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Saturday, January 19, 2008
High-grade - An Eye On Which Their Healthy
High-grade - an eye on which their healthy condition depends, Can be provided only at enough - Mine -12 in your food. The basic source of vitamin -12 are a yolk of eggs, Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, liver of lethal cattle and the some people Kinds of a fish. Remember, that to mastering of vitamin -12 promotes - . Therefore it(she) also is expedient for including in a feed(meal). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - perhaps, most - applied among all vitamins, as it(him) - Blow to accept as preventive means against diseases, as means, etc. Adjusting(Regulating) oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate Exchange, supporting(maintaining) permeability of capillaries on normal Level, this vitamin as is important for eyes, as well as - above vitamins. Its(his) lack of food can lead fabrics of eyes, to haemorrhages in eyes because of - Be sewed as a result of deficiency of vitamin of their fragility blood Vessels and to other negative consequences. Vitamin C takes part(participates) in formation of collagen, from Which durability of communications(connections), in turn, depends between Cells(Cages) of a body.
EXERCISE N 18 Try To Imitate Gait Of
EXERCISE N 18 Try to imitate gait of the elephant with rocking. Make a step the right leg(foot) and rock a body, a head and eyes To the right, and on the contrary. EXERCISE N 19 Take the book and, keeping it(her) at arm's length, whence a font It is visible is better, read it(her), moving simultaneously eyes and Head here and there. ............................................................. As a result correctly carried out movings of eyes There is an illusion of movement of objects (their rocking, - ). If movings to do(make) correctly, the certificate - such seeming movement they will render greater(big) is The help in restoration of sight. Such movings - attempts of eyes steadfastly to look at objects and, such - , removing a pressure(voltage) of eyes, promote improvement of sight. It is difficult enough to many people to explain, how it can To move motionless objects. They have firmly hammered into to themselves a head That it is simply impossible. Doing(making) exercises on - and rocking, they "cling" to these objects eyes, Which there and then start to strain.
Friday, January 18, 2008
It Is Quite Often Possible To Meet Families,
It is quite often possible to meet families, where at Parents a far-sightedness, and at their children - short-sightedness or Absolutely different kinds of infringements of sight - at one child Squint, at another - , at the third - - Bone, etc. Why?; Than to explain, that eyes of the same persons can To have opposite kinds of infringements of sight- One eye at it(him) can be short-sighted, and another - - , etc. Such questions left by classical medicine without The answer, it is possible to set much. Having solved(decided), that orthodox The doctrine of an ophthalmologic science develops in incorrect - and trying to throw light on similar difficult for - Mania "behaviour" of eyes, has put forward absolutely new - functioning of an eye. According to its(his) application(statement), for more Than a thirty-year operational experience in sphere of ophthalmology to it(him) not It was necessary to observe any case contradicting - it(him) of the theory of the reasons of deterioration of sight.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
554-272] Also Has Given Big Attention To Restoration Of
554-272] also has given big Attention to restoration of sight of children. ............................................................. 1. Inspire, first of all, to the child strong desire To get rid of glasses(spots). Find an occasion which would serve for It(Him) stimulus. For example, explain to it(him), that it is necessary for the pilot - Three sight (if your child wishes to become them). Desire - much more will accelerate its(his) progress. 2. Your behaviour also should promote improvement Sight of the child. Do not wait for fast results. Do not force The child to what. Define(determine), who in family consults is better With work of the child on improvement of sight. Often happens, that one Of parents does(makes) it better, than another. Praise for The slightest promotion forward, however(as) small it was. For Them the similar stimulus has much greater weight, than for - . 3. Depending on a kind of infringement of sight follow - to sections of chapter(head) 4. Thus consider all resulted(brought) Above and below the recommendation.
- Bark It All Over Again, Having Opened
- Bark it all over again, having opened eyes, and then, having closed them and - to itself a circle. This exercise if it is done(made) Correctly, it is very useful, when eyes more or less - as it happens in cases of a glaucoma or diseases Retinas. ............................................................. EXERCISE N 13 (READING THE FINE FONT) Very useful to development of the central fixing - reading of the texts written or printed fine - Volume. R.S.Agarval pays attention that many ancient Manuscripts and religious texts in India (for example, and Mahabharata) have been written by very fine font and - for daily reading. (now instead of these(it) R.S.Agarval, M.D.Korbett's texts and other authors recommend For training the central fixing to use reduced Photocopy of the text from any book.) The most part of people as marks(celebrates) in the book R.S.Agarval, engaged traditional Indian crafts, Where the technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) demands long work with fine Details - drawing, a fine sculpture, embroidery and others Kinds of arts - keep fine sight up to deep - [8, .
It Is Not Necessary To Care Too Of
It is not necessary to care too of accuracy and - the figure. Here it is important to construct a basis for - exercises forming your sight, in which - Elk any pressure(voltage). Let ink properly will dry up, and then hang up a leaf(sheet) With letters on a wall on good illumination(coverage). Costing(standing) close to - to letters, read through the words formed by them from above Downwards: " the RELAXATION WILL return to me SHARP SIGHT ". Now you know, what there letters, and can, such - to recollect them, not subjecting an eye to check. Prepare Them to exercise, having made (having substituted eyes under - or other light source), and turns. Sit down Then opposite to the table on such distance, with which - the line is visible precisely. Again close eyes and, already knowing, what there words, - calculate, what letters should be on the second line. "Write" their nose and, exhaling air which has been taken away by you after Deep breath, open eyes and (and Attention) under them. Possibly they will come to light more precisely a gleam.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It Is Possible To Do(make) Exercise And On
It is possible to do(make) exercise and on another if is for what To grasp hands above a head. Then it is necessary to try to get Thorax of a floor. Though it, certainly, will not be possible - , the effect of these attempts is magnificent - your edges will be - to be moved apart. At a tension forward it is necessary to inhale, and at Relaxation - to exhale. Important at attempt to get a breast- to not lower(omit) all body downwards - only the breast tries - . Do not do(make) thus any sharp movements. ............................................................. The GENERAL PROVISIONS of the BODY (the POSE, GAIT, the BEARING) indirect In the image can render essential influence on function Many bodies of a body. To formation of a correct bearing, gait And poses give or, at least, should give much Attention, since a school bench. For this reason we not Let's stop in detail on this aspect complex The approach to restoration of sight. We shall note only key - You [80, .86]: 1. It is necessary to hold a head highly lifted.
.2). Thus Of An Eye, Having Got Used Long
.2). Thus of an eye, having got used long time - on close distance, " on a habit " continues - a crystalline lens in the convex form and at removed Objects. Let's note, that there are also other theories of an origin - on which we shall not stop as It does not enter into the purposes of the present(true) work. Rays of light from nearby objects at short-sightedness - But are reduced in focus on a retina (..2). Beams of light from The removed objects are not reached(achieved) with a retina of an eye and are focused Before it(her) (..2). Thus each point of object gives on To retina instead of the same point a tiny light spot(stain) (..2). For this reason the removed objects for The short-sighted person blur. At a far-sightedness usually considered(counted) congenital - (in difference from short-sightedness which concerns more often To a got kind of infringement of sight), the eyeball has Too short form in the -back axis. Rays of light From close objects "are focused" behind a retina, creating, Thus, on a retina instead of a sharp point indistinct Spot(Stain) (.
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