Saturday, October 20, 2007

- The End, It(she) Has Read Through A

- The end, it(she) has read through a line ten ( which is usual It should be read with 10- foots) from distance of 20 foots. Same Method it(she) has learned to read a font at first with 12- Inches, and then and from 3 inches. As a result, owing to only one To these simple methods, it(she) has learned to see is better that, on That its(her) sight has been directed. " Sight it(her),-writes , - - completely " [16, .64]. ............................................................. Logic continuation used a method The exercise recommended by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .111] is. It(He) uses a bright light source to show the patient That at the central fixing it(he) should see is better Object on which the sight is directly directed. EXERCISE N 15 Place a light source, for example, a bulb in six Or there are more meters from itself. Look at it(her), and then - Those a sight aside on any object in 30 or more - from a bulb so that it(she) has seemed to less bright. By training and change of a distance up to fixed in - from a light source of a point the patient on own experience It should be convinced that the light source is visible is better When the sight is directed directly on it(him).

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Take Wheat Flour And, Having Added To It(her)

Take wheat flour and, Having added to it(her) there is some water, unroll the turned out dough in Thick flat cake. Put such flat cakes on slices - Paper fabric, and from above cover with a piece of cloth with thinned out Structure of weaving or gauze. Bandage eyes - on half an hour. This bandage is very useful at - inflammatory conditions of eyes also promotes removal - in them. 4. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of ZINZIBER. Prepare, as it is described Above, slices of fabrics with flat cakes from wheat flour. From above on Them put a thin layer of vaseline, and vaseline strew - quantity(amount) of a dry powder from zinziber. Put these(it) " - " on eyes also bandage them for a while from up to Hour. This bandage is useful at chronic diseases of an eye. 5. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of SOUR CREAM. It is done(made) similarly To bandage from wheat flour also it is used for mitigation of fabrics Eyes and for removal of a pressure(voltage). It is especially useful at feeling Dryness in opinion of and at loss of eyelashes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In General, It Is Necessary To Recognise, As

In general, it is necessary to recognise, as earlier and now morphological and clinical symptoms do not define structure of medical actions, no less than recognition of a kind of an infection does not define recipes for its destruction in an organism. Direct communication between knowledge of symptoms and the causal moments which have called them - No. Precisely also there is no also a direct communication between factors and the selected receptions of influence. There is only a general precondition - to destroy an infection or "To eliminate consequences" the put damages. So, for example, studying of morphological infringements in an organism at a malaria, the account of clinical symptoms and the laboratory analytical data, studying of morphology and properties of various kinds helps to distinguish illness, but even do not depict structure of an external method of treatment. Medical means arises in passing and the statistics of the empirical data enters the given means into an arsenal of actions for malaria treatment.

It Is Known, What Even The Slice Of

It is known, what even the slice of the hologram allows Completely to restore all picture which has been written down - in the way. Usually this fact is not realized by the person, but at desire It is possible to notice, for example, how much more quickly we read - to us a font and however(as) more slowly - unfamiliar. For this reason In many exercises on memoirs of the letter and others printed Signs are the best objects for memoirs. Everyone know Also, that we learn(find out) the familiar person from afar. In the same - , features of strangers on the same distance, as Rule to make out it is not possible. Rather evidently characterizes communication(connection) between acquaintance To the person of object and its(his) sight an example with presentation - a picture new to it(him). C.L.Tomson tells on - the book about the case which has occured(happened) to it(him). Once, being Still the student, it(he) has tried to make out all fine details - and plants which have been represented in the textbook.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Time Lead By You Without Glasses(spots) Day By

Time lead by you without glasses(spots) day by day should To increase. 19. Follow also to recommendations of chapter(head) 5. ............................................................. Thus, you have familiarized with how it is necessary to you To work. Now we shall tell, that else it is necessary to do(make) to you in yours Concrete case. 4.1. FOR SHORT-SIGHTED () , or short-sightedness is one of forms of anomalies Refractions. At short-sightedness the person usually enough well Sees the objects located in centimeters twenty-forty from Than itself both is closer, and it is rather indistinct the objects located in Meters of three and further from eyes. An eyeball at short-sightedness Has the extended form that does not allow an eye precisely - on the removed objects. To compensate this - Prosperity, doctors glasses(spots) with the concave lenses register. The reason of occurrence , on , is the effort To see the removed objects. To acquire firmly this fact - here The first, that it is necessary to make to the short-sighted person.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

L.Tomson Writes What To Avoid Described Above Problems Easily

L.Tomson writes what to avoid described above problems Easily enough. It is enough for this purpose after perusal of several Lines to tear off a sight from the book and to look on any Object in the distance within 1-2 seconds. Besides it(he) recommends During reading smoothly to move the book or a head so that The distance between eyes and page often varied. If Long visual work, in one more way is necessary Maintenance of muscles of eyes with new employment(occupation) change of a corner is, Under which the book keeps. Then eyes instead of To make simple turns here and there, will be - on a diagonal [80, .28-29]. At reading movement of a sight not on is important To letters, and on the white strips dividing(sharing) lines. These strips Refer to as WHITE LINES. Movement of a sight on a white line Allows to avoid a unnecessary pressure(voltage) of the sight appearing At attempt to make out the letter. Its(her) use at reading Promotes treatment , , - , many cases and other troubles with eyes.

When Sight Is Ideal, Letters On The Verifying

When sight is ideal, letters on the verifying table wait, - black and absolutely distinct(clear) that them have learned(have found out). Them It is not necessary to achieve - they there. At bad sight for them search and - i.e. to see them, the effort " [16 is put, .52]. G.Peppard continues: " Remember - on what object you Looked - whether at a word on page, whether on a landscape - to you - Up to to achieve such effect when the object comes in - an eye, instead of the eye tries to get it(him) " [73, .26]. Very important for splitting a habit steadfast - periodic blinkings. 2. The PRINCIPLE of STIMULATION. It is necessary to improve - and sensitivity of a retina solar beams, Breath, the central fixing, concentration on a flame of a candle, Readings of a fine font on good illumination(coverage) and at light of a candle , etc. strengthening of muscles of eyes by means of -will be useful also from section 3.7. 3. The PRINCIPLE of the RELAXATION. You should do(make) exercises on Relaxation of mentality and an eye: , movings and - (greater(big) and small turns), memoirs of letters and - , on a pure(clean) surface, the sky or a green grass Without effort, etc.