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Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Present, That The Handle Is Attached To A
Present, that the handle is attached to a top of your head Handles by means of which the grinding stone rotates, - sideways from you. Your problem(task) - to rotate this imagined Stone. At correct execution(performance) of exercise your nose should To make movements only upwards and downwards, but in any way from - aside. The control of correctness of execution(performance) will raise(increase), - Whether you will take advantage of a mirror. Movements, as always, should To be slow. ............................................................. To relatives on execution(performance) to this exercise is - , recommended by G.Bendzhaminom [40, .64-65]. Differs Only a trajectory of movement of a head. EXERCISE N 78 Lower(Omit) a chin on a breast, and then describe it(him) full Circle, turning a head all over again to the right shoulder, then to To back, to the left shoulder and, at last, coming back back in - position (..9). Change a direction. Make Only 12 full circles. Keep all time a neck in - a condition also do not forget every time to change direction Rotations, differently you will have a dizziness.
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Thus, first "Russian" Rjurik with a team Has appeared on our earths in 859-862 years, rules of 14-15 years and veins in The site of ancient settlement - Novgorod yet was not. bequeathed Board on these earths to the relative Oleg, having left it on Hands of son Igor. Oleg as a result of the conflict to radical tribes Has begun movement on the south and has won at first Smolensk, then Kiev. In Conditions of political vacuum tribes began to be pulled together to a place Crossings of trading ways where there was Novgorod.