Friday, April 18, 2008

If, For Example, Any Letter In A Distance,

If, For example, any letter in a distance, is considered(examined) It(She) seems making easy(light) movements in various - . At walking the sidewalk seems moving in opposite Direction, and at home on both parties(sides) of street, especially, if they Are close, seem leaving back. At reading - it seems leaving aside, opposite to movement - a sight. If we shall look at the right side of any letter, It(She) will appear to the left of a direction of our sight and, such - , there will be an illusion, that it(she) has moved to the left. At - on the left side of the letter it(she) will appear to the right of a direction - a sight, also there will be an illusion rolling of the letter to the right. - , at a sight at top of the letter or at its(her) bottom it(she) to us - shaken, , downwards or upwards. If we Let's continuously move the sight, for example, with left Sides of the letter on right and back, at normal sight - to appear illusion of rocking of the letter ( ). As well as it is possible to do(make) any thing, moving of a sight - and it is wrong.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

6. Do Not Forget During Viewing Films About

6. Do not forget during viewing films about - . Usually person during the intense moments of development of a plot on The screen tends to constrain the breath. ............................................................ The image at the beginning will be, certainly, not so Good as though you were in glasses(spots). But gradually, if you Will use all recommendations resulted(brought) here, Image sharpness on the screen from a place where you sit, will be To grow. Then you can or be removed back, or - To sit down more close to the screen, depending on your kind of infringement Sight. Probably, on the first viewings you should address to To glasses(spots) earlier, than film will end. Eyes with can To start to strain. Then it is possible to put on glasses(spots) again. With - It(Him) when you learn to apply all rules of art - to viewing films, eyes without glasses(spots) will be - perfectly, at least, it is better than itself than in them. As during viewing films you use All receptions of correct sight, films can serve such Excellent(Different) means of strengthening of sight, as well as special Exercises.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Very Few People Can Brag Of That The

Very few people Can brag of that the attending physician has recommended to it(him) with The purpose of preservation and improvement of sight this or that mode - . At the same time, this aspect always took the important place in So-called (natural) methods - to which system Bejtsa concerns also. Recommendations on an eutrophy have been entered into the Systems of training of sight many of its(his) followers. In Them they have so organically joined the general(common) orientation Systems - treatment by natural methods - that would be - In conformity to acquaint readers with advice(councils) on rationalization The feed(meal) for the good of sight. Line which adhere in a case in point Authors of books on restoration of sight by natural methods, Slightly differs from that, that it is accepted in others widely Known systems of a healthy way of life. It, first of all, Accent(Stress) on food of a phytogenesis with rich - vitamins and microcells. At a wrong feed(meal), supporters -approve(confirm) methods of treatment of sight, function of an eye worsen Set of ways.

............................................................ That We See, Is Interpretation By Our Brain

............................................................ That we see, is interpretation by our brain The images received on a retina. We can improve this Interpretation by means of visualization. What - ? That it became clear we shall result(bring) one of exercises R.S.Agarvala [8, .178-179]. EXERCISE N 9 Take the verifying table and hang up it(her) on such - Standing from yourselves that you saw it(her) well (not Too well, but also it is not too bad). Look on white The center of the big letter "About" (Such letter is available in table - , but is absent in used at us in the country to the table Sivtsev. Instead of recommended letters "About" you can To take advantage of one of in the right part of the table Sivtsev. in the tenth line corresponds(meets) - to the size of the big letter "About" in table ). - Those the center of the letter "About" with other part - tables. It will be possible to probably you easily. If it It was not possible, use a screen, i.e. a card with small Aperture in it(him).