Friday, November 14, 2008

72]. That - In The Latter Case, You Learn(find

72]. That - in the latter case, you learn(find out) later for now give Let's get acquainted with some exercises on memoirs. Typical example of use of memoirs during Trainings exercise with the verifying table is. EXERCISE N 4 (EXERCISE WITH THE VERIFYING TABLE) Hang up Sivtsev's verifying table on a wall on good Illumination(Coverage) so that the distance from you up to it(her) has made 3-6 Meters. Read through under the table downwards so much lines, how many you Can without the appendix of any efforts or diligence. - on last letter which you could see, close Eyes also make , recollecting during it(him) this letter So precise, however(as) it only is possible. For this purpose it is necessary white (Uncovered a paint) parts of the letter to represent is even more white, than They are visible for you in a reality (it is possible to compare these(it) Parts of letters with white fields of the table). Black parts of letters it is necessary To represent, accordingly, is even more black. Here memoirs Closely interwines with representation as you should not Easier(Simply) to recollect this letter, but also to represent it(her) still - precisely visible.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Go In Same Travel To An Opposite Direction.

Go in same Travel to an opposite direction. Make on 10 - circular movements by eyes in each direction. A head It should be motionless, eyes rotate only. The described exercises allow to load all six muscles, Associates your eyes. Such work which is carried out on a regular basis, Will allow to strengthen them considerably. .............................................................. Let's note also, that concerned to similar - Holes skeptically, believing, that they are loading on muscles The eye, and loading is already a pressure(voltage). This statement Requires comments, as among its(his) followers There is no common opinion about value of similar exercises. One them Recommend, others - deny. It(this) some speaks Discrepancy of recommendations of the given section to that you Have read through earlier and to that you will read through later. Especially These exercises of the recommendation contradict to turn eyes and Head aside object of your interest simultaneously. So How to be in this case? In our opinion, it only - the contradiction.