Saturday, January 6, 2007

After That Dissolve 64,0 Glucose In 50 And

After that dissolve 64,0 glucose in 50 and the received solution on drops flow to a mix with a sulfuric acid. After that, to the received solution chrome add the distilled water up to volume equal 525. For the medical purposes various concentration of this solution undertook. Limits of concentration were: 30 sm3 on 1 litre of water - the least and 60 sm3 on 1 litre of water the greatest. Results were not worse, than with. In cases where inflammatory process was superficial and at fresh traumas the medical effect came quickly. The general view of wounds remained typical for these forms of treatment, but dryness has been more sharply expressed. In cases of the inflamed traumas, especially with deep defeats and in cases of the sharp inflammations extending deeply, the former picture, i.e. insufficient speed and efficiency of treatment has repeated. This recurrence of medical results has shown, that there is no sense in application of new means until the reasons of this phenomenon will be found out.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Same Method Does Not Approach(suit) For All.

The same method does not approach(suit) for all. Ways, with which People strain to see, are infinite. Almost in equal To measure the methods used for should be various Reduction of a pressure(voltage). However practically always a method, - brings the greatest success, eventually, it appears The same, namely, a relaxation. To constants - and repeated display by all possible(probable) ways - to emphasize, that ideal sight can be found only Relaxation " [16, .46-47]. Your overall objective is - relaxations. What method you will achieve it(him) - has no Values. Try all methods of a relaxation and choose - (for you) from them. 9. Always try to familiarize with exercises, - at treatment of other kinds of infringement of sight. - them and knowing in what your problem and as consists with It(Her) to struggle, you will expand the arsenal of exercises. Especially It concerns(touches) such kinds of infringement of sight, as And as which considered(counted) as one of forms - , and G.Peppard carried to its(her) late stage.

Monday, January 1, 2007

73,81]. Often Thus - On Necessity To Read "

73,81]. Often thus - on necessity to read " sufficient time ", having in To kind, most likely, time, sufficient that there was an effort To see in a near point that conducts to manufacture - , neutralized . It is marked(celebrated) also, that if at reading on dim to light Fine font the central fixing, improvement is used Sight lasts longer [10, .75]. Practically all the set forth above advice(councils) have found the - in exercise for short-sighted, recommended R.S.Agarvalom in the book " Yoga of ideal sight " [10, .145]. EXERCISE N 83 Practise the central fixing by means of verifying Tables of a manual format, holding it(her) in a hand or on distance up to 90 centimeters at good illumination(coverage). Then read through 3 Pages of the text from any book, holding it(her) at dim Illumination(Coverage) on such distance to read it was difficult, i.e. It was necessary to read with a pressure(voltage). Alternate(interleave) central - on the table and reading at dim light. To create to itself " dim illumination(coverage) ", you can - To rummage a coverlet of dark color so that light under It(Him) allowed to carry out reading of a fine font, - on distance about 25 centimeters with some work.