authors, -consider(count) itself some kind of " visual stress in a near point - " which if it(him) to not treat, leads to decrease(reduction) - abilities and, as result, to .
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
1. For A Case Of Direct Muscles. When The
1. For a case of direct muscles. When the far-sighted person can unite in itself sensation The compressed slanting eye muscles with sensation of the weakened straight lines Muscles, it(he) can essentially improve the sight. Can - difficult for understanding how it is a brain can - to weaken one group of muscles and to strain another. As Only you will manage to achieve precise sensation of a pressure(voltage) slanting Muscles, your brain will remember this sensation and can in the further Also it is easy(light) to reproduce it(him), as well as sensation of a relaxation. Time is necessary for this purpose only. Try during work on close distance - all over again feelings of the general(common) relaxation, and then feeling Compression of slanting muscles . Then try to unite These feelings. You can alternate(interleave) at the beginning also days - Portable radio sets on a relaxation with days of concentration on compression of muscles, Gradually starting to do(make) this all in the same day, and- Volume and simultaneously.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Let For Left - For It There Will
Let for left - For it there will be 3, 2 meters, and for the right eye - 2,5 meters. Remember these numbers. Record of a condition of sight in the further will be - in the form of fraction. In numerator of fraction you will write down - from which you could make out the tenth line, in - - distance from which this line should be read With normal sight. So, you could read through the tenth - from distances of 3,2 meters (the right eye) and 2,5 meters (left Eye), and it(she) should be read from distance of 5 meters. - , record of a condition of your sight will look(appear) Approximately so: On October, 4th, 1988. .. - 3,2/5,0 .. - 2,5/5,0 On January, 25th, 1989. .. - 4,5/5,0 .. - 3,8/5,0 At the given form of conducting record, i.e. at orientation Only for the tenth line in a denominator of fractions at you always There will be number 5,0. Basically, instead of the tenth line you can take any Another: want - the first, want - the second, etc. Then number in Denominator at you will exchange on new - that costs(stands) - from the line chosen by you.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
If To Consider, That It Makes The Big
If To consider, that it makes the big weakening effect on Children (similarly to " rocking of a bear " or greater(big) turns For adults) it is obvious, that it is necessary to consider(count) it one of Adverse factors of their development in general, and not just an eye. 4. Begin with age about two years to train children and . Transform it into game. , For example, it will be possible "to wedge" in rules of hygiene, imparting It(Him) together with them as a habit. Attach the child to To its(his) execution(performance) after awakening or when put(plant) it(him) on Pot. The last, by the way, through a relaxation will be - to the best clearing of intestines. 5. If at the child one eye is weaker, than another, and to it(him) The doctor registers carrying a bandage atop of a strong eye, Try, that at the child the complex -has not developed Values. Dress to it(him) a bandage only at the certain o'clock, - Yes you have time to play with it(him) and game does not demand from It(Him) the big visual acuity.
In Case Of Its(her) Far-sightedness The Image Also
In case of its(her) far-sightedness The image also will improve. Make the same for the letter "In", all over again closed eyes, and then having opened them. Turn - on that when you look at a white field on one - Well letters "In", the letter is on other party(side) from a line Your sight. When you quickly transfer(carry) the attention with One edge(territory) of the letter on another, the letter seems leaving with yours Ways to the opposite party(side) so, that you again see - a background. It refers to as rocking or shuttle movement Also renders greater(big) help in development of sight. Achieve This illusion of movement in the representation, when you - from a white field at one edge(territory) of the letter up to a field at another Edges(Territories). Soon the letter which you shake, really Will seem vibrating or "pulsing". After you "", or "" Letters "", "In", "About", close the eyes and "write" these(it) three Capital letters a nose. Then, having made a pretty breath, - Thaw from top to down a word "relaxation".
And It Has Been Connected Here With What.
And it has been connected here With what. In 16 years after 18 months continued almost sharp - eye almost has completely gone blind. To read, to it(him) It was necessary to use font for blind. One it The eye could perceive only light, another managed to make out From 3 meters of the letter which the person with normal sight could To see from distance in 20 times more. Practically full - Sweat it has been caused by presence of opacities () in - to an environment of an eye. Condition was burdened still by that, That at it(him) was (far-sightedness) in a combination with . Ability of the writer to see steadily and - It is free quickly fell. The classical medicine has appeared - Strong to help(assist), and doctors designated to it(him) blindness in full sense This word. Casually learns(finds out) about method and - to California on treatment to schoolgirl Bejtsa M.Korbett. - in two months of employment(occupations) it(she) has a miracle. Turbidity In a cornea, remained constant during Over 25 years, have suddenly started to disappear.
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