Tuesday, April 21, 2009

However Technics(technical Equipment) Is A Little Bit Complex(difficult),

However technics(technical equipment) is a little bit complex(difficult), and to result(bring) it(her) here We shall not be. ............................................................. More simple character is carried with bandages on eyes, - Blown by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .141-142]. These bandages well - to the tired and weak eyes. 1. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of ICE WATER. Dip two pieces Soft cotton fabric in the cold water which has formed At thawing slices of an ice, impose them on eyes and bandage Not so strongly approximately for 15 minutes. This bandage - a fine sedative for weak eyes, - after a steam bath. 2. The POTATO BANDAGE. Take wiped on a grater - also put it(him) on a piece of a cotton fabric. From above Potato cover with a piece of cloth with rare structure of weaving Or a gauze. Then put these potato "sandwiches" on Eyes also bandage them approximately on minutes 15 or - it is more. This bandage well calms at feeling Burnings in opinion of. 3. The BANDAGE FROM WHEAT FLOUR.

1 comment:

  1. However at present dynamics of resettlements the initial The genofund, for example, Russian Muscovites will be changed to 70 percent for The account of inflow of genes from other regions. In 150 years "Russian" of Moscow, So not having sufficient genetic uniformity, will strongly To differ from Russian from a countryside of Russia. Now International marriages in Moscow Russian (women conclude twice To thicket! (62 %) marriages with foreigners, than Russian men. Earlier (50-100 Years back) on the first place it is traditional according to ethnic Marriage on model "Russian - the Ukrainian" was country structure, further went "Russian - the Jew", "Russian - the Byelorussian", "Russian - the Armenian" the Maintenance Introduction Syndromes of the general property Some features of the person and mentality of patients with diseases Complaints and standard questionnaires Appetite loss Diarrhoeia syndrome (, ) Changes of a skin and nails at diseases [Vitiligo ( - 709.
