Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
When The Person Evidently Sees, What Was Its(his)
When The person evidently sees, what was its(his) sight in the beginning - and what it became now, in it(him) appears strong - to continue trainings sight. That messages of record about progress of sight, to you - correctly to measure an acuteness(a witticism) of the sight. As it To make without the help of the doctor? If you have got to yourselves Sivtsev's verifying table, - it is possible to meet in any eye cabinet(study), you likely Have paid attention to figures at the left and to the right of numbers(lines) ( are specially picked up signs for definition Visual acuities. As letters can act, Figures, , etc.). To the left of numbers(lines) of letters in table - there is a figure meaning distance in meters, with which The given line should be read at normal sight of the person. So, for example, to the left of the first line from letters "" also Would cost(stand) Number 50,0. It means, that the person with normal sight Should read this line from distance of 50 meters. To the left of - lines there is number 5,0.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Always, When White It Is Recollected - ,
Always, when white it is recollected - , the background will be so black what to recollect or see with The open eyes something is more black it will be impossible. ............................................................. During if you do not manage to make any Other exercises, you can concentrate also on - I eat breath up to account(invoice) 100. How often and long it is necessary to do(make) ? Concerning frequency of execution(performance) it is possible to tell, That principles here the following. it is necessary to do(make): As it is possible is more often if you on it have time; Necessarily after during time, in two Time exceeding time ; Every time when you feel, that your eyes - Whether, strain, etc.; Every time when you test any feeling - or mental discomfort. In it(this) it is shown - weakening and calming character ; Before a dream it (is desirable). This fine exercise, - to a good dream. After awakening at you will not be To hurt(be ill,be sick) eyes as it often happens if to lay down to sleep without them Preliminary relaxation.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Than Moving A Sight From One Point To
Than moving a sight from one point to -will be wider , the will be (fluctuation) of the table more. By - the patient should realize, that every time, when - the point is displaced to the right from the verifying table, the table And all other objects should be displaced to the left, and on the contrary. When it will be firmly acquired, to make illusion - all becomes easier and easier. The patient, it is as though firm it(he) Has believed in that motionless objects cannot move, It will be compelled(forced) to recognize, that when its(his) sight is displaced in - Well the party(side), the table moves in opposite. - this movement it is so indisputable, that soon the patient simply Should represent motionless objects moving Every time when eyes move from right to left, at the left To the right or in any other directions. To achieve it(this) - But it is possible for short enough time. .............................................................. It normal sight - to see objects - at moving an eye, as a rule, it is lost at it(him) Deterioration.
More Often, But- - Here Your Principle. At
More often, but- - here your principle. At a choice of exercises observe and Following principles: Try, that in your personal entered - all types - , memoirs, mental - , , washing of eyes, turns, etc.; Make to itself complexes on every week and change them After 7 days to avoid boredom. Try, that Complexes differed with structure of used exercises, - thus "representation" all of them of types; Do not look at the exercises resulted(brought) here as on - . Dream! Observing the principles incorporated in them, you - to think up to itself not less useful exercises (and can and More). 18. Than more than time you will give the - , to those more quickly you will return to yourselves sight. Usually for - fast and progress it is required to finish time Trainings (means, total time) till 1-2 o'clock in Day. For self-stimulation to employment(occupations) and the control - during day of time for training get(start), as advises K.Khakett, a special card [56, .273-275]. Take ordinary in a section and, having receded From a left edge to the right on 10 centimeters, lead - a line.
75-81]. To Get Rid Of A Squint To You
75-81]. To get rid of a squint to you it will be necessary To pass(take place) 3 stages: 1. To weaken and release(exempt) the tense muscles of eyes with that, That they could turn together, being in correct To centering. It will allow to weaken the intense muscle, which Withdraws your eye aside. 2. This stage consists in returning it(her) - the center of the sharpest sight. The matter is that an eye, - deviated outside or inside during long - , has got used to see a peripheral site of a retina, instead of To fix considered(examined) object . That To keep such eye constantly in correct position, - to restore sight until it not Becomes stronger, than originally generated sight Edge(Territory) of a retina, or as it often refers to, false - . This stage is desirable for passing(for taking place) and to stronger eye, As a deviating eye can pull behind itself and another Eye. 3. It is necessary to unite sight of both eyes, i.e., - , turned out in two , it is necessary to merge together - That of data of the same points the image together in one and The same moment of time (this process of merge refers to - To IT(her)).
Monday, June 23, 2008
E. Having Seen One Part - It Is Better
e. having seen one part - it is better than all rest. Not necessarily thus to see Object well. The main thing that one part of this object was It is visible better, than the rest. When you will achieve it(this), begin direct muscles of eyes back. In such cases itself - on focusing becomes exercise on achievement Gleam of good sight. First time at a mental tension of muscles of an eye you not Will feel appreciable effect. Be not upset and - the trainings. Look at other object and - all time a constant tension of straight lines The muscles involving an eye in an eye-socket. It is not necessary to try - any changes in vision of objects. Your main The purpose in the given exercise is achievement of sensation Direct muscles. And to notice it at once it will not be possible. - it with a raising of a brick from a floor. If to lift its(his) one Time, will pass(take place) it imperceptibly, but it is enough to repeat of this - hundreds times, and you at once will feel, that muscles work. Probably there will be even some morbidity.
Such Position Not Only - Leads To A
Such position not only - leads to a pressure(voltage) and exhaustion, but also conducts to The blood vessels passing(taking place) through a neck and supplying with blood Brain and eyes. The effect will be more likely negative, rather than - . The correct approach here such: it is necessary for you to be bent In a waist, having removed chair from a table, so that -there is some The night lamp and neck (actually, cervical ) were on - a straight line. Thus, you keep correct "bearing" and Will avoid an excessive pressure(voltage). If you prefer to do(make) laying on a back, Without a pillow under elbows you very soon will feel - in hands that will destroy the purpose of your training - to get rid From a pressure(voltage). Then it is better to you to turn over on a stomach(belly) and prone. In the rest it is done(made) in the same way, As though you laid on a back. Similar position - prone and Closed eyes palms - it is possible to meet among exercises of Yoga On a relaxation. What position is the most convenient for execution(performance) ? You can accept any convenient for you, for example, to lay down or To sit down.
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