Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Yours Eyes Should Not Stare (to Read) On
Yours Eyes should not stare (to read) on just written Letters. Instead of it(this) move the sight after - a tip of a feather. To accustom eyes to - to behaviour during R.S.Agarval's letter recommends - a blotting paper just the written words and Letters. It helps(assists) to write long enough time without Exhaustions of eyes [8, .43]. 2. Blink during the letter more often. ............................................................. VIEWING OF FILMS (AT THE CINEMA) Widespread among inhabitants (not without the help - doctors) opinion became judgement about films as Kind of visual work harmful to eyes. Meanwhile, - use of eyes at viewing films not only Harmlessly for them, but also brings it(him) the certain advantage(benefit). - opinion of followers of system Bejtsa. Schooling of eyes to fluctuations of light during a session - to formation of a habit weakened on Objects. The big screen develops needs of nature Eyes in movements. However, that films really Brought such advantage(benefit) it is necessary to follow a number(line) of rules and - .
As The Proof Of It Growth Serve And
As the proof of it growth serve and streptococci at crop of internal parts of seams, though wound Were processed by these structures, and in the further were made intravenou Injections (seams undertook from wounds begun to live a primary tension). All these data testify that our medical receptions influence Only on process and in this influence their doubtless role playe Normalization of the broken attitudes. Ideas on advantage of preservation of normal attitudes at infectio Expressed and earlier, that indirectly confirms our initial positions So, for example, in the monography " Local immunization ", speaks " In essence the mechanism of immunity consists in the same, as the mechanis Infections. A difference only in intensity. When a sensitive fabric roughl Reacts to introduction of an antigene, business comes to an end a victory of an infection and death. When reaction from a sensitive fabric weak, in an organis Immunity " is established. Similar data Dr. Gajsky in clause " the Plague at susliks informs Infected in a condition of deep hibernation "/1/.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Observe - Behind How The Aperture In A
Observe - behind how the aperture in a moving stick incorporates in Yourselves a cord when you move up a stick to yourselves. Quickly Blink during this process and do not forget about breath. When in a stick it is close enough drawn near to each other, Start to extend a cord. Now close eyes and - that you saw, continuing to move a stick backwards-- . Then with a deep breath open eyes and continue - . Repeat it(him) on time during training, Before and after it(him) doing(making) . If each of yours Eye will appear in a sufficient measure are stimulated, once The near stick to you at your nose will fork. Its(her) top Will seem to you split, first, probably, all on - , but in process of improvement of merge the size of splitting will be To increase until reaches(achieves) 5-8 centimeters. These(it) M.D.Korbett's two images has named "gate". On it(her) - , their use during training allows to raise(increase) Productivity of exercises almost that twice. While the person with a squint will not achieve once vision "Gate" that is an essence of training, and will not achieve - in their achievement, until then merge will not be - .
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