Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In What Here Business? The Reason Almost Always

In what here business? The reason almost always has double character. First, You have incorrectly relaxed as a whole (physically). Secondly, You, it appears be not able to relax at all - . To last question we shall return later for now we shall borrow(occupy) First of your problems - a physical relaxation - also we shall be To do(make) it(him) how it is recommended system Bejtsa. First of all, settle down in convenient for you - . Your body should test physical comfort. Nothing Should distract ideas during performance mental - on a relaxation - neither a draft, nor become numb suddenly - , impulses of a wind from the slightly opened window. What for this purpose To choose position? We shall tell at once: ready recipes on this The account(invoice) does not exist. It is necessary to work at search most Position comprehensible to you. has noticed in this occasion, That sometimes the position of a body promoting a relaxation, - absolutely unexpected. As an example it(he) results(brings) - Well from the patients which achieved weakened - , only having inclined the body forward under a corner of 45 degrees.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


3. BASE PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT FOR ALL System Bejtsa can be subdivided into 3 parts: 1. The general(common) (physical) relaxation. 2. A mental relaxation. 3. The additional methods promoting improvement - (breath, a diet and so forth). Exact borders between the specified parts, and also those Sections that enter into each part as you are convinced in - to define(determine) difficultly enough. Therefore they carry in - To which measure conditional character. Each of three specified parts contains sections, - which it is necessary all engaged method , - from a kind of infringement of sight. They make base of treatment - kinds of bad sight. These sections are included in present(true) The chapter(head). Before you start application special - which are specific to each category - and which are described in chapter(head) 4, you should master properly Base principles of treatment. M.D.Korbett recommends to do(make) them On 2-3 times daily within one week prior to the beginning - special exercises.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Therefore Any Basic Changes In A Technique Of

Therefore any basic Changes in a technique of treatment in this case not - . Let's note only, that in the work [62] , referring On Joseph Barmata (Joseph E.Barmat), writes, that boredom - to increase in influence at the person of such sensations, As famine, discomfort, a pain and a pressure(voltage) of eyes. it is direct Carried boredom to one of kinds of a pressure(voltage). 2. Proceeding from all told, it is obvious, that the purpose - there should be a removal of a pressure(voltage), vision. " - time, - writes , - has been evidently shown, that any Abnormal work of external muscles of an eyeball is accompanied Pressure(Voltage) or effort to see also that with removal of it(this) - action of muscles is normalized, and all anomalies of a refraction Disappear. The eye can be blind, it(he) can suffer an atrophy Optic nerve, a cataract or disease of a retina, but Until it(he) does not try to see, external muscles - Thaw normally and no anomaly of a refraction is present. This fact Gives us a way by means of which can be eliminated(erased,removed) All these conditions, so long considered incurable " [16, .

Friday, December 19, 2008

To Last Of The Mentioned Factors - To

To last of The mentioned factors - to breath - in system Bejtsa also - the important role. The basic recommendations in this area - Wives us in following section. 3.6. BREATH Oxygen, as is known, plays the important role in many The vital processes occuring(happening) in an organism. Therefore - the big attention practically is paid to exercises in All systems of improvement of the person. Did not become exception and Method . Its(his) some followers respiratory - have been entered as auxiliary into the - Themes of training of sight. Pays attention on given experimental - which have revealed precise enough dependence between - attention of the person and a delay of breath. " When we - Rome on something it is close(attentive), for us the tendency -is noticed to hold the breath for many seconds successively, or, if we Nevertheless we breathe, to do(make) it, alternating(interleaving) with less deep, than Usually, . The reason of it(this) is that, when we We wish to concentrate the attention, we it is found out, that The noise created by breath and sensation of movement of muscles serve- in it(this).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Only The Pressure(voltage) Prevents To Undergo To An

Only the pressure(voltage) prevents to undergo to an eyeball - changes in the form. Instead of muscles of an eye this work - to do(make) glasses(spots) therefore eye muscles cease To carry out the functions and start to weaken gradually. (Spencer) speaks: " Each gift(for nothing) gets - to functioning through performance of the function. If this function for it(him) is carried out by other agent, - adjustments from the nature will not occur(happen). More likely, The nature will go on infringement of the nature, that - To fight to the artificial measures undertaken instead of - " [47, .14]. When the person any time should do without Glasses(Spots) (for example when it(he) breaks them), it is frequent - , that sight became a little bit better. One more aspect of harm of carrying of glasses(spots) with optical By lenses it is noted in C.L.Tomsona's work. It(he) writes: " Normal, The healthy muscle remains those only in case it(she) often It is started up in business and if its(her) amplitude of movement is used Completely.

