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There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
In The First Case Legs(foots) Are Fixed And
In the first case legs(foots) are fixed and moves The body, in the second, on the contrary, is fixed a body, and move - . In the second case there is no necessity in any Extras and consequently this way is easier. Before to start direct loading muscles Stomach(Belly), it is necessary for you to make a rack on shoulders or, as it(her) Still name, "". It is recommended to do(make) a rack in - the order. on any firm surface on Back. Lift legs(foots) upwards and throw them for a head. - hands in the field of a waist, having put elbows on a floor. Now Straighten legs(foots) and the case vertically upwards. As a result at you - to turn out the following pose: you lean(base) on a floor back Part of a head and neck, and also shoulders, legs(foots) and the case - vertically upwards. Help(assist) to keep balance of a hand, Rested against a waist, and the elbows which are based on a floor. In this position it is necessary to do(make) movements by legs(foots) in various Directions of type of greater(big) steps, "scissors", " drivings on - ", etc.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Majority - , However, So Distracts That
The majority - , however, so distracts that they see when them Sight improves representation that lose this letter. One Business - to manage mentally to present precise vision any Letters, another - to manage to see this and other letters without loss The control over this representation " [16, .94]. For development To this ability recommends following exercise, Intended for . After corresponding(meeting) - this exercise with success can be used for Treatments and other kinds of anomalies of a refraction. For performance This exercise you should familiarize with That the central fixing (represents section 3.4.1.). EXERCISE N 10 Look at any letter from distance, with - it(she) is visible is better. Then close eyes and recollect It(Her). Repeat so until the memoirs does not become Same good, as well as vision in a near point. Having hung up - the table on distance of 6 meters, look on pure(clean) Empty surface in centimeters of thirty or moreover in To the party(side) from it(her) and again recollect the letter.
3.4.6.). Constant Carrying Of Sunglasses Leads - A
3.4.6.). Constant carrying of sunglasses leads - a photophobia (photophobia), when even that quantity(amount) Light which easy maintains a normal eye, results(brings) To pains in opinion of from which have removed(have taken off) habitual it(him) dark glasses(spots). Besides carrying of glasses(spots) with painted in various colors Glasses quite often causes so-called , - in infringement for long enough time correct Color perception(recognition) of the world. Therefore: 1. Do not carry without special necessity on that dark glasses(spots); 2. If all of you should address to sun-protection To glasses(spots), be able to choose them correctly. It is desirable to select (on To the reason specified above) glasses(spots) of black (grey) color and - Corduroy road of glasses(spots) with the glasses painted in any another(others) color. Glasses(Spots) should detain not less than 70 % of falling light. At - , for example, to a delay of light they already practically Are useless. C.L.Tomson advises also to do(make) following - sunglasses.
Be Passed(taken Place) So On All Dial. .............................................................
Be passed(taken place) so on all dial. ............................................................. And, at last, last exercise from this series, - C.L.Tomsonom. It differs technics(technical equipment) -a little as in it(her) muscles of a neck work also. This exercise Improves receipt of blood to eyes and a brain due to - cervical muscles and, thus, brings double advantage(benefit). EXERCISE N 73 Become before a mirror and look at reflection of the Eye. Now, keeping the attention to them and having fixed(recorded) them The sight, do(make) various movements by a head: - Mouths here and there, upwards-downwards, rotations, etc. Such In the image, your eyes will do(make) "passive" movements. Let's add Thomson's exercise by such remark: a head Should move very smoothly, easily and slowly. Not - this exercise in physical if you wish to achieve Relaxations in the field of a neck. ............................................................. EXERCISES ON THE RELAXATION AND STRENGTHENING OF PARTS BODIES, IN THE INDIRECT IMAGE INFLUENCING SIGHT Significant attention in books practically all - it is turned on necessity of maintenance in - a condition of some bodies and systems of the person, indirect - influencing its(his) sight.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
), A Degree - Activity Of Eyes And Others
), a degree - activity of eyes and others participating in exercises Bodies of a body of the person. 3.3.1. When you close eyes, you, certainly, promote To their some relaxation and rest. However, the eyes, most The nature intended for perception(recognition) of light, cannot - to relax, when on them falls even insignificant - its(his) beams. In premilitary years academician S.Vavilo- the idea has been stated, that a unaided sight it is possible To observe separate quantums of light, and some time later It has experimentally been proved, that a human eye - when on its(his) retina only two quantums of light get! So high sensitivity of an eye light demands acceptance Special measures at a relaxation. Only completely having excluded light, It is possible to give eyes chance to receive high-grade rest. The exercise, allowing to achieve it(this), has been entered in System Bejtsom. It(he) has named it(him) "" (a word "" represents the deformed(distorted) pronunciation - words "palming". In turn, "palming" occurs(happens) From a word "palm", meaning in translation(transfer) on Russian "palm").
Sunday, November 23, 2008
They Enough Concern To This Exercise. First
They enough Concern to this exercise. First of all, them interests, That was on following (after last line, which they Could make out) a line. Then, having returned on the places and Knowing what there letters, it will be easier to them to see these lines and To improve clearness previous. Here they will take advantage - representation and memoirs. Unique your problem(task) Is to warn children against the appendix of effort at - lines. It is not necessary to be afraid, that children will learn(teach) the table. Even if it Will occur(happen), anything terrible does not happen. The only thing - it(this) there will be that the child will cease to put Any effort to see the letter as it(he) knows what from Them there are. Thus, it(he) will use - which will really allow it(him) - To put these letters. To be convinced that children really see These letters easily enough - need to be changed verifying The table on another with other letters, but the same size. If the child will look still at this The table, it(he) will successfully cope it(her).
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