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It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Friday, January 4, 2008
Let They Allow To Rise From Time To
Let they allow to rise from time to time to children from the Places to approach(suit) to a window and to do(make) , and - turns. Constant compulsion to keep the attention on Something, that is business usual for school, is harmful for Sight. Usually it causes in children steadfast on Object of attention. Let eyes of children will learn to move. It is necessary also to learn to move children the sight after Movement of a tip of the handle or pencil which they draw (. 5). Train them on the sly by means of teachers correct To receptions of reading (. 5). .............................................................. Following the recommendations specified above, you not only - sight of the children, but also will get rid of many - which can arise at you in the subsequent in connection with Deterioration of sight of your favourite children. 7. EFFICIENCY OF METHOD System effectiveness during long - Is a subject of discussions. Quite natural follows To consider(count) reaction of orthodox medicine to occurrence of it(this) Method which denied the some people positions Theoretical ophthalmology.
Here It Is Necessary To Make Some Deviation.
Here it is necessary to make some deviation. It is known, that any muscle can be as is strengthened - exercises, and it is finally exhausted by them. Here All depends on volume and frequency of applied loading. - It(Her), in turn, it is closely connected with duration of rest, Given to a loaded muscle. Than more qualitatively rest, I.e. the more deeply during rest a relaxation, the Above there can be loadings and is more often they can be put by that. Accordingly, if the muscle has not had time to have a rest and to it(her) again Have put(applied) loading, its(her) gradual exhaustion and -will begin . The problem(task) practising consists in getting in Rhythm. Only in this case it is possible to expect valid - muscles. Thus it is obvious, that it is better - , giving(allowing) its(her) intensive rest and small volume of loadings, than To overload a muscle, strongly loading it(her) and limiting the period Rest. Such variant is possible(probable): at the fixed loading To give it is as much as possible rest (obviously a lot Relaxations), that will practically mean some - Additional load of a muscle.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Supervision Consist In The Following: The Part Of
Supervision consist in the following: the part of a surface became covered by a usual damp bandage, and other part - the same bandage, but with addition oilcloths. Through 1-1,5. A bandage removed. Appearance of granulations has been distinguished(various). The part of a surface covered by a damp drying up bandage, was more chilly and more faintly. has shown, that in the first part the number of visible capillaries and diameter from were less, than in the second. In some minutes this difference has disappeared. For check the form of researches has been then a little bit changed. It was made various sites at different patients and there where there was a same capillary surface, imposed bandages: drying up and, then removed them. Results of survey and were the same and we have refused damp bandages of type of compresses. Estimating(appreciating) results of supervision of this period, it is necessary to note, that efficiency of treatment was doubtless. There were many control supervision, especially at burns.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
At Viewing Telecasts Use The Same Receptions, As
At viewing telecasts use the same Receptions, as at viewing films. ............................................................. SEWING Very often women complain of headaches and - an eye, appearing during sewing. If it is close(attentive)- To observe of them it is possible to notice, that they steadfastly - in one point on a fabric just there where enters or There is now a needle. Such steadfast , as you already Know, it is harmful to eyes and very quickly leads them - . How to avoid it(this)? During sewing your sight after - Course of a needle from a fabric and before an input(entrance) in it(him) should - To give it(her) on all trajectory of movement. Besides it is necessary to you - to do(make) blinkings. ............................................................. TRIP ON TRANSPORT During a trip on transport as the passenger - about itself movement of objects on both parties(sides) of road in The direction opposite to a direction of the movement. - Whether you will stare at any separate object, it - But will lead to a pressure(voltage).
Therefore Indication Of The Phenomena Of This Category
Therefore indication of the phenomena of this category should be It is based not on specific features given " forms ", and On the account of a generality of displays in various disease processes, if in them The same physiological mechanisms are mentioned. This position in the theory of medicine has been already stated to A.D.Speranskim: " Up to Those times while the nature of all without exception of pathological processes will not be It is incorporated by any general attribute, while to a method of division of illnesses on To distinction we shall not add their association on similarity, we will not have a theory Medicine... ". The analysis of experimental and clinical materials has allowed A.D.Speranskomu to consider, that the defining factor creating quality Biological processes, and simultaneously and them, the norm is uniting Or a distortion of their nervous component. However in conditions of our medical problems when it was necessary to find The indicators promoting definition of quality of medical means, positions A.