Khaksli Is Offered. In The Book It(he) Writes, That

Khaksli is offered. In the book it(he) writes, that " A relaxation... Can be two kinds - passive and - . Art of sight includes receptions sorts- Passive relaxation of bodies of sight during the periods of rest and - a relaxation through normal and natural - during activity " [62, .82]. Further it(he) - , that the greatest success in treatment of bad sight is possible To reach(achieve) only at simultaneous application of both kinds - . In the present(true) section of the book we shall acquaint you with methods Passive relaxation. Distinctive feature of these(it) - "inactivity", passivity of bodies of sight, them is Immovability. The word "inactivity" is not casually taken in - as eyes, actually, even in a dream do not stop The activity. Thus about an immovability of eyes also it is possible To speak with the big share of a relativity. The designation is simple These methods as passive emphasizes smaller, than If it was a question of dynamic methods of a relaxation (- fixing, blinkings, movings, etc.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Subsequent Processes Of An Exchange Can Brake

The subsequent processes of an exchange can brake and even to lower intensity of an inflammation. The primary goal was not strengthening(amplification) of inflammatory reaction, and influence on inflammations with the purpose of normalization of the broken(disturbed) attitudes(relations). the moments were outside of a field of our interest. We began to apply - the old, tested anti-inflammatory means, - in which tanning properties are sharply expressed also preliminary experiences with, yielded encouraging results, us to stop on, as on a method of struggle against an inflammation. The term is borrowed from the tanning industry. It is necessary to emphasize now, that the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose on manufacture. a living tissue, having kept its(her) life it is impossible. in a medical practice it is necessary to understand in a view of views consisting the following: the molecule of fiber consists of the direct circuits connected by strong main valencies; among themselves these circuits communicate weaker.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lack Of Vitamin C Leads To Decrease(reduction) -

Lack of vitamin C leads to decrease(reduction) - eye muscles and, as consequence(investigation), to easing to sight [44, .3]. A lot of vitamin C contains in the dried up fruits Dogrose (in 30 times more, than in fruits of an orange), fruits Mountain ashes (it is more, than in lemons), red pepper, spinach, - , red carrots, tomatoes, a potato (especially in the autumn), Not stale to cabbage. As the body is unable to make vitamin C - , it is necessary for you to accept it(him) daily. Minimal Daily need(requirement) of the adult person for vitamin C - 70-100 milligram. Recommendations concerning vitamin C are important and - , that has been shown by special researches, that reception This vitamin it is useful at raised(increased) psychological - with which our life differs. These loadings, as we Specified above, according to(agree) , are an original cause - sight. It is necessary to note, that surplus of the vitamin A acting in The organism of the person can cause negative consequences- Defeat of a liver, rough breath, spasmes, adjournment of salts In joints.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bad Sight Can Do Not Become Simple Inconvenience

Bad sight can do not become simple inconvenience in a life, And the inconvenience generating human tragedies. Thousand - on the middle of a vital way become before - changes of the trade with another, losing qualification, Hopes for career and success in a life. It is necessary hundreds women To leave dream to have the child only because of possible(probable) at Sorts of complications on eyes. Therefore the words once told John Kennedi about Americans and for Americans, with full The right it is possible to carry and to us: " We wish to be not the nation - , and the nation of participants of this stormy life. " By preparation of work U.G.Bejt-'s works have been used , pupils of M.D.Korbett and G.M.Pepparda, - worked with it(him), K.Khakett and L.Galtona, R.S.Agarvala, P.Bregg, C.L.Tomsona, O.Khaksli, G.Bendzhamina and the some people - authors which works are most - in the given area. As experience of application of system Bejtsa in the USSR - , all practical advice(councils) are resulted(brought) according to - the specified authors with exact bibliographic References(Links).

