Friday, December 7, 2007

Thus It Was Possible Not Only To Get

Thus it was possible not only to get rid from , but And to improve sight for close objects. approves(confirms), that For 8 years of application of its(his) system teachers of schools possible - a level among children about 6 % up to less than 1 %. More In detail results of application of system Bejtsa at schools - in chapter(head) 7. At performance of this exercise is not present any - to learn(teach) children to bases of physiology of an eye, etc., which on To the age a little that will understand from told by you. Important Only to avoid mistakes(errors) at use of the verifying table. Typical mistake(error), for example, is its(her) removal from a wall after End of exercises because of fear, that children will learn(teach) the table By heart also will borrow(occupy) simply in guessing of letters. This(thus) most - all purpose of exercise consisting a summer residence to eyes Daily exercises on sight afar with familiar objects. It is necessary to enable children, leaving from a class on , To look at this table close.