Friday, September 19, 2008

The Sunlight Stimulates Nerves Retinas, And Darkness Enables

The sunlight stimulates nerves Retinas, and darkness enables them to have a rest. ............................................................. offers the variant of execution(performance) - [44, .24]. In it(her) it(she) offers direct on the sun, but PAY ATTENTION - only at - a looking eye. EXERCISE N 50 Having accepted the starting position similar described in - N 49, i.e. sowing conveniently, it is necessary to cover one eye, - , left, a palm combined , so that - To run pressure upon an eyeball. Now, doing(making) small Turns by a head and elbow of a hand here and there (- described in exercise N 47), be passed(taken place) some times Sight of the right eye through a solar disk. The right eye at It(This) should blink continuously. Do not forget during - about deep breath. As it is strange, any - you will not test sensations. Change roles of an eye and - Bark the same with the left eye. So short sights at the sun at - blinking will not bring any harm to eyes and will not cause Unpleasant sensations.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Other Interesting Direction In Nonconventional Kinds - Infringements

Other interesting direction in nonconventional kinds - infringements of the sight, incorporated some elements Systems Bejtsa (first of all, concerning(touching) communications(connections) mental Activity with sight) is a cybernetics, or so - May a biological feedback. In a basis of this system - sight training of mentality of the person lays. The purpose - stabilization of various subsystems -is Which systems of the person through mechanisms of return biological Communications(Connections). Visual perception(recognition) of space and time - as a basic element of thinking, and improvement Input of the visual information, in turn, promotes To improvement of cogitative activity. The approach -is interesting to understanding of the reasons of infringement of sight. So, , - the cybernetics, grows out deterioration of return Biological communication(connection) between fabrics of an eye. It, in turn, leads to deterioration of sight and reduction Volume of the visual information which can be - On also it is advanced by a brain.

Any Person Not - Marks(Aims) It(this). Even Such

Any person not - Marks(Aims) it(this). Even such exercise is capable to reduce - as it enables to be carried out vibrations Eye. Hold eyes during performance " letters a nose " softly Covered, and under centuries these(thus) will begin involuntary - an eye with frequency about 70 times a second. Sight, after How you will open eyes, becomes more precise. ............................................................. STOMACH(BELLY) - the area of a body comprising many(much) important Internal bodies. The forward part of a stomach(belly) represents Muscular wall. Its(her) applicability - maintenance of bodies - . If muscles of a stomach(belly) are in a good tone, They keep bodies from sagging. If muscles Stomach(Belly) are weak, the stomach(belly) sags and stands out outside - - as speak in people, "authority". Besides pressure Inside of a stomach(belly) goes down. Both these(it) conditions negatively Affect all organism, including eyes. Worsens - so also a feed(meal) of eyes, quality of blood decreases - In it(her) becomes less nutrients and more - It is new also waste of ability to live.

To Many Older Persons Only Just Starting Reading

To many older persons only just starting reading Fine font, happens difficultly to cope with it(him). Such - There it is recommended to move at the beginning the sight on To white lines. It will allow their eyes to relax. Then Is easier begins and make out a fine font. To strong mastering of principles of use of a white line For improvement of sight performance of some exercises will help(assist). Here One of exercises, recommended by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .117-118]. (Similar exercises are described also by M.D.Korbett in To the work [47]). EXERCISE N 96 During reading represent in the top part white Lines a thin white strip directly under line Letters on the verifying table or under line of a fine font. This strip - only a fruit of your imagination, in - it(her) is not present. Representation of a white line should be carried out - in the image. The wrong way is a representation white - and black letters at a time. It leads - which always washes away images of black letters and - to visualization of a white line.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

E. There, Where It Is Necessary To Look From

e. there, where it is necessary to look from near objects to distant they Can look from distant to near; there, where it is necessary mentally To represent well visible the removed letters, they should To imagine such letters close, etc. Therefore - it is close(attentive) with the previous section and try - these exercises for itself. ............................................................. Familiarize closely(attentively) that writes M.Uindolf about To technics(technical equipment) of focusing (accommodation) in the previous section on Short-sightedness. Everything, that is told there, to the full concerns and To far-sighted. Difference consists that at a far-sightedness For exact focusing on nearby objects it is necessary to you - direct muscles and simultaneously to strain slanting muscles Eye, compressing, thus, an eyeball in the middle. In - coming lengthening of an eyeball, rays of light From close objects should be focused precisely on a retina. After performance of weakening exercises it is necessary to you of minutes Fifteen to practise to compress slanting muscles, similarly To how it is described in section 4.

Monday, September 15, 2008

For 3 Years, The Past Between The Moment

For 3 years, the past Between the moment of the beginning of employment(occupations) on method and time Publications of these data in the book [58], sight almost Blind it became twice better, than it was, when it(he) Wore glasses. Its(his) worst eye now could from 30 centimeters - To look a line which the normal eye reads from 3 meters. Not So small achievement if to consider, that earlier this eye could distinguish only light from darkness. Book " Art of sight ", let out(released) in 1942 how it(he) has passed(has taken place) course of treatment at became the best seller. It(she) became an ode to method . in the book has undertaken attempts as it(he) has written, - communication(connection) between training of sight and opening - psychologies and critical philosophy [62, . IX]. comes to conclusion, that an establishment of such communications(connections) Will allow to show method , which Represents only practical application to the decision Problems of sight of the certain theoretical principles, which All over the world are apprehended as true.

In Other Work Devoted As Method , And

In other work devoted as method , And to methods of improvement of sight, M.D.Korbett - , that from six kinds of breath developed by Yoga for - during physical exercises, and four kinds - breath (in the same Yoga) system Bejtsa does(makes) Accent(Stress) on breath with a deep exhalation which conducts to - shoulders, a thorax and cervical . Thus At removal(distance) of air from lungs the top part of a body as though It is flattened, pressing the weight on a stomach(belly) and a basin, and air Leaves through lips with heavy singing. To make it it is possible only In case of when the breath previous an exhalation was enough Deep [49, .58]. Do not strain and do not put - efforts at performance of breath. Deep breath not - the intense breath. As well as to all organism as a whole, any respiratory - will be useful to your sight. 3.7. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS Followers had been developed also the some people - recommendations, which direct reference to - , the incorporated founder in the system, would be not absolutely Correct.

It Only A Way Achievements Of A Relaxation.

It only a way Achievements of a relaxation. Try to do it - and you are convinced of it(this). For greater realness in - exercises you can even present yourselves to roles Such bear. Place legs(foots) as to you it is convenient, and start to rock Here and there, transferring(carrying) weight of a body that on one leg(foot), On another, as a pendulum turned(overturned) "head over heels". Let All your body as a unit, including a head rocks, Eyes and hands. Movements should be soft and rhythmical.- to do(make) exercise under a melody of any waltz, that Will help(assist) you to keep rhythm of execution(performance) of exercise. All, That is before you, should pass by you in - , opposite to a direction of rocking (the same as The lattice should float by a bear, and all objects Should float by you - recollect technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) Greater(Big) turns). It should be especially appreciable such - if objects are located close to you. Do not try - To hold movement and to make out any objects, differently they Will stop the fluctuations, and you can have a lung - .