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Saturday, August 2, 2008
EXERCISES, - FOR RESTORATION OF SIGHT AT - APPROACH(SUIT) FOR TREATMENT , And on the contrary. AT - OR ARE USED - THE REPLYING EXERCISES INTENDED FOR TREATMENT AND . Besides exercises for and (and Means and for ) on technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) Practically the same. Only everything, as to distances You should do(make) on the contrary. 10. Than is more often you will do(make) these exercises and than - , thus, you transform them in unconscious - , that normal your sight becomes faster. Remember: Your problem(task) consists not in execution(performance) formal - as it happens in sports, and in transformation of these exercises In habits of sight. Your rule - to do(make) exercises - , but more often. 11. If one eye at you is stronger, than another give Weaker eye has more than work to unite them then In one command(team). It is done(made) by covering of stronger eye Bandage or . It is better, if this will have The convex form. Your eye should move freely, - and to blink together with other eye.
63-64]. EXERCISE N 75 Keeping Position Of The Person(face)
63-64]. EXERCISE N 75 Keeping position of the person(face) looking directly and inclining - on one side, press a head to one shoulder. Then press it(her) to To other shoulder. Repeat some times these movements, - the recommendations resulted(brought) in the previous exercise. On The first times it is better to do(make) this exercise before a mirror, - To be assured(confident), that you really PRESS the HEAD To To SHOULDER, Instead of, ON THE CONTRARY, a shoulder - to a head that is wrong. EXERCISE N 76 Holding a head directly, turn it(her) slowly at the left - and from right to left, repeating, as before, with increasing Tension of muscles of a neck (..8). Pay attention to that, That the body, as well as a neck, did not strain anywhere. Benjamin - to repeat this exercise (slowly) 10 times [40, .66]. EXERCISE N 77 C position of the person(face) looking directly, do(make) - top of a head on a circle of the greatest what is possible, Diameter all over again on hour, and then counter-clockwise.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Correct Blood-groove Is Broken, Drainage Processes, And
The correct blood-groove is broken, Drainage processes, and muscles instead of were soft And elastic, become firm and tense. Gradually It leads to infringement processes, and - affect and the form of eyeballs. In The end of the ends, sight of the person worsens. And further Benjamin Does(Makes) such application(statement): " In many cases simple , and are caused not than other, as - above the reason, while (senile Sight) - ONLY it(this) " [40, .41]. G.Bendzhamina's what recommendations concerning correct Diets? Here it is necessary to note once again, that its(his) opinion, as well as Opinion , differs that is accepted in -a little Numerical editions of last years on the rational organization A feed(meal). Substantive provisions of its(his) recommendations it is briefly possible To reduce to following key instructions(indications): 1. We eat to live, instead of that To give to itself pleasure. Remember always it(this) and eat I peep not so much pleasant on the taste, how many rich - nutrients.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Get A Leaf(sheet) Of A Whatman Paper In
Get a leaf(sheet) of a whatman paper in length about 1 meter and a little Old magazines which can be started up on cutting. In - It(Her) parts of a leaf(sheet) of a paper paste any word in the size About the title of magazine " Spark ", "Health", etc. Under it(him), - on centimeter 2,5, paste a following word or a phrase With letters it is less, the size, for example, about the title of magazines "Vietnam", " the Science and religion " and others. Under it(him) paste - In or a phrase c smaller letters, continuing this Process and reducing height of letters until in height of letters In words or phrases at the very bottom of a leaf(sheet) will make nearby Centimeter. In total make lines 20-25. In each line, - they are equal on width, and the size of a font decreases - downwards, there will be a different quantity(amount) of words. The top line will be To consist all of one-two words, the lowermost is already The whole offers. At selection of magazines for the table consider, That words from them which you will paste to a whatman paper, Should have black color.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
In The Right Part Of The Table Of
In the right part of the table of Sivtsev are the various sizes with break in different places- From above, sideways or on each side. You can use this part Sivtsev's tables for training sight of children. ............................................................. There are symbols and other type. They are used in - tables for check of visual acuity of children. These(it) - happen in any eye cabinet(study). On them are represented - , and other figures. With similar - you can make the interesting exercise developed K.Khakett and recommended it(her) when is required Use of memoirs, principle of acquaintance of objects and Etc. ............................................................. children it is given easily enough, if that - age. However very small children, which else - on hands, certainly, do not understand, that such and As it(her) to do(make). Then R.S.Agarval recommends them Eyes as follows [8, .136]. EXERCISE N 113 Take the child so that solar beams - Have given it(him) on the person(face).
Sunday, July 27, 2008
If, For Example, We Look At Any Letter
If, for example, we look at any letter on - to the table, we should see it(her) better, than any another The letter on it(her). If we consider(examine) any small - on the verifying table also we look at its(her) top, we should - To put a bottom and other parts of this letter is worse, than directly - top. Thus the degree of blackness of top should be above, Than other parts. At the same time, than the letter is more precisely visible, That above the degree of its(her) blackness and that is more white uncovered a paint Places. An eye at the central fixing on objects not Should test any feeling of a pressure(voltage). When an eye - the central fixing, it(he) is in ideal - rest also can look at objects vaguely long Without any attributes of exhaustion. If the central fixing It is ideal, also sight, according to(agree) , ideally. approves(confirms), that " a constant symptom of all - conditions of eyes, as functional, and - , is that... The central fixing is lost. These circumstances are connected by that when sight - , sensitivity of a pole is normal, but when sight Worsens (for any reason), sensitivity of a pole - up to such degree, that the eye sees in the same way and even still Better other parts of a retina " [16, .
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