Monday, April 20, 2009

63]. The Reason Of It(this) Sees That These(it) Kinds

63]. The reason of it(this) sees that these(it) Kinds of thin works demanded from them superb developed - fixings. For development of central fixing and the majority Its(His) followers - , and others - - Daily reading a fine font or font pouts. If you cannot get such fine font, - the reduced photocopy of any text. To many people, - on headaches during reading, and also on - growth of force of lenses in glasses(spots) for reading, this exercise Has brought greater(big) advantage(benefit). If you cannot read it(him) without - can take advantage of glasses(spots) at reading such - That some time but when sight will improve, to you - But it will be necessary to remove them during reading. Remember: reading of a fine font should occur(happen) without Any discomfort. If you test unpleasant - immediately stop reading. Discomfort - about presence of a pressure(voltage), i.e. about wrong - you of the eyes. If reading of a fine font - it is correct, anything similar to notice you should not. Reading Fine font not only does not demand greater(big) efforts, but also - it is easier, than reading of a large font, certainly, if it It is done(made) in the correct, weakened manner.

1 comment:

  1. 0) and other kinds Lock functional ( - 564.81) Syndrome of an angry thick gut ( - 564.1) Revealing of bleedings from and criteria of urgency of intervention Introduction Allocation of separate syndromes at forms of diseases in my opinion it is necessary for an estimation for The best understanding of interrelations clinical and Conditions of patients. Since 2003 year when I began to collect The information on syndromes and symptoms for the book "3000 signs of illnesses ", the large quantity of new data and the data in all has collected Areas and sections of internal illnesses, including in Gastroenterologies.
