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Friday, April 10, 2009
Thus On Several Lines. You Will Achieve The
thus on Several lines. You will achieve the best results, if at Transition from one line to another you will do(make) , Especially as approaching lines from small letters. After you will reach(achieve) limits of opportunities, Make thorough and . .............................................................. During performance of all exercises on sight - to transform them into process of SEARCH of objects, instead of in process Them . It will allow to avoid steadfast - also will actively involve the centers of the sharpest sight Eye. M.D.Korbett results(brings) an example in the book, it is fine - told. One secretary to develop in itself This habit, it(she) has thought up for herself exercise, which - on the work. It(she) has attached a small asterisk from Silvery foil on a dark door box opposite to the Table. Often stood out free minutes it(she) slided The sight upwards-downwards on a door box in searches - Daughters. At the beginning it(she) saw nothing, but it(she) knew, on What distance from top of a door it is necessary to search for it(her), and consequently Daily was engaged in original inspection of a door.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
They Will Help(assist) You To Calm Down. After
They will help(assist) you to calm down. After that you - to try to make . Superassiduous attempts to achieve vision of a black field - to finish the person even to convulsive conditions. In case of Failures stop employment(occupations) is better and try to return to It(Him) later. In some cases useful there is a reference(manipulation) to - black objects (. 3.3.2.). Usually for this purpose Any object of black color undertakes and is considered(examined) with - on which it(he) is visible for you is better. Then eyes Are closed, covered with palms and you recollect this - . If it(he) is recollected well all background becomes - . If the memoirs of object in black color is complicated and The field before eyes does not become black later a little - , and has any other color, for example, grey, Then all process should be repeated anew. But also here you - effort. Therefore, if you have wanted to recollect Any black object, for example, a black cat, and not Could achieve at once it(this) stop to do(make) .
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It Is Better To Try To Make This
It is better to try to make this some time later. Or It is necessary to change object of your visualization, - Measures, instead of a black cat a black hat. Characteristic mistake(error) at achievement of a black field, as well as At achievement of "vision" of black objects attempt is To concentrate on this floor(field) or object. Thus always The effort is put. writes in the book: " To reach(achieve) The purposes effort or attempt "to concentrate" on black - Probably. As concentration usually understand making or - only about one thing. But it is practically impossible, and Attempt to make impossible also is a pressure(voltage). Human Mind(Wit) is not capable to think only of one thing. It(he) can think About one thing it is better, than about all rest and is in Condition of rest only when and acts. But to think only of one thing it(he) it is not capable " [16, .74]. "... The Relaxation, - continues idea ,-... It is impossible To reach(achieve) any kind of EFFORT. The main thing is, that - has understood it.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Let's Result(bring) The Most Typical Situations Where You
Let's result(bring) the most typical situations where you can - to principles of correct use of eyes, - . READING Reading is one of the most widespread kinds Visual loadings. Wrong habits of sight during - promote deterioration of sight. We shall look, what approximately The scheme(plan) of falling of sight in this case. C.L.Tomson writes, that at reading an eye make - with rather small amplitude [80, .12]. They thus Do(Make) fast enough movement with small amplitude lengthways Lengths of a line and very slow, with even smaller amplitude - on a vertical. At the same time, the nature provided For eyes much greater scope of movements. At enough Long process of reading with repeating monotonous Rhythmic movements with small amplitude and practically in The same direction (at the left-to the right, or on the contrary)- Rather probable threat in due course -is to wide movements of eyes in unusual at such mode Works directions. The muscles of eyes moving them from the party(side) in The party(side), thus those are loaded sufficiently, and Muscles that eyes upwards-downwards should move, - test - movements.
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