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Having Put On Glasses(spots), Short-sighted On Former On

Having put on glasses(spots), short-sighted on former on a habit Will strain to see far located - You, and and in glasses(spots) will continue to put Effort to see, for example, letters. Thus, sight will be To continue to worsen and in glasses(spots). Many people, likely, - , that after glasses(spots), sight without them once have put on(allocate) It became appreciable worse. And it not the subjective sensation caused Transition from good sight in glasses(spots) to bad without them. - at the oculist confirms, that sight actually - It was sewed. As a result to the person new glasses(spots) with even leave Stronger lenses. As the pressure(voltage) continues to have Place, moreover with accumulation of effect in due course it is possible To notice, that frequency of change of glasses(spots) on new increases with - Smoke year. The fact of deterioration of sight at carrying glasses(spots) so speaks M.D.Korbett: " When the healthy eye is weakened, it(he) will be - to function. Similarly to a camera it(he) will be - , reducing the axis at examining of removed objects, And to be extended in the axis at examining close objects.

Friday, December 5, 2008

To Do(make) Costing(standing) It Is Not Recommended Because

To do(make) costing(standing) it is not recommended because of gradually Increasing pressure(voltage) in hands if at them will not be - Precisely good support. Stirs(prevents) as well exhaustion of muscles of legs(foots). - : during any physical discomfort To be felt should not. If it(he) nevertheless has appeared, it is better on - time to stop exercise and to start it(him,them) later, Having eliminated(erased,removed) any reasons which have caused such discomfort. In such Cases the principle offered -is most useful - to do(make) all gradually, but more often. It in turn - to transformation of such exercises as , - , movings, etc. in a part of your life, in - a habit. Such habitually correct - the eye is necessary for you for achieving. Starting to , would be useful preliminary To warm palms as it recommend K.Khakett and L.Galton. - Than it is necessary? First, warm palms are more pleasant for - persons(faces), rather than cold. You have already acquired, that any - The fort, any unpleasant sensation is a pressure(voltage), any - is an obstacle in your way to improvement of sight.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Set Of Recommendations On This Account(invoice) It Has

Set of recommendations on this account(invoice) It has been given to G.Peppardom [73, .116-128]. Its(his) Substantive provisions The approach to this question are reduced to the following. If you have noticed attributes of a squint at the child absolutely Small age - several weeks or several - from a sort - that unduly to worry it is not necessary. Most likely, Muscles of eyes yet have not learned to work . In fact and Muscles of hands, and muscles of legs(foots) and many other things muscles of the child in it(this) Age work not absolutely harmoniously. But it is necessary to you To provide some measures against the child has begun To strain the sight. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere Following rules: 1. Clean(remove) from the child any bright - You, lamps, mirrors and to that similar objects which can To rivet its(his) attention. Otherwise its(his) eyes constantly will - in their party(side). Besides at an arrangement It is necessary to provide measures that the child saw all suitable To it(him,them) of people without that it(he) has been compelled(forced) all time - in the same party(side).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Followers The Idea About -expressed Also Applications Of

Followers the idea about -expressed also applications of hypnosis to improvement of sight. Such - have under itself strong reasons. As all - Theme is directed on achievement mental - and removal of a nervous pressure(voltage) it is obvious, that - means here can really appear - . Some authors have already described cases of successful attempts - hypnosis for achievement of a mental relaxation and Improvements of sight [12, .144; 65, p.160]. However in one of The works analysed by us, concerning(touching) method , Practical recommendations on this account(invoice) it is not resulted(brought). Therefore To stop in detail on this(thus) theoretically interesting - developments of method we shall not be. considers(counts), that the eye with bad sight loses - a number(line) of properties of a normal eye. It aggravates process Deterioration of sight. At the same time, carrying out special - gradually, but it is frequent, and transforming, thus, these(it) Exercises in subconscious habits of correct sight - But to return normal sight.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