E. Plus To Your Usual Diet) In This Case
e. plus to your usual diet) in this case would be - a feed(meal) in the form of milk, oils(butters) or almonds [8, .74]. Useful at night ("chicken") blindness - : All kinds of groats with a butter or melted - oil(butter) from milk ; To accept in the mornings a mix from fresh oil(butter) with small Quantity(Amount) of black pepper, having sweetened all this sugar. Or It is possible to take 5-20 , soaked in water and cleared from Skins and to accept them together with or with something Similar; Rice with the melted liquid oil(butter) from milk , Milk and honey; Milk, by means of until red rings From gold, and then mixed with the melted liquid oil(butter) from Milk , honey or sugar; a fish and eggs; Cod-liver oil, preparations from vitamin A. It is recommended to put at "chicken" blindness with Application of fresh (usually vegetative) oil(butter), meat - , milk, sugar and honey [8, .74]. Compare it that Kumar (. 3.7.) speaks Frames. .......................................................
Monday, December 31, 2007
Removal Pressure(Voltage) From Muscles Of A Body Automatically
Removal Pressure(Voltage) from muscles of a body automatically conducts to the some - the intense condition of mentality. In turn to achieve Full physical relaxation it is possible(probable) only at - a mental relaxation. Thus, these(thus) two Process (and conditions) are closely interconnected and interdependent. It is necessary to speak about a full physical relaxation with some Share of reserve, as an absolute relaxation of a body - it is impossible. It is possible to weaken muscles of a body, but not all. Muscles of heart which drives blood on -continue to work to vessels, their walls also continue the work and Etc. However that degree of a relaxation which is reached(achieved) - , it is quite sufficient for the purposes of improvement of sight. All of us it is resorted to various poses or - rest when we get tired. As a rule, we thus - in an eye also "is relaxed". However, it is far not always after Such rest we feel freshened up, - new inflow of forces and energy. If to speak about eyes, they Also continue to hurt(be ill,be sick), in them there is the same , - an attribute of strong exhaustion, etc.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
It Is A Question Only Accumulation Of Greater
It is a question only accumulation of greater number - and such them which will allow to understand quickly And to acquire them. Today, however, often it is necessary to stretch(drag out) Treatment for weeks and months though anomaly of a refraction can To be not greater both on size, and on duration Existence, than in those cases which it is fast - Whether " [16, .48] (in this occasion look also chapter(head) 7). Sometimes meet such difficult a case, when the person Cannot achieve vision of a black field before eyes in any way. Usually in these cases it(he) starts to strain, trying in what That began "to make out" black. Vision is especially frequent Black field before eyes is at a loss in conditions, when - it is sick, angry, tests any negative Emotions, etc., i.e. when its(his) mentality is deduced(removed) from a condition Balance. In such cases it is always better to refuse from - or to try to do some more "mechanical" Weakening exercises of type of greater(big) turns, Or blinkings.
During Rest This Compress It Is Necessary To
During rest this compress it is necessary To hold on eyes, and most it is necessary to be given sensation - effect. At this time your stomach will feel - warmly drink which you have just accepted. In - all these procedures on all your body will spread Pleasant feeling of a relaxation. Continue to relax and Present, that you fly on a magic carpet above what-- Be island in tropics. Forget about everything, except for it(this) - feelings of flight, these surprising experiences. After that exercises your eyes and your body will be poured New energy. As you can see, in P.Bregg's described exercise physical The relaxation adjoins to its(his) mental ways - . They are closely connected among themselves and hardly can be Are divided(undressed), if it is necessary to reach(achieve) a full relaxation. Usually all Exercises in system Bejtsa simultaneously use receptions Physical and mental relaxation. Thus physical The relaxation is considered the first and necessary stage of achievement Mental relaxation.
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