Friday, April 24, 2009

Then Do The Same Mentally In Time (is

Then do the same mentally in Time (is more detailed about technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of it(this) - . 3.4.2.). You are convinced, that in such a way It is possible to keep attention to one object vaguely Long. This way of concentration is really useful for Sight. Thus, when you managed to achieve representation, For example, a black hat never fix the - a look in its(her) one point. Instead of it(this) begin the - Which travel after it(her) - all over again along edges(territories) of fields, then Upwards, on a diagonal, etc. your imagination in such mental Images nothing is limited. The main thing is, that yours Exercises during were entertaining and interesting. When you unexpectedly recollect about the field of vision, It will appear, that you simply do not remember, what it was, therefore, That it was absolutely black, i.e. on it(him) nothing was- Strokes, , hyphens. In some cases people, thinking that they have reached(achieved) ideal Blacknesses of a field, are perplexed, why does not come appreciable Improvements of sight.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

However Technics(technical Equipment) Is A Little Bit Complex(difficult),

However technics(technical equipment) is a little bit complex(difficult), and to result(bring) it(her) here We shall not be. ............................................................. More simple character is carried with bandages on eyes, - Blown by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .141-142]. These bandages well - to the tired and weak eyes. 1. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of ICE WATER. Dip two pieces Soft cotton fabric in the cold water which has formed At thawing slices of an ice, impose them on eyes and bandage Not so strongly approximately for 15 minutes. This bandage - a fine sedative for weak eyes, - after a steam bath. 2. The POTATO BANDAGE. Take wiped on a grater - also put it(him) on a piece of a cotton fabric. From above Potato cover with a piece of cloth with rare structure of weaving Or a gauze. Then put these potato "sandwiches" on Eyes also bandage them approximately on minutes 15 or - it is more. This bandage well calms at feeling Burnings in opinion of. 3. The BANDAGE FROM WHEAT FLOUR.

The Central Fixing (see Section 3.4.1.) Will Help(assist)

The central fixing (see section 3.4.1.) will help(assist) you To keep attention to black objects long time. Writes, that when people " will learn to see one part black - all object as a whole is more black, than, they can recollect This smaller area in the sizes during longer Time, than would recollect greater(big) in the sizes the area. It Will enable them when will do(make) , it is more - to see black " [16, .71]. The central fixing on - Tic it is impossible without continuous moving a sight and - , differently it will cause a pressure(voltage). also turns - on necessity of continuous moving mental Look: " It is impossible to see, recollect or represent Something, even within a second, without moving with one Parts of object on another or to any other object and Again back. Attempt to make it always leads - . The one who thinks, that it(he) recollects black object - , actually subconsciously compares it(him) to what Be not such black, differently its(his) color and position will be - to vary.

Monday, April 20, 2009

16. Recommends To Continue In Order To Prevent

16. recommends to continue in order to prevent relapse To train and after restoration of sight on some - daily. " As, - speaks , - any friend The object is capable to remove effort to see, daily reading It is usually enough verifying table for this purpose. It is useful Also (especially when imperfectly sight close) to read Daily fine font, holding it(him) so it is close also to eyes, as It only can be made " [16, .48-49]. It is necessary And for protection of eyes in case they it is undergone unexpected To strong influences (that can happen with everyone), - Measures, to unexpected blinding by headlights of counter cars. Eyes in such cases always should be in the form of. 17. You can and SHOULD do(make) any exercises of the chapter(head) 3 " Base principles of treatment for all " if on that is not present - the clause recommending given exercise only for Concrete kind of infringement of sight. Choose from all exercises what give in yours Case faster effect, also do(make) them more often.

63]. The Reason Of It(this) Sees That These(it) Kinds

63]. The reason of it(this) sees that these(it) Kinds of thin works demanded from them superb developed - fixings. For development of central fixing and the majority Its(His) followers - , and others - - Daily reading a fine font or font pouts. If you cannot get such fine font, - the reduced photocopy of any text. To many people, - on headaches during reading, and also on - growth of force of lenses in glasses(spots) for reading, this exercise Has brought greater(big) advantage(benefit). If you cannot read it(him) without - can take advantage of glasses(spots) at reading such - That some time but when sight will improve, to you - But it will be necessary to remove them during reading. Remember: reading of a fine font should occur(happen) without Any discomfort. If you test unpleasant - immediately stop reading. Discomfort - about presence of a pressure(voltage), i.e. about wrong - you of the eyes. If reading of a fine font - it is correct, anything similar to notice you should not. Reading Fine font not only does not demand greater(big) efforts, but also - it is easier, than reading of a large font, certainly, if it It is done(made) in the correct, weakened manner.