If - In Yourselves You Have Not Found

If - in yourselves you have not found out the artist, act(arrive) easier. Present, that you have a big white leaf(sheet) of a paper and - . Draw in the top corner of a leaf(sheet) with the party(side) in Centimeter 2-3. Now near to it(him) draw same - Tic, but costing(standing) on one of the tops. Then draw Rectangular, which long party(side) it is horizontal. - Put one more rectangular, but already costing(standing) vertically on The short edge. And as will be a triangle in Various positions? Have presented? Then draw in mind(wit) - . Now would be interesting to consider(examine) various - The nations of your figures. Enter in a square, put It(Him) on on top of a triangle, on the top edge(territory) - or enter it(him) inside of a rectangular. Whether you can - , that you is rolled inside of a rectangular From one short edge to another and back? If to you it - it is not so interesting, think up something - Logical. It is necessary to try and you always will find - employment(occupation) for visualization.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

In The First Case Legs(foots) Are Fixed And

In the first case legs(foots) are fixed and moves The body, in the second, on the contrary, is fixed a body, and move - . In the second case there is no necessity in any Extras and consequently this way is easier. Before to start direct loading muscles Stomach(Belly), it is necessary for you to make a rack on shoulders or, as it(her) Still name, "". It is recommended to do(make) a rack in - the order. on any firm surface on Back. Lift legs(foots) upwards and throw them for a head. - hands in the field of a waist, having put elbows on a floor. Now Straighten legs(foots) and the case vertically upwards. As a result at you - to turn out the following pose: you lean(base) on a floor back Part of a head and neck, and also shoulders, legs(foots) and the case - vertically upwards. Help(assist) to keep balance of a hand, Rested against a waist, and the elbows which are based on a floor. In this position it is necessary to do(make) movements by legs(foots) in various Directions of type of greater(big) steps, "scissors", " drivings on - ", etc.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Majority - , However, So Distracts That

The majority - , however, so distracts that they see when them Sight improves representation that lose this letter. One Business - to manage mentally to present precise vision any Letters, another - to manage to see this and other letters without loss The control over this representation " [16, .94]. For development To this ability recommends following exercise, Intended for . After corresponding(meeting) - this exercise with success can be used for Treatments and other kinds of anomalies of a refraction. For performance This exercise you should familiarize with That the central fixing (represents section 3.4.1.). EXERCISE N 10 Look at any letter from distance, with - it(she) is visible is better. Then close eyes and recollect It(Her). Repeat so until the memoirs does not become Same good, as well as vision in a near point. Having hung up - the table on distance of 6 meters, look on pure(clean) Empty surface in centimeters of thirty or moreover in To the party(side) from it(her) and again recollect the letter.

3.4.6.). Constant Carrying Of Sunglasses Leads - A

3.4.6.). Constant carrying of sunglasses leads - a photophobia (photophobia), when even that quantity(amount) Light which easy maintains a normal eye, results(brings) To pains in opinion of from which have removed(have taken off) habitual it(him) dark glasses(spots). Besides carrying of glasses(spots) with painted in various colors Glasses quite often causes so-called , - in infringement for long enough time correct Color perception(recognition) of the world. Therefore: 1. Do not carry without special necessity on that dark glasses(spots); 2. If all of you should address to sun-protection To glasses(spots), be able to choose them correctly. It is desirable to select (on To the reason specified above) glasses(spots) of black (grey) color and - Corduroy road of glasses(spots) with the glasses painted in any another(others) color. Glasses(Spots) should detain not less than 70 % of falling light. At - , for example, to a delay of light they already practically Are useless. C.L.Tomson advises also to do(make) following - sunglasses.

Be Passed(taken Place) So On All Dial. .............................................................

Be passed(taken place) so on all dial. ............................................................. And, at last, last exercise from this series, - C.L.Tomsonom. It differs technics(technical equipment) -a little as in it(her) muscles of a neck work also. This exercise Improves receipt of blood to eyes and a brain due to - cervical muscles and, thus, brings double advantage(benefit). EXERCISE N 73 Become before a mirror and look at reflection of the Eye. Now, keeping the attention to them and having fixed(recorded) them The sight, do(make) various movements by a head: - Mouths here and there, upwards-downwards, rotations, etc. Such In the image, your eyes will do(make) "passive" movements. Let's add Thomson's exercise by such remark: a head Should move very smoothly, easily and slowly. Not - this exercise in physical if you wish to achieve Relaxations in the field of a neck. ............................................................. EXERCISES ON THE RELAXATION AND STRENGTHENING OF PARTS BODIES, IN THE INDIRECT IMAGE INFLUENCING SIGHT Significant attention in books practically all - it is turned on necessity of maintenance in - a condition of some bodies and systems of the person, indirect - influencing its(his) sight.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

