Friday, November 30, 2007

(in More Detail How Glasses(spots) Influence On Sight

(in more detail how glasses(spots) influence on Sight of people will be told in section 3.1.). In such conditions to explosion of a bomb occurrence was similar in 1920 of the book of American doctor William Bejtsa " Treatment Bad sight without the help of glasses(spots) " (see [22]), was a result It(Him) more than thirty-year research activity. Earlier 16 clauses(articles), mainly, have been published in " New York " (see [17] - [20], [23], [25], [26], [28] - [30], [32], [33], [35] - [38]), some of which Have formed a basis for a writing(spelling) of the book. In spite of the fact that the ophthalmology has passed(has taken place) in the - the long way, was possible to reveal set new - . Thus it(he) has found out, that theoretical assumptions Classical medicine come to the contradiction with practical Results of researches and clinical supervision. Have arisen Questions to answer on which orthodox medicine - not in forces. Among these questions the following: Why, if excessive quantity(amount) of work on relatives Distance should lead to development of short-sightedness, among People which trade is far from great volume visual Works close (for example, among the people borrowed(occupied) rural - The house) short-sightedness meets not so seldom; Why, if short-sightedness is caused hereditary Factors, it(she) rather often develops at what parents Have fine sight.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

(6) Prospect Of Researches Depends On Forms Of

(6) Prospect of researches depends on forms of indication pathologica Processes. Indicators should reflect not only specific feature Each case, but also separate stages of its condition. * * These conclusions which are being only partially proved assumption, w Have based on the further work The resulted histories of illnesses cover only an insignificant part Supervision of this period. Actually in this term of cases spontaneous Gangrenes was nearby 120. Diseases of a gastroenteric path, septic Processes, chronic headaches, , neuralgias and a number of others Illnesses also were objects of supervision. Supervision were conducted with 1933. On 1938., also have captured over 450 cases. Estimation of results for this period conference of 2-nd and has given 4-th Surgical clinics at session on 9-th of November 1937.. I quote an extract from the report: " In both clinics the given methods Were applied in most cases after ineffectual treatment and a distance Positive results. Some patients from this cycle of supervision were in Absolutely hopeless condition.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

To Get Rid Of These Obstacles We Try

To get rid of these obstacles we try or Reducing depth of breath, or in general stopping breath For rather long period of time " [62, .95]. In - it(this) supply of eyes by oxygen worsens. To told before O.Khaksli adds what to fill Shortage of oxygen in a quantitative sense it is possible by Passive or dynamic relaxation (. 3.3. And 3.4.). Completion of qualitative deficiency (bad - blood) it is carried out by training conscious To breath even during the periods of concentration of attention on any Object [62, .96-100]. compares people with bad - , not caring the breath with pearl divers, - that behave practically as - type(collect) air in Lungs and as if(as) plunge into the sea. Uniform breath in - long time! Remember, that you not in the sea, where - On salty water, and in an atmosphere. So breathe in it(him)! For formation of a useful habit to breathe during - objects recommends to fill lungs such In the image as though you do(make) exercise on deep breath, But it is easy(light), without efforts and a pressure(voltage).