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Friday, June 1, 2007
- , Constructed On A Similar Principle, By
- , constructed on a similar principle, by the way, are used As the lie detectors reacting on incorrect - surveyed as and in this case increases - a pressure(voltage). Appeared as a result of such - objects in incorrect color painting a pressure(voltage) - Precisely, to reduce or bring to nothing the effect given . Try to do simple exercise on mental The representation developed by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .46]. EXERCISE N 8 Close eyes and cover with their palms. Present a leaf(sheet) White paper also try to write mentally on it(him) ink The name. If it will be possible, write under letters the - and a patronymic, precisely imagining each letter in - . In the end of record finish. Now forget about - also recollect only a point. It(she) should seem to you - here and there short, slow and easy(light) Rockings. If representation of a point is possible hardly follows To resort to other methods of a relaxation, as, as we Spoke earlier, to stop on methods which do not give Fast results wrongly. ..
It(she) Renders Influence On - , In The
It(she) renders influence on - , in the indirect image influencing sight. Following of this - demands observance of a lot of recommendations and - the certain complexity at absence near at hand - , owning this method, or, as a last resort, There is enough the reliable sources describing technics(technical equipment) - this procedure. As similar exercises, - indirect influence on sight is, a lot of, - them here simply it is not obviously possible. We want - To that you have acquired one important true - only in absolute Sound body there can be absolutely healthy bodies. Therefore Be not limited to training of only one eyes. That, That eyes were always considered(examined) by orthodox physicians in Quality of any formations(educations) absolutely not not connected with a body Also has served as the reason of that in struggle against infringements of sight They often lost. You should consider all factors - and - an eye, both rationality of a diet and correctness of breath and Etc., if you wish to have ideal sight.
It Should Be Such, That A Line At
It should be such, that a line at which you look, Slightly blurred also it(her) it would be possible to see, if you Have put(applied) " still efforts ". But here to do(make) these efforts As time also it is not necessary. After exercises on blinking and - you should see this line precisely without any - . Remember: your credo - vision. ............................................................. Speaking about conditions of execution(performance) of exercises on gleams, Let's note also C.L.Tomsona's opinion which considers(counts), that them it is necessary To do(make) on the most different distances and at light exposure, - on force from the bright sun up to rooms [80, .37]. Well, in it(this) there is a share of true, as Vision is necessary for us in any conditions. A kind of infringement of sight at It(This) a special role should not play. 3.4.6. Besides listed above exercises on a relaxation Mentalities often are recommended to be used weakening - solar beams. As opposed to to what it is usual It is accepted to trust, experts on method approve(confirm), Strong solar or other bright light can be useful For sight.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
.................................................. As You Can See, Small Turns Are Simply
.................................................. As you can see, small turns are simply strongly - greater(big) turns. Observe at performance small - the same principles, as at greater(big) - a principle - movements of your body in relation to associates - There, a principle of slackness in execution(performance), etc. Short- represent small rockings by a head Upwards-downwards, here and there or on a diagonal. Here it is necessary To observe the same principles, as at small turns: - a sight all time is direct (in a direction of a nose), - in execution(performance), etc. Despite of big enough variety of kinds - and rockings, the most part of the variants resulted(brought) - in the works, represents a little bit changed Updatings of the same exercises with perfect(absolute) - principles. We here have resulted(brought) most typical of them. Being guided by them and having acquired principles which underlie Their executions(performances), you can easily develop own - similar exercises. 3.
Monday, May 28, 2007
If You Have Not Enough Time Accustom The
If you have not enough time accustom the child to do(make) during listening a broadcast, which to it(him) It is interesting. KEY RULES FOR CHILDREN: 1. Brevity; 2. Frequent repeatability; 3. Favorable time of execution(performance). 9. Try to achieve from teachers of the sanction to do(make) To children with bad sight (and with good too) in - any illustrative material. Besides Improvements of sight it will positively affect on - and, as consequence(investigation), progress of pupils. 10. Now some advice(councils) on a theme how to raise(increase) - your exercises with the child. Any game should To follow performance preliminary (2 - You) and (too within 2 minutes). If the child rubs Eyes during performance of exercises stop game and Ask its(his) some time to breathe deeply through a nose, - Manager, that drives away it from its(his) eyes of a mote. ............................................................. M.D.Korbett's recommendations we shall add K.Khakett's with advice(councils), - in the book [56, .
Sunday, May 27, 2007
INTRODUCTION Recently In Domestic And Foreign Medicine Interest To
INTRODUCTION Recently in domestic and foreign medicine Interest to not medicamentous methods of treatment has noticeably increased, More often connected with nonconventional medicine. In sphere The ophthalmology of such methods has not enough, and that - , unfortunately, not always give desirable effect. Therefore Any new information in considered(examined) area always - with the big hope. Abroad wide popularity The technique of treatment of infringements of the sight, developed has received American doctor U.G.Bejtsom. Followers - Whether worldwide. The whole movement in ophthalmology was born- "". In the USSR this method is practically unknown. Information about it(him) it is extremely avaricious. Slightly, if To compare to the huge sea of books on ophthalmology as a whole, Editions has left abroad. In sew to the country represented to yours attention the book is the first edition in which it is enough The method of doctor Bejtsa is full described. Authors do not deny debatableness of some positions of theory - .
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