Friday, September 12, 2008

The Same Ability Which You Will Develop By

The same ability which you will develop by means of - - ability ideas to supervise a body - you - to put(apply) to management of direct muscles of an eye for them - . That is, in this case it is a question of technics(technical equipment), - to a relaxation - technics(technical equipment) of a tension (compression) - groups of muscles. Instead of ordering to direct muscles To relax, we should order to them to be compressed. It will give - short-sighted to see the removed objects, as it(him) The eye is too extended in a -back axis, and a tension of straight lines Muscles allows to reduce length of an eyeball. Certainly, Difficulty of this exercise consists that all - Processes going at it(this) have the latent character. Results This exercise it is not visible, unlike results, - Measures, bicepses. Besides the last to carry out - it is easier, as management of this process (process On bicepses) from mentality it is enough performance of exercise Simply, even it is primitive. At the same time, above management - muscles you should work, as here to you - Is got to to achieve stable strong-willed management of them (NOT - HAPPEN - ANY EXCESSIVE PRESSURE(VOLTAGE) AND EFFORTS AT - EXERCISES!).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Here The Writer - And Principal Causes Of

Here the writer - and principal causes of imperception traditional medicine Method : " Can ask, why orthodox - it is not possible to carry out similar application - methods? The answer is clear. Since ophthalmology Became a science, the attention of its(her) figures has been persuasivly borrowed(occupied) Only one aspect of total, complex(difficult) process of sight- Physiological. They paid the attention exclusively Only to eyes and at all did not give its(his) mentality, which - to these eyes to see. I was treated by people of the highest - in the speciality, but from their party(side) never even - was not on the mental party(side) of sight or that - to be as wrong ways of use of eyes and - , and correct, as unnatural and abnormal - visual functioning, so and - kinds. After they have stopped a sharp infection in My eyes, that they with greater(big) art, they have given To me some artificial lenses also have released(have let off) me. I use Whether I the mentality, whether am good, whether eyes badly feel in Glasses(Spots) how can influence sight - use - all this for them was perfect(absolute) It is indifferent.