Saturday, February 16, 2008

You Only That Have Familiarized With The Elementary,

You only That have familiarized with the elementary, physical party(side) . Development of a mental part we shall begin also with enough Its(His) simple stage - from a stage of vision of a black field before Eyes. ............................................................. That you have correctly understood and have acquired a number(line) - principles of activity of mentality during - Hectares, you should familiarize with the maintenance(contents) very closely(attentively) Resulted(Brought) below the text. The most complex(difficult) activity in all To your training is an activity of a brain and, first of all, in Time . it has been developed a number(line) initial The positions, concerning(touching) activity of mentality during - Hectares. If many base exercises, especially regarding - relaxations, have undergone essential changes in Techniques of its(his) followers, main principles Have remained constant since time of the first statement of a method in Press(Seals). In this respect book " Improvement of sight without Glasses(Spots) on method " is the original Bible for it(him) Followers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Means Of Treatment Is Concluded In - .

Means of treatment is concluded in - . At a far-sightedness system Bejtsa recommends [8, .123] (in addition to described in chapter(head) 3) to carry out - exercises. 1. Daily read the verifying table of a manual format Or any fine font both at good illumination(coverage), and at Dim. To read better without glasses(spots). If it is impossible, - It dares to address to them for the help, but always - progress. 2. To move during reading a sight on white strips Under lines of letters (. 5, a department "Reading"). 3. Hang up Sivtsev's verifying table on distance 5 Meters from itself on dim to light. Illumination(coverage) should be such, That reading letters needed some effort. What for to you In this case the effort is necessary spoke earlier. We shall note - To, that such effort at reading on close distance is necessary To avoid, and at reading the removed table - to aspire to it(him,them). In the first case dimness of light has for an object a relaxation Eye, because at dim light long and without exhaustion - But to read only, having weakened eyes (.