Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It Is Necessary, Having Removed Them From Itself

It is necessary, having removed them from itself on Length of the extended hand to look through them on any The removed object. It(he) should not look(appear) increased or Reduced. Besides at movement of glasses(spots) should not - To be given any "ripples"; 3. Accustom eyes to bright light. It is reached(achieved) through Exercises on (. 3.4.6.). ............................................................. In a question on the attitude(relation) to glasses(spots) with optical lenses Opinion and its(his) pupils misses with standard - . Lead researches have allowed it(him) - To give, that would be erroneous to consider(count) a refraction of eyes constant Condition. It(he) writes, that " the theory that anomalies - are caused by deformations of the eyeball, natural In the image conducts to a conclusion, that they represent constant Conditions also that the normal refraction is too certain - a condition. As this theory everywhere - as true it is no wonder to find out, that - the eye is considered the perfect(absolute) mechanism, which always Is in a good working condition.

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