), A Degree - Activity Of Eyes And Others

), a degree - activity of eyes and others participating in exercises Bodies of a body of the person. 3.3.1. When you close eyes, you, certainly, promote To their some relaxation and rest. However, the eyes, most The nature intended for perception(recognition) of light, cannot - to relax, when on them falls even insignificant - its(his) beams. In premilitary years academician S.Vavilo- the idea has been stated, that a unaided sight it is possible To observe separate quantums of light, and some time later It has experimentally been proved, that a human eye - when on its(his) retina only two quantums of light get! So high sensitivity of an eye light demands acceptance Special measures at a relaxation. Only completely having excluded light, It is possible to give eyes chance to receive high-grade rest. The exercise, allowing to achieve it(this), has been entered in System Bejtsom. It(he) has named it(him) "" (a word "" represents the deformed(distorted) pronunciation - words "palming". In turn, "palming" occurs(happens) From a word "palm", meaning in translation(transfer) on Russian "palm").

Sunday, November 23, 2008

They Enough Concern To This Exercise. First

They enough Concern to this exercise. First of all, them interests, That was on following (after last line, which they Could make out) a line. Then, having returned on the places and Knowing what there letters, it will be easier to them to see these lines and To improve clearness previous. Here they will take advantage - representation and memoirs. Unique your problem(task) Is to warn children against the appendix of effort at - lines. It is not necessary to be afraid, that children will learn(teach) the table. Even if it Will occur(happen), anything terrible does not happen. The only thing - it(this) there will be that the child will cease to put Any effort to see the letter as it(he) knows what from Them there are. Thus, it(he) will use - which will really allow it(him) - To put these letters. To be convinced that children really see These letters easily enough - need to be changed verifying The table on another with other letters, but the same size. If the child will look still at this The table, it(he) will successfully cope it(her).

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Result And Does Not Depend From Distances

The result and does not depend from Distances up to object of your attention. Thus, process Concentration are represented with continuous returning think From foreign objects to object of your attention. Rather recently carried out researches - Twisted in the order of scientists new data on character - . As is known, in a basis of concentration the attention lays. Condition of attention which, apparently, can be - , actually falteringly. Simply object of attention - the center, a point where the attention comes back again and Again [8, .196]. Ways of achievement of vision usually described earlier - fields yield the results. It is possible to some people - it is ideal to see a black field during - It is terrible time. For others vision weeding lasts not so Long - only 3-5 seconds. Here step-type behaviour -is shown Mania about which we spoke above. Then in business should - To drink the central fixing and moving of attention from one - on another or from one part of the same objects on Other part of the same object.

Friday, November 21, 2008

For This Reason To Wait For Fast Results

For this reason to wait for fast results Here it is not necessary. Besides, it is necessary to remember about that these(it) Muscles strongly enough during carrying of glasses(spots) by you. Therefore apprehend as quite natural, that progress Here will not be extremely fast, just as the person, - To risen from bed after long illness cannot At once to lift a heavy bar (if at all will shift it(her) with - That). However in any case remember: PROGRESS In IMPROVEMENT - AT PERFORMANCE OF EXERCISES BOTH ON FOCUSING, AND ON - WILL BE MUCH FASTER, RATHER THAN AT EXECUTION(PERFORMANCE) OF EXERCISES ONLY ON . When you will work some time Exercises on focusing, you at once will understand it. M.Uindolf marks(celebrates), that these exercises definitely - exercises of physical character. Therefore as well as in All cases when engaged for the first time starts to load Any muscles, are inevitable some painful(unhealthy) sensations. But these sensations - quite usual phenomenon in similar cases. They quickly enough pass(take place).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No, Will Not Be. " Blinking,- Writes G.Peppard,

No, will not be. " Blinking,- Writes G.Peppard, - is not a failure in continuous sight. Continuous sight is illusion which makes - an eye... When on a retina the image, there is formed There is also another, so-called consecutive - . Speaking in other words, the image remains on - a little bit longer, than the image is kept before Eye. It just as if your reflection in - remains there for some time after you from It(Him) send(have departed) " [73, .29]. The eye, basically, can remain Closed as much time, how many it(he) will be opened(open), and, that Not less, you will see so much, however(as) in case of, When your eyes would remain all time opened(open). ............................................................. Remember: exercises on blinking are useful at all kinds Infringements of sight. Make their part of the program of employment(occupations)! ............................................................. Are similar enough on the purposes to blinking and exercises on so Named gleams.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If Black Color Is Recollected In - Also

