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Saturday, February 23, 2008
.. " Starting Analysis Of Supervision Of This Period,
.. " Starting analysis of supervision of this period, it is necessary to emphasize, that The insignificant technical changes which are taken place during work, not Have given to medical solutions/StK and StCa/antiseptic properties. Therefore Our regulations about of a role of an infection stated above in development studied us Processes, about normalization of symptoms as a method of treatment, will hold good and Only prove to be true supervision of this period. Alongside with it the new facts have been found out. It has appeared, that results from Applications StK were sometimes opposite to results from application StCa, Though both these of structure intended for the same purposes-- To normalize symptoms of an inflammation. Secondly, treatment by the same structure of various diseases, not Having in the anything the general with an inflammation, has given distinctly Positive result. The contradiction turned out: the object was Different, and the medical purpose was reached. It is clear, that the reasons of these contradictions consist in an inaccuracy Representations about properties of these structures and about the mechanism of their action in Organism.
Friday, February 22, 2008
1. If You Wish To Achieve A Rapid
1. If you wish to achieve a rapid progress in - sight, you should refuse carrying glasses(spots) resolutely (. 7). However it is very important to remember the following here RULE: never remove glasses(spots) and do not go, straining everywhere The eyes. Removal of glasses(spots) as speaks M.D.Korbett, with - visions it not the same, that removal Glasses(Spots) with a constant pressure(voltage) of eyes in attempts to make out - . The first - is useful, the second - is harmful. 2. Removal of glasses(spots) without significant -is not always possible(probable) . In some cases without them it is simply impossible to work. Therefore in such cases it is authorized to use glasses(spots), but It always constrains progress. Put on glasses(spots) every time, When you feel, that have started to strain the eyes. 3. If you are compelled(forced) to work in glasses(spots), all the same - all receptions of correct sight, what only - But - the central fixing, movings, blinkings, etc. As It is possible do(make) breaks for weakening exercises is more often.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
They Approve(confirm), That In Difference From A Fine
They approve(confirm), that in Difference from a fine font a large font causes a pressure(voltage), As at reading eyes tries to see large area - it is equally good. In the chapter(head) about the central fixing Harm of such attempts for sight was already marked(celebrated). When it is possible to read through a fine font in adverse Conditions, reading of a usual font at in normal conditions It is noticeably facilitated. By means of reading a fine font in - conditions sometimes very quickly it is possible to remove(take off) - pains in opinion of. Daily reading of a fine font, according to R.S.Agarvalu, Cures and prevents approach and many Other kinds of infringement of sight. Especially recommends R.S.Agarval reading of a fine font At light of a candle, including this exercise very useful at - , , , , early stages Cataracts and glaucomas and in cases of disease of a retina. - The shaft recommends it(him) and at discomfortable sensations in the field of Heads or an eye. Concentration on a flame of a candle, -is useful also stimulates cells(cages) of a retina and improves , Gives eyes sensation of comfort, rest and a relaxation.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
One The Part Of Any Object Is Visible
One The part of any object is visible is better only then, When the brain is satisfied with vision of its(his) greater part - . When the degree of a relaxation increases, the area of a part, Visible is worse, starts to grow, while a part, visible it is better - , it is not becomes simple a point " [16, .65-66]. marked(celebrated) in the work, that limits visual Opportunities of the person depend on a degree it(him) - fixings. The above a degree of the central fixing, the It(He) is capable to make out fineer details. Central - , practised even the person with normal sight, - raises(increases) an acuteness(a witticism) of its(his) sight. Basically, it is possible even To achieve vision by a unaided sight of satellites of the Floodlight. The central fixing renders beneficial influence not Only on sight, but also on other functions of an organism. - as explains , the central fixing is impossible without The perfect(absolute) mental control, the central fixing The eye means also the central fixing of a brain (mentality).
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Such Cases Were Described And In - To
Such cases were described and in - to the literature. It is obvious, that accommodation in this case It was carried out by the ways which absolutely not have been not connected with - Face; Digging in of atropine in eyes approximately in 10 % of cases not Gave expected results. As is known, It is made with the purpose to achieve a paralysis muscles, - Paradise as it is supposed traditional medicine, is responsible Change of the form of a crystalline lens. It is done(made) that it(she) Could not change the form of a crystalline lens, depriving, thus, Eye of an opportunity to accommodate. approves(confirms), that - in each tenth case an eye Still kept ability to accommodate. Obviously - , that accommodation in these cases was carried out not by Changes of curvature of a crystalline lens. At the same time - have shown, that accommodation was completely broken at - atropine deeply in an eye-socket so that atropine could To reach(achieve) external slanting muscles of an eye. That is, it was clear, that Through influence of these muscles process -was carried out .
Monday, February 18, 2008
As It To Make? R.S.Agarval Recommends For This
As it To make? R.S.Agarval recommends for this purpose following kinds Trainings [8, .147]. 1. Go to cinemas to accustom the eyes to - to changes of light exposure. This employment(occupation) is very useful. 2. Read on bright to light and at dim illumination(coverage) - . Or that enter from bright illumination(coverage) into a dark room, That, on the contrary, leave a dark premise(room) on bright light. 3. Daily reading of a fine font is very useful for Eye. 4. Reading in moving transport will help(assist) to improve - . At the beginning you can have the some people - sensations, but achieving a relaxation of eyes and a body, they Will soon disappear, and this practice becomes useful to sight. 5. Reading laying gives pleasure. Any who can Will not read in such position without feeling of discomfort, on All visibility to have any problems with reading in usual Position of a body. Visual work in such adverse - is fine mental . On the first- the brain, probably, will be discomposed by these(it) - but when it(he) will get used to such work (at - use of eyes), the mental control and sight Improve.
Most Likely, This Exercise Has Been Borrowed -
Most likely, this exercise has been borrowed - from not medicamentous methods of treatment, long since - in Asia, in particular, in India and China. The description - exercises it is possible to meet in ancient treatises on Yoga in Sections concerning meditation and a relaxation. Quite often - it and in works of modern Indian authors on To nonconventional natural methods of treatment (see, for example, Agarvala R.S.'s works [2] - [10]; Sharmy L.K. [75]; With. [77]). Correct execution(performance) includes - in its(his) perfection the physical and mental parties(sides). In This section we shall familiarize with the physical party(side) , Which represents the external form of execution(performance) - , and also one of the parties(sides) of mental activity of a brain During . Other parties(sides) of activity of mentality in Time , including more complex(difficult) work - The hectares, connected with memoirs and visualization, we Let's study(investigate) in the subsequent two sections. So, what represents ? Softly close Eyes also cover with their palms of hands.
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