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Saturday, June 30, 2007
" When An Eye Looks At Unfamiliar Object,
" When an eye Looks at unfamiliar object, - writes , - it(he) always more Or less strains to see it(him). Thus always- Anomaly of a refraction is. When the child looks on - inscriptions or figures on a board, removed geographical Cards(Maps), schemes(plans) or figures, always shows, that They became , though their sight at others - can be absolutely normal. The same occurs(happens) and With adults at them removed unfamiliar - " [16, .172]. Putting effort to see the removed objects, eyes - become . If to give this process - long enough time, the schoolboy necessarily Becomes - so strongly in it(him) the habit takes roots To strain at sight afar. Simultaneously, some children strongly strain, - deducing(removing) in a writing-book flourishes new to them, reading - letters and words, drawing any . Effort - To put in a near point leads to occurrence . If the effort to see in a near or distant point results(brings) To to changes in the form of an eyeball or - to a pressure(voltage) of muscles of an eye - there is this or that The form or a squint.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Write Off(Copy) Also All The Figures, Costing(standing) Beside
Write off(Copy) also all the figures, costing(standing) beside with lines. As To use these figures it is described in chapter(head) 4. If you could not get Sivtsev's table, anything Terrible will not occur(happen). Address to chapter(head) 4 where it is described, As most to make tables for training. Them it will be possible To use Sivtsev's to absolutely similarly table (or - ). Before we shall pass to more detailed description - from first three parts of system Bejtsa, it is necessary - To pour that attitude(relation) to glasses(spots) which adhere - its(his) method. 3.1. ABOUT THE ATTITUDE(RELATION) TO GLASSES(SPOTS) As speech has come about glasses(spots) it is possible to allocate two them Kind: sunglasses and glasses(spots) with optical lenses for Corrections of those or other infringements of sight. Let's begin with sunglasses. In spite of the fact that these(it) Glasses(Spots) have been intended for protection of eyes from excessive Quantities(Amounts) of light, some people began to carry them similarly to - Itself or to a tie.
For This Purpose It Is Necessary - An
For this purpose it is necessary - an orientation of ideas of the person. Its(his) brain should be It is borrowed(occupied) by the certain activity. Which - about it(this) we Let's tell below. Now it is important to acquire what to see a black field Before eyes difficultly and simply simultaneously. Difficultly therefore, That it is sometimes very difficult to person to understand, what mistakes(errors) it(he) - Starts up during , that does not see a black field. Not At once it is possible to it(him) to understand, how it(he) strains and as To eliminate(erase,remove) this pressure(voltage). Simply because, if the person It is capable to supervise correctly the ideas, the - I forge activity, to achieve vision black it is possible - instantly. speaks in this occasion the following: " When The revolting idea is replaced weakening, a squint and - images stop, and anomalies of a refraction - ... Without dependence from what their degree or - , their elimination occurs(happens) at once, as soon as - can provide the mental control.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
If The Patient Experiences Difficulties In Representation -
If the patient experiences difficulties in representation - Which white strip it is expedient to it(him) to represent it(her) - To under separate words or groups of words, which to it(him) - . Then often it is possible not only to present white - but also to expand it(her) to borders of page. As soon as it - It is put it is reached(achieved), sight will improve. Then process of reading will go Quickly, easily and without any efforts. But attempt to fix The sight at black letters and to try to read through them is Erroneous way. Very much the few realize it. At such - readings are inevitable mistakes(errors) in reading, in opinion of appear - sensations, and sight worsens. Not always it is possible to understand, eyes on white are directed Or they read a line, looking at black letters. Feeling Discomfort or pains in opinion of testify, that eyes not Are directed for a white line as it thinks reading. If reading it is not possible to recollect a white line,- will close eyes and try to present a number(line) white Objects: a wall painted in white color, a white ball, to bank with White paint, etc.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Having Analysed Results Resulted(brought) Above Histories - ,
Having analysed results resulted(brought) above histories - , K.Khakett does(makes) a conclusion, that its(her) method of training, - Bathing on system Bejtsa, allows to improve visual acuity, On the average, twice for each twelve weeks of training [56, .23-30]. .............................................................. The analysis resulted(brought) above data allows to conclude, that Despite of a divergence of views of modern medicine with - , results of application of its(his) system in practice Ideas on necessity of the further, deeper lead Studying of this method. Curiously in this connection to note - one of the doctors, practised method . It(he) - , that though theoretical approach also causes - , its(his) practical recommendations nevertheless somehow Work. It similarly to that, is spoken by it(him), as ancient priests, Wrongly assuming, that the sun rotates around of the ground, instead of On the contrary, nevertheless, precisely predicted(forecast) time of call and Sunrise, days of eclipses, etc.
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