If black color is recollected in - also the person is completely weakened. If blackness It is recollected almost ideally, also a relaxation almost - But. If color is not recollected at all, also the person or It is not enough, or it is not weakened absolutely not [16, .79]. Secondly, black color is always easy(light) for receiving in the - because each of us has books where black The typographical paint prints those or other signs. writes, that there are cases when the person thinks, That it(he) has enough relaxed also to it(him) it seems, that it(he) - ideal black. To prove, that it not so (if it - not so) it is easy(light). To bring in a point, whence enough The patient sees is better, any black object, that It(He) has properly made out its(his) color. Then it(he) will understand, what not Recollected black color ideally. With what the inaccuracy is connected Judgements of the person? The matter is that quite often the person do not realize work of the Eye and mentalities energized.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Applied Damp Bandages Were Without An Oil-cloth Layer,

Applied damp bandages were without an oil-cloth layer, and it conducted to fast drying the operating(working) beginning, and red demands long time. For elimination of these reasons new means were necessary and we send(have passed) to chromic. Chromic salts communicate not only with an amino group, but also with group COOH. Duration at this way much smaller, than at red. In chromic the basic salt multinuclear is absorbed at means of a strong acid, its(her) a part molecule by an amino group of a fabric then it is fixed in a complex at means NH2 and COOH. Tanning action is inherent in salts of chrome capable to splitting and, hence, forming solutions with sour reaction. Already initial supervision at insignificant grazes have shown, that it is necessary to apply strongly diluted solutions, differently it turns out dry a superficial layer. We prepared for an initial solution of chrome, proceeding from usual in tanning manufacture: 70,0 dissolve in 120 ml. The distilled water. Cautiously add to this solution 90,0 sulfuric acids/66.

Friday, November 14, 2008

72]. That - In The Latter Case, You Learn(find

72]. That - in the latter case, you learn(find out) later for now give Let's get acquainted with some exercises on memoirs. Typical example of use of memoirs during Trainings exercise with the verifying table is. EXERCISE N 4 (EXERCISE WITH THE VERIFYING TABLE) Hang up Sivtsev's verifying table on a wall on good Illumination(Coverage) so that the distance from you up to it(her) has made 3-6 Meters. Read through under the table downwards so much lines, how many you Can without the appendix of any efforts or diligence. - on last letter which you could see, close Eyes also make , recollecting during it(him) this letter So precise, however(as) it only is possible. For this purpose it is necessary white (Uncovered a paint) parts of the letter to represent is even more white, than They are visible for you in a reality (it is possible to compare these(it) Parts of letters with white fields of the table). Black parts of letters it is necessary To represent, accordingly, is even more black. Here memoirs Closely interwines with representation as you should not Easier(Simply) to recollect this letter, but also to represent it(her) still - precisely visible.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Go In Same Travel To An Opposite Direction.

Go in same Travel to an opposite direction. Make on 10 - circular movements by eyes in each direction. A head It should be motionless, eyes rotate only. The described exercises allow to load all six muscles, Associates your eyes. Such work which is carried out on a regular basis, Will allow to strengthen them considerably. .............................................................. Let's note also, that concerned to similar - Holes skeptically, believing, that they are loading on muscles The eye, and loading is already a pressure(voltage). This statement Requires comments, as among its(his) followers There is no common opinion about value of similar exercises. One them Recommend, others - deny. It(this) some speaks Discrepancy of recommendations of the given section to that you Have read through earlier and to that you will read through later. Especially These exercises of the recommendation contradict to turn eyes and Head aside object of your interest simultaneously. So How to be in this case? In our opinion, it only - the contradiction.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Number Of Recurrences- 50-100. Besides In The End

