Monday, May 18, 2009

When Begins Possible(probable) To Look At A Bottom

When begins possible(probable) to look at a bottom Any letter and to see its(her) top is worse, or to look at top Letters and to see a bottom is worse, becomes possible(probable) and vision of this - You absolutely black and precise. At first such sight can To come only gleams - the letter will precisely come to light on any The moment, and then will disappear. But gradually, if trainings - to proceed, the central fixing becomes habitual " [16, .63]. ............................................................. Usually extreme degrees fixings - at a high degree . To such people to practise - is worse than a point not considered(examined) directly it is necessary on relatives Distance where at them good sight was still kept. - The distance is foamy is necessary to increase. In all cases of training of central fixing Recommends to think not so much of a point considered(examined) directly, As visible is better, how many about a point, not Directly, as visible is worse. " It Speaks that, - writes ,- That training on letters in most cases has - to strengthen a pressure(voltage) under which the eye already works.

1 comment:

  1. - If you have hurried, - the husband speaks, - we would not be late to a train. - If you did not hurry up so, - the wife answers, - we should not wait so long the following train. "Marrying, - one of girls wrote, - I am not going to repeat an error of my mum. They with the father at all do not approach to each other. I do not understand that them unites. Perhaps, love?" From the questionnaires published by magazine "Nju ". The unmarried girl greedy asks the girlfriend who have come back from a wedding trip: - Tell about the first night! - it is fine, listen.
