Tuesday, November 6, 2007

When It(she) Was Straightened, This Weakened Condition -

When it(she) was straightened, this weakened condition - Elk. writes further, that is not so important, in what - it(she) achieved a relaxation, is however important that to it(her) - all the same it(him) to achieve. Some recommendations concerning physical - are resulted(brought) in G.Pepparda's work. It(he) advises to remove(take off) glasses(spots) and To start to weaken all body, releasing(letting off) its(his) each muscle. It Should become soft as if(as) silk, to blur on a floor or To armchair where you sit, similarly to a body of a laying cat. Weaken The mentality - "spread" the ideas on a floor, let they Easy "" from a head. Weaken the person(face), language and All muscles around of a mouth. Let corners of lips leave upwards, instead of Fall downwards. Close the eyes and release(exempt) them and all Around of them from a pressure(voltage). Get rid of feeling of stiffness in Eyeballs, weaken their back part. Present - Behind the soft and weakened formations(educations). Think of a smile And let it(she) starts with you through closed .

Sunday, November 4, 2007

............................................................. Some Exercises On A Relaxation Of The

............................................................. Some exercises on a relaxation of the certain groups Muscles which condition of intensity renders most - influence on sight, will be resulted(brought) in section 3.7. And in some other places on a course of the text. It is a lot of literature on methods of the general(common) relaxation. Therefore to stop in detail on these questions in present(true) To the book it is deprived sense. You should familiarize with this - and, having mastered the exercises most comprehensible to you on Relaxation to apply them as a preparatory part To performance of recommendations of system Bejtsa on achievement - a mental relaxation. ............................................................. Of what you should think during physical - ? Than your brain should be borrowed(occupied)? About it(this) we shall talk in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. 3.3. THE PASSIVE RELAXATION The basic purpose of method as it is visible from - chapters(heads), achievement of an ideal condition -is Whom a relaxation.