Number of recurrences- 50-100. Besides in the end of everyone rolling is recommended softly To blink. It is possible to do(make) this exercise and closing each eye - for 5 minutes. The eye is closed by a bandage or a hand such In the image to avoid pressure upon an eyeball [73, .63]. ............................................................. Greater(Big) turns and long rockings as we spoke, Are, in addition, a preparatory stage to To execution(performance) of small turns (short rockings), with which You will get acquainted in following section of the book. 3.4.4. SMALL TURNS (SHORT ROCKINGS) These exercises demanding at execution(performance) or - a head in various directions, or small - her(it), are defined(determined) in English language in a word. - translation(transfer) and technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of exercises have caused - Which double name of the present(true) section. Small turns (short rockings) were for the first time - also have the purpose: Liquidation of a habit steadfast and time(temporary) Discharge of eyes from their function of vision (with comprehension of vision Object) for achievement of a relaxation of eye muscles; Relaxation of a neck for improvement of blood circulation in this - Not and increases in receipt of blood in area of eyes.

Friday, October 31, 2008

In This Case, In Case Of Short-sightedness, You

In this case, In case of short-sightedness, you should to learn compress during Sight afar direct muscles of an eye. As it to make and, in general, Whether it is possible(probable)? In spite of the fact that M.D.Korbett considered(counted) muscles of an eye So uncontrollable, as well as the muscles of heart given - researchers of last years allow to approve(confirm), that Practically any person can learn to operate the Heart, pressure of blood and even character of impulses of a brain. Therefore offers on strong-willed management of muscles The eye are not deprived the bases. writes, that at short-sightedness at sight afar " The idea of focusing and training consists in a tension of straight lines Muscles and a relaxation to some extent slanting muscles " [81, .87]. The relaxation of slanting muscles is reached(achieved) by all those - , that we described earlier. In it(this) greater(big) help can - also training (autohypnosis). - the corresponding(meeting) literature - it(she) will help(assist) you.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Irrespective Of, Sign Or To The Stranger Considered(examined)

Irrespective of, Sign or to the stranger considered(examined) object, - Precisely or not enough its(his) illumination(coverage), it is pleasant or unpleasant Surrounding conditions and even at presence of stress or - it is considered diseases, that the normal eye always should To have a normal refraction and normal sight " [16, .28]. Actually, any eye (irrespective of, Whether there is a speech about a normal eye with usually normal sight Or we deal with eyes with the broken(disturbed) sight) has no Always the same values of a refraction. A refraction of any Eyes hour from an hour varies not only day by day, not only Or from a minute to a minute, but it is literally every second. Proceeding from told, does(makes) a conclusion, that glasses(spots) - Carry to the person harm - big or small, but nevertheless harm. " The person,-explains , - cannot see through them, if It(He) does not make a degree of anomaly of a refraction, which they - to correct(adjust). However, anomalies in an eye, Which is given to itself, are never constant.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It Is Recommended Many Authors As Exercise Strengthening

it is recommended many authors as Exercise strengthening sight. They consider(count) as its(his) first step On a way of a relaxation. But not only magnificent weakening Influence of solar beams does(makes) valuable - . It was found out, that under their influence disappear - conditions of eyes, pass(take place) various discomfortable - in them, influence of microbes on eyes, etc. decreases The sun - a source of a life on the ground. Without the sun suffers Leather(Skin). If you will not consume fruit and the vegetables which have absorbed In itself a solar energy, an organism will immediately let know about It(This) deterioration of state of health, growth of frequency of desease, And also greater(big) variety of kinds of diseases. Well eyes look(appear) perfectly - yours Appearance from only will win. Solar beams - Give eyes unique beauty - they become shining(brilliant), Alive and attractive. eyes never , they I do not become covered by blood vessels, their fiber It is pure(clean). Positive influence of a sunlight on eyes - Is and that it(he) stimulates nerves of a retina, and also Essentially strengthens in this(thus) sated(saturated) - vessels body.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Best Medicine In This Case - The

The best medicine in this case - The cow milk with the cow drawn butter is thawn. Among other recommendations paying attention, - To not be awake at night [52, .128]. TREATMENT OF SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS Short-sighted it is necessary to acquire firmly the following " rules - " an eye [8, .122]: 1. Learn to blink and hold periodically eyes in - to a manner. Thus eyes usually happen , But do not confuse it with eyes. -it Always a pressure(voltage). Avoid a