Saturday, August 11, 2007

4. Usually People Who Are Not Carrying Glasses(spots),

4. Usually people who are not carrying glasses(spots), recover - earlier. 5. If you have set as to yourselves the purpose improvement of sight, to you It is necessary to cease to wear glasses. If to make it it is impossible, their use - But to resolve, but it will constrain your progress. Where it is possible(probable), Use glasses(spots) more poorly. In process of improvement of sight change In due time glasses(spots) on weaker (is more detailed about glasses(spots) .- Affairs 3.1.). During performance of all exercises remove glasses(spots). 6. Children react to treatment usually much more quickly. - them is swept more up(more appreciable). 7. Not all people will manage to get rid of glasses(spots), but all of them Can receive greater(big) or smaller advantage(benefit) of exercises. 8. Any method which does not give fast results, Should be excluded from your program of employment(occupations) and it is replaced Another. writes, that " to reach(achieve) continuous - , a lot of time and is required sometimes to an ingenuity.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

" If You Want To Have Strong, Bright

" If you want To have strong, bright eyes, - it(she) writes, - it is necessary for you - behind that you received enough " [44, .5]. " Weakness of eyes, their presenilation and - , - continues , - are directly connected with - Such " [44, .6]. The basic sources are apples, vinegar from Apple juice and honey. In lots(plenties) it(he) contains and in Parsley, celery, potato, melon, green onions(bow), - , raisin, dried apricots. Itself for satisfaction daily Needs(Requirements) in every morning accepted a glass of a mix, - under the following recipe: tea pure(clean) - vinegar it(she) dissolved in a glass of water and added there Tea honey. Besides it(she) daily ate two kinds Crude salads where added apple vinegar and some kinds Nonsaturated oils(butters) (such as olive, sunflower, - , soya, corn). For a dessert at were fresh, Stewed or baked fruit with addition to them of honey. It(this) Was there is enough to receive a daily doze . You try to follow also to this program, speaks , and shortly you sweep up(will notice) remarkable changes In a condition of the eyes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

E. When Legs(foots) Of The Person Are Above It(him)

e. when legs(foots) of the person are above it(him) Heads. In this position weight of internal bodies of digestion It is temporarily removed from muscles of a stomach(belly) so they can more Freely to be compressed and work with smaller efforts. If To carry out exercises, costing(standing) they can promote - to forces of gravitation to pressure of internal bodies Downwards and, thus, to worsen a condition, especially, if It is a question of the bottom part of a stomach(belly). Exercises in the turned(overturned) position are called to strengthen in Some degree of a muscle of a stomach(belly) of the person so that, when It(He) will rise, they supported(maintained) its(his) internal bodies is better. That any superstretched(superdragged out) muscles of a stomach(belly), It is necessary to load their heavy (but not too, that not - their overstrain(overvoltage)) the work demanding maximal them Compression. EXERCISE N 81 To carry out exercise on strengthening of muscles of a stomach(belly) it is possible in Two variants.

... On Light Does Not Exist Any Special Diet

... On light does not exist Any special diet for patients with infringements - . If the general(common) diet is good, and digestion and in The order it is quite capable to provide eyes with all Substances which are necessary to them as for their maintenance in norm(rate), And for restoration if it is necessary " [80, .80-81]. Thomson's approach to understanding of a rational diet for eyes It is represented to us correct. Eyes, being compound Part of a body, receive a feed(meal) from same blood system, As all other organism. Lack of vitamins and others The vital elements has an adverse effect not only On eyes, but also on other bodies of a body. Therefore to speak about Balanced diet only for eyes it would be incorrect. - the diet for eyes means a reasonable diet for all - , and on the contrary. Speech can be conducted only about some nuances, Can be, greater sensitivity of eyes lack - nutrients or vitamins. So, attributes Night blindness can start to be felt earlier, rather than becomes Appreciable the peeling of a leather(skin) also caused by lack - On And.