Friday, January 2, 2009

Time Of Carrying Of A Bandage Should Be

Time of carrying of a bandage should be increased Gradually, If the child is very small also a bandage irritates it(him) and - to cry, remove it(her) after 5 minutes - . When it(he) will gradually get used to it(her), time of carrying It is possible to increase gradually while the whole will not be possible to carry it(her) Day without any discomfort. It would be good, if you Have developed at the child a certain positive reflex, singing, - , which very much is pleasant to it(him), only then, When it(he) puts on a bandage. Such stimulus can be any Thing which is pleasant to the child. Some children willingly - to carry a bandage if their mums or the doctor too puts on it(her), To keep its(his) the company [73, .122-123]. But there is also other advice(councils) which can be used At treatment as adults, and children: 1. First of all it is necessary to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) all - to you means. For this purpose once again see(overlook) the chapter(head) 3. 2. It is simultaneously necessary to normalize a feed(meal).

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In What Here Business? The Reason Almost Always

In what here business? The reason almost always has double character. First, You have incorrectly relaxed as a whole (physically). Secondly, You, it appears be not able to relax at all - . To last question we shall return later for now we shall borrow(occupy) First of your problems - a physical relaxation - also we shall be To do(make) it(him) how it is recommended system Bejtsa. First of all, settle down in convenient for you - . Your body should test physical comfort. Nothing Should distract ideas during performance mental - on a relaxation - neither a draft, nor become numb suddenly - , impulses of a wind from the slightly opened window. What for this purpose To choose position? We shall tell at once: ready recipes on this The account(invoice) does not exist. It is necessary to work at search most Position comprehensible to you. has noticed in this occasion, That sometimes the position of a body promoting a relaxation, - absolutely unexpected. As an example it(he) results(brings) - Well from the patients which achieved weakened - , only having inclined the body forward under a corner of 45 degrees.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


3. BASE PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT FOR ALL System Bejtsa can be subdivided into 3 parts: 1. The general(common) (physical) relaxation. 2. A mental relaxation. 3. The additional methods promoting improvement - (breath, a diet and so forth). Exact borders between the specified parts, and also those Sections that enter into each part as you are convinced in - to define(determine) difficultly enough. Therefore they carry in - To which measure conditional character. Each of three specified parts contains sections, - which it is necessary all engaged method , - from a kind of infringement of sight. They make base of treatment - kinds of bad sight. These sections are included in present(true) The chapter(head). Before you start application special - which are specific to each category - and which are described in chapter(head) 4, you should master properly Base principles of treatment. M.D.Korbett recommends to do(make) them On 2-3 times daily within one week prior to the beginning - special exercises.