Monday, February 2, 2009

Sometimes Communication(connection) Between A Condition Of Sight And

Sometimes communication(connection) between a condition of sight And activity of other bodies of the person carries hidden(latent) - Rubbed. The idea on such communication(connection) and cannot come to a head - To grease doctors. Meanwhile, centuries-old experience Indian - systems of treatment of the Ayurveda opens some such " - " communications(connections). So, the Ayurveda approves(confirms), that the people suffering Chronic cold and locks appears more - to [52, .126]. For treatment are recommended The laxatives prepared from special grasses (at - ), drops in a nose (at cold), solutions for washing The eye, also prepared from grasses, , , Reading at light of a candle, greater(big) turns, games with - a ball, cold lotions on eyes, etc. It is usually done(made) with preliminary in eyes special The anti-inflammatory means prepared with - I eat honey and some grasses. The Ayurveda also gives some instructions(indications) on a diet for - . It is recommended to avoid sour, sharp dishes, - (brines, ), cottage cheese, a potato and others - which can lead to formation(education) of gases in a stomach(belly), - and corking of a nose.