Thursday, February 7, 2008

For Development Of Skill Of Blinking And Improvement

For development of skill of blinking and improvement of sight - it is a lot of exercises. For quite natural reasons, - them expediently house or in any other place, where Your employment(occupations) will not involve unduly importunate attention. Here Some of these exercises. ............................................................. EXERCISE N 33 Remove(Take off) glasses(spots) and look at the verifying table, which Should hang on a wall on distance of 1,5-3 meters from you. - Thaw within approximately 5 minutes four fineest Lines which you can overcome easily and without everyones - , blinking thus after each letter. ............................................................. Blinking can be carried out and during exercises on - and moving. EXERCISE N 34 C it is direct, close one eye combined Palm (as in ) and, shaking a body slightly from the party(side) Aside, read approximately within 5 minutes - the table. Barefaced a palm of eyes thus it is continuous Should blink. The special attention should be turned on, that and The eye covered by a palm had an opportunity to blink simultaneously With other eye.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Source - Fight Of Anomaly Of A

A source - Fight of anomaly of a refraction, squint or any another Functional infringement of sight, the idea is simply- Wrong idea, and its(her) disappearance as it is fast, as- Of the phenomenon think, which weakens. In shares of second can be The highest degree of anomaly of a refraction, squint is corrected Can disappear, and the blindness because of to decrease. If The relaxation is reached(achieved) only for a moment, correction also - . When the relaxation becomes to constants, - also it is constant " [16, .56]. Establishment of such strong control over the - those cases of wonderful healings (also speak for literally Some minutes) which describe in the works - . To achieve such usually it is possible to units. In The majority of cases treatment takes away some time. speaks about it(this) so: " Time necessary for achievement Continuous improvement of sight, changes in significant - Affairs for different people. In some cases it is enough 5-15 Minutes and, I think, there will come(step) time when possible(probable) it becomes fast To help(assist) any.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It Is Possible To Become And Before The

It is possible to become and before the open window. - on fresh air it is useful also for that you - Those to receive enough of oxygen which is necessary To your eyes. If you do(make) exercise before closed Window in it(this) there is nothing terrible. The main thing in exercise- This presence of strong light. Sit down so that the sun shone to you to face. Achieve The maximal depth of a physical relaxation. A back of a seat There should be a straight line, a back also a straight line. Legs(foots) put full On a floor, it is not necessary to shower with a foot them against each other or - in anklebones. Hands should be weakened and located In a position convenient for them. Softly cover and substitute to their sunlight. Allow beams of the sun to filter as though through them. That In regular intervals all surface of eyes, slowly, Smoothly, easily and continuously turn a head from the party(side) in The party(side). Do not turn it(her) aside too strongly, differently(otherwise) Muscles of a neck that is undesirable will strain.