Thursday, April 30, 2009

If They Were Energized, When The Person -

If they were energized, when the person - The shaft, this pressure(voltage) definitely will be in greater or smaller Degrees it is continued during a dream, in the same way, as - a pressure(voltage) of other parts of a body " [16, .47]. Therefore in To system Bejtsa to a question of a putting in order of eyes after a dream in The order and their preparation for the working day it is given very much Attention. What will be recommendations? The measure promoting a good dream and a relaxation of an eye, R.S.Agarval considers(counts) directly ahead of a dream (and Right after it(him)) within 20 minutes [10, .157]. G.Peppard writes, that before a dream especially important - To beat muscles of the person(face), an eye and, first of all, language. It(he) also - directly ahead of a dream to do(make) greater(big) turns up to Those times while you properly will not relax and will not begin - . ............................................................. It is possible to carry to the exercises connected with a dream and that Has developed M.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

....................................................... Such Recommendations It Is Possible To Result(bring) Very

....................................................... Such recommendations it is possible to result(bring) very much. As you Could notice, all of them are based(founded,established) on properties normal Eyes about which we spoke in the previous chapters(heads). Take To itself for a rule to follow them always and everywhere. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS ON RESTORATION OF SIGHT OF CHILDREN It is a lot of researches in the field of ophthalmology - to preventive maintenance of infringements of sight and their treatment at children. - Correctly to define(determine) strategy of struggle against infringements - , the correct theoretical base is necessary, first of all. As is known, criterion of true is practice. Acquaintance With last directs at sad reflections. All - measures have proved to be the extremely inefficient. Every year The share of children with infringements of sight all grows and grows. Not - in details developed rules of visual work, Efforts of doctors. In what business? According to theory , the person cannot see with - sight of that it(he) did not see before.