Friday, May 15, 2009

We Shall Note Only, That Their Understanding Of

We shall note only, that their understanding of current of some processes (First of all, process of accommodation) during visual work Differs from that is accepted modern orthodox Medicine. In work it is underlined, in what consists The specified distinction. The basic purpose of work is impartial, - a statement of method . It is necessary to consider, that - in the book theoretical representations about functioning Eyes represent the point of view of supporters , - can be not always apprehended as conclusive. As if to efficiency of method , namely, Results of its(his) application in practice, authors in its(her) estimation Leaned(Based) on given a foreign press, as to this USSR Method, we shall repeat, it is practically unknown. Exercises are turned, mainly, to those who Suffers any kind of anomaly of a refraction - short-sightedness, Far-sightedness or . According to statements of some Foreign authors, system Bejtsa has shown positive - and at treatment of so-called senile sight () and a squint.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It(she) Helps(assists) To Disappear To A Cataract (in

It(she) helps(assists) to disappear to a cataract (in early it(her) Stages) and to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) at a glaucoma. 3. Read at good illumination(coverage) and light of a candle - . 4. Read at light of a candle and from time to time throw The sight at a pure(clean) homogeneous surface where there is nothing Interesting for . 5. It is recommended to practise moving the Sight on white lines of the text printed by a fine font (Together with blinking) at light of a candle. It is possible to move alternately also the sight on white To lines at good illumination(coverage) and at light of a candle - 3 times [10, .144]. ............................................................. EXERCISE N 100 Swing the body backwards-forward and read any The text. (compare this exercise to the exercise offered C.L.Tomsonom) EXERCISE N 101 Read a fine font and any book serially. EXERCISE N 102 Read a fine font and the verifying table from 3 meters Alternately. ............................

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do(make) Between Each Attempt To Achieve "gate". When

Do(make) between each attempt to achieve "gate". When you can achieve and keep them, begin - , strolling on a room and considering(examining) objects between Near columns of "gate". That you will see between them, Will represent the uniform image. .............................................................. On it(this) your work above the sight does not come to an end. You should follow as much as possible to advice(councils), - in chapter(head) 3, corresponding(meeting) section of chapter(head) 4 and - Holes of chapter(head) 5. Only then you can count on disposal From a squint. 5. TRAINING of SIGHT During DAY As it has been certain above, the major problem(task) in training Sight there should be a transformation of formal exercises in - Conscious, automatic habits of behaviour of eyes. It Becomes possible(probable) if you will do(make) these exercises (with - Which changes) all the day, anywhere and everywhere, than you Have been borrowed(occupied). Your principle thus is " Gradually, but is frequent ".

In Practice There Are Such People, For Which

In practice there are such people, for which - it is inconvenient also which than longer it(him) do(make), The start to strain more. It is better to these people to do(make) during the short periods of time. To the person it is useful even short-term . - if at you is not present described above problems with and If you wish to achieve effect, you should do(make) , at least, 10-15 minutes on end. R.S.Agarval recommends in summertime (on all - , in hot summertime) in case of occurrence of feeling - both headaches to wash out eyes and the person(face) cold water, To ship palms in cold water and to do(make) then in Current nearby . During in this case - from time to time to sip cold drink or Cold fruit juice [8, .138]. To what attributes it is possible to define(determine) correctness - ? R.S.Agarval allocates three basic attributes [8, .139]: 1. When it is ideal, color of any recollected - it is recollected ideally. The person feels thus Perfectly weakened also sees before eyes absolutely black Field (if they are closed and covered by palms).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Both Cases Watch(keep Up) The Nose Movement

In both cases watch(keep up) the nose movement of a ball. Apparently from technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of exercises, here - Receptions of correct sight use practically all: - , visualization, , central Fixing, etc. ............................................................. R.S.Agarval especially recommends short-sighted exercise On memoirs of any letter [8, .204]. Its(his) technics(technical equipment) It is simple enough. EXERCISE N 89 Enable the patient to look on any - on the verifying table within 5 seconds, often blinking Thus. Let the letter is remembered. Then eyes are closed and The patient starts memoirs of the letter. Alternately - the letter and closing eyes to recollect it(her) in more - Whom a kind, than it(she) has been seen by the open eyes, to the patient in The majority of cases it is possible to improve sight for this letter. The it is more precisely recollected or the letter is represented, the It becomes better sight. The maximal sight is found, - Yes the letter is recollected or it is represented as well with - Dug eyes, as well as with .

Except For Listed Above, There Is A Set

Except for listed above, there is a set of other kinds Bandages which are used for improvement of a condition of eyes At chronic diseases of a retina, "chicken" blindness, To glaucoma, etc. .............................................................. Other exercises from group strengthening blood circulation Use for achievement of the purpose if so it is possible to name, Mechanical influence on eyes. For example, P.Bregg recommends such exercise [44, .28]. EXERCISE N 61 Close eyes so strong as you only can. Then Open them so widely as it only will manage to be made. - Bark so on 10 times. Then make a little deep - and again repeat all complex from 10 and 10 an eye. Make such 5 cycles (campaigns). EXERCISES ON DEVELOPMENT OF ABILITY OF EYES It is a lot of recommendations authors result(bring) on training - an eye. They are directed on strengthening of muscles of eyes and - their functioning. The best exercise, as it Usually also happens, and idle time in execution(performance). It(he) consist In constant and conscious change of focusing of an eye with Near objects on distant.

Therefore Was - The Wife Other Technics(technical Equipment).

Therefore was - The wife other technics(technical equipment). Thus the patient should look Downwards and to raise a upper eyelid, substituting eyes To sunlight. The eye during should do(make) Slow, without the appendix of greater(big) efforts turns from the party(side) Aside, that all parts . To look On the sun it was directly recommended or during very - the periods of time (and that, only after The eye was accustomed to a bright sunlight previous - ), or at all it was not recommended. However such - exercises also a number(line) of lacks: Basically only top part , up to Bottom light practically did not reach; demanded use of hands, that not only Inconveniently, but also threatened with drift of an infection in eyes; Procedure in such execution(performance) is inconvenient. Inconvenience is a discomfort, the discomfort is already a pressure(voltage) Mentalities, that , thus, efficiency - . It is curious to compare offered and it(him) - with those exercises that are applied A number(line) of the Indian sects.

For It(him) It Had No Value. But With

For it(him) it had no value. But with Arrival to school children are compelled(forced) to examine small - , letters unfamiliar to them. Them sometimes force to it(this) - teachers, or parents. Close it is necessary them - the same unfamiliar letters and signs. The child begins - the eyes. Sight gradually worsens. In some cases the teacher can look(appear) for children " malicious and Bad which all time swears ". It attracts Behind itself an additional mental pressure(voltage). The specified reasons define(determine) an orientation practically Any your actions in relation to the child. Do not force It(Him) to study - let it(he) will want it(this). For this purpose - Those all employment(occupations) with it(him) in cheerful games, in entertainments. The child Should not test during study of compulsion. 2. Try before to reveal FIRST ATTRIBUTES - SIGHT at the child. Pay attention, how your child, especially looks After a lunch dream (..: in this case - It is put speech about children in the age of nearby three years, when at them already Binocular sight) was generated.