Friday, February 20, 2009

2). Under Their Statement, Focusing Of An Eye

2). Under their statement, focusing of an eye on Nearby objects occurs(happens) by compression of slanting muscles of an eye At a simultaneous relaxation of straight lines. At focusing on The removed objects slanting muscles, and straight lines should relax Should be compressed a little bit. From the previous sections (section 3.1., section 3.7. And - ) you have understood, that at bad sight (especially at - carrying of glasses(spots)) either direct, or slanting muscles of eyes - . Therefore, comes to conclusion , relaxations - the compressed straight lines (at a far-sightedness and ) or - (at short-sightedness) muscles for improvement of sight can - insufficient. In the first case, despite of - the direct muscles, the weakened slanting muscles can appear not in Condition strongly enough to be compressed to focus - For on nearby objects. In the second case it is not enough Strong there can be direct muscles. Thus, Logically brings the reader to necessity of training - groups of muscles to compression (tension).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2. When Eyes Open, Good Sight Comes -

2. When eyes open, good sight comes - Slowly, and letters on the verifying table are visible absolutely Black also are precisely distinguished(recognized). 3. White parts of letters (the parts which were not coated) seem Is more white, than fields of the verifying table. Thus, you have familiarized with one of most - exercises on a relaxation. Itself very much Highly estimated(appreciated) value of this exercise: " When It is successful, it(he) represents one of the best what I know, Methods of maintenance of a relaxation of all nerves of sense organs, Including sight " [16, .75]. Followers marked(celebrated), That the people, stopped to be engaged in this system because of laziness or Already restored with its(her) help sight, continued to do(make) Some of its(her) exercises, including , owing to them To extremely salutary influence on mentality. 3.3.2. MEMOIRS According to the theory which have been put forward , exists close Communication(Connection) between a condition of mentality and sight.

Following Vertical Lines Spend Through - 7 Cells(cages)

Following vertical lines spend through - 7 cells(cages) (i.e. through 3,5 see). Now recede from top Writing-books on 2 centimeters also lead a horizontal line. Above It(Her) in each cell(cage) turned out 3,5-th centimetric - strips you write down initial letters of days of week: " , , , , , , ", in a following strip again " , , , , , , ", etc. In left 10- centimetric To strip on horizontals write down all over again a phrase " Time, - without glasses(spots) ", and below - names of all exercises from all Your complexes successively (it is possible alphabetically). If exercise Has no name simply write its(his) number and number - . At you will turn out about such records in left - to a strip (from top to down): " Time lead without glasses(spots); Greater(Big) turns; Neat arrows; ; (- 1); (a variant 2);... Exercise N 1; - N 2 (a variant 1); Exercise N 2 (a variant 2) ", etc. Now, every day put down in a section before - the exercise executed by you and under day, when you it(him) Did(Made) (for example, on Wednesday or Thursday), time, during - you did(made) it(him), or number of recurrences of exercise, or Simply tick testifying to its(his) performance.