Monday, June 1, 2009

It Was Necessary To Search For Finding-out Of

It was necessary to search for finding-out of the reasons in the processes occuring(happening) in the inflamed center at action of chromic salts, together with in influence of fabrics and juices of the inflamed center on chromic salts. Studying of morphological and mechanical changes in the inflammatory center could not explain it(this) and consequently the centre of gravity has been transferred(carried) to a plane of physical and chemical attitudes(relations). In the beginning of our researches, applying tannins, we aspire To condense the connecting fabric surrounding vessels in the inflamed center. I Process of work there was a question on strengthening intensit Oxidation-reduction processes and downturn of osmotic pressure. With this purpose to medical structures the acid has been added - an sulfur. Results in experiment and clinic have confirme Rationality of this addition, but have not given direct proofs of tha The given preparations operate according to a special-purpose designation.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

4. At Training The Child And It Is

4. At training the child and it is useful To remember, that to its(his) age is more comprehensible certain The order (mode) of their execution(performance), rather than their performance in any The free moments of time. It would be good to do(make) them up to or After a breakfast, after a dinner and directly ahead of a dream. - Whether the child likes to do(make) them during other time let will be How it(he) wants it(this). If the child does not like to do(make) or be persevering, but not - it(him) to do(make) them, differently it(he) will simply begin to hate the - on improvement of sight. Find any stimulus is better, Compensation, the form of a praise to the child. 5. Many children like small and greater(big) turns, - if to do(make) them under music. 6. At training accommodation of small children - Those instead of letters or figures of a card with images various Animals, plants, subjects, etc. Instead of on the removed letters and them for Exercise on copying the letters located is more useful than them In the distance.