Saturday, December 6, 2008

Having Put On Glasses(spots), Short-sighted On Former On

Having put on glasses(spots), short-sighted on former on a habit Will strain to see far located - You, and and in glasses(spots) will continue to put Effort to see, for example, letters. Thus, sight will be To continue to worsen and in glasses(spots). Many people, likely, - , that after glasses(spots), sight without them once have put on(allocate) It became appreciable worse. And it not the subjective sensation caused Transition from good sight in glasses(spots) to bad without them. - at the oculist confirms, that sight actually - It was sewed. As a result to the person new glasses(spots) with even leave Stronger lenses. As the pressure(voltage) continues to have Place, moreover with accumulation of effect in due course it is possible To notice, that frequency of change of glasses(spots) on new increases with - Smoke year. The fact of deterioration of sight at carrying glasses(spots) so speaks M.D.Korbett: " When the healthy eye is weakened, it(he) will be - to function. Similarly to a camera it(he) will be - , reducing the axis at examining of removed objects, And to be extended in the axis at examining close objects.

Friday, December 5, 2008

To Do(make) Costing(standing) It Is Not Recommended Because

To do(make) costing(standing) it is not recommended because of gradually Increasing pressure(voltage) in hands if at them will not be - Precisely good support. Stirs(prevents) as well exhaustion of muscles of legs(foots). - : during any physical discomfort To be felt should not. If it(he) nevertheless has appeared, it is better on - time to stop exercise and to start it(him,them) later, Having eliminated(erased,removed) any reasons which have caused such discomfort. In such Cases the principle offered -is most useful - to do(make) all gradually, but more often. It in turn - to transformation of such exercises as , - , movings, etc. in a part of your life, in - a habit. Such habitually correct - the eye is necessary for you for achieving. Starting to , would be useful preliminary To warm palms as it recommend K.Khakett and L.Galton. - Than it is necessary? First, warm palms are more pleasant for - persons(faces), rather than cold. You have already acquired, that any - The fort, any unpleasant sensation is a pressure(voltage), any - is an obstacle in your way to improvement of sight.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Set Of Recommendations On This Account(invoice) It Has

Set of recommendations on this account(invoice) It has been given to G.Peppardom [73, .116-128]. Its(his) Substantive provisions The approach to this question are reduced to the following. If you have noticed attributes of a squint at the child absolutely Small age - several weeks or several - from a sort - that unduly to worry it is not necessary. Most likely, Muscles of eyes yet have not learned to work . In fact and Muscles of hands, and muscles of legs(foots) and many other things muscles of the child in it(this) Age work not absolutely harmoniously. But it is necessary to you To provide some measures against the child has begun To strain the sight. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere Following rules: 1. Clean(remove) from the child any bright - You, lamps, mirrors and to that similar objects which can To rivet its(his) attention. Otherwise its(his) eyes constantly will - in their party(side). Besides at an arrangement It is necessary to provide measures that the child saw all suitable To it(him,them) of people without that it(he) has been compelled(forced) all time - in the same party(side).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Followers The Idea About -expressed Also Applications Of

Followers the idea about -expressed also applications of hypnosis to improvement of sight. Such - have under itself strong reasons. As all - Theme is directed on achievement mental - and removal of a nervous pressure(voltage) it is obvious, that - means here can really appear - . Some authors have already described cases of successful attempts - hypnosis for achievement of a mental relaxation and Improvements of sight [12, .144; 65, p.160]. However in one of The works analysed by us, concerning(touching) method , Practical recommendations on this account(invoice) it is not resulted(brought). Therefore To stop in detail on this(thus) theoretically interesting - developments of method we shall not be. considers(counts), that the eye with bad sight loses - a number(line) of properties of a normal eye. It aggravates process Deterioration of sight. At the same time, carrying out special - gradually, but it is frequent, and transforming, thus, these(it) Exercises in subconscious habits of correct sight - But to return normal sight.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

If - In Yourselves You Have Not Found

If - in yourselves you have not found out the artist, act(arrive) easier. Present, that you have a big white leaf(sheet) of a paper and - . Draw in the top corner of a leaf(sheet) with the party(side) in Centimeter 2-3. Now near to it(him) draw same - Tic, but costing(standing) on one of the tops. Then draw Rectangular, which long party(side) it is horizontal. - Put one more rectangular, but already costing(standing) vertically on The short edge. And as will be a triangle in Various positions? Have presented? Then draw in mind(wit) - . Now would be interesting to consider(examine) various - The nations of your figures. Enter in a square, put It(Him) on on top of a triangle, on the top edge(territory) - or enter it(him) inside of a rectangular. Whether you can - , that you is rolled inside of a rectangular From one short edge to another and back? If to you it - it is not so interesting, think up something - Logical. It is necessary to try and you always will find - employment(occupation) for visualization.