Sunday, October 5, 2008

For Restoration Of Normal Work Of Eyes Were

For restoration of normal work of eyes were Special exercises on moving and -are developed [16, .108-112]. They are resulted(brought) below. At execution(performance) These exercises you should seize(take possession) - the central fixing. Therefore before you start To them, it would be good to familiarize with the maintenance(contents) of section 3.4.1. EXERCISE N 21 Look at any letter on verifying - The person(face); Move on other letter on the same line in Sufficient distance from the first so that it(she) was visible Worse; Again look at the first letter and see the second Worse; Alternately look at these letters during - seconds, seeing worse that letter on which it is not directed - . When it is possible to make this exercise, vision both Letters improves. They thus seem moving of the party(side) Aside (shake) in a direction, to movement Eyes. EXERCISE N 22 Look at any greater(big) letter; Look at the letter less on big enough Distance from it(her). The greater(big) letter then will be visible is worse; Again look at the greater(big) letter and see it(her) better; Repeat 6 times.

Usually White Parts Of Letters On The Verifying

Usually white parts of letters on the verifying table with - 4,5-6 meters seem for a normal eye is more white, than Edges(Territories) of the verifying table. For an eye with bad sight all Looks(Appears) on the contrary. ............................................................. Very important during visualization - To press to keep a precise mental image and after it Representation will enable the person to see new details Or objects, about which existence the person at all - it is simple because of the bad sight. Recollect, that we Spoke in previous section about memoirs of a point. Writes, that " when the person wishes to trust that letters is possible To represent, and it is ready to represent them without effort to see or To compare that it(he) sees that it(he) represents (that Always conducts back to a pressure(voltage)), by means of mental Representations sometimes can achieve fine results. After they will present some people, that see - Well absolutely black and precise, all is possible to read through the letter Letters on the bottom line of the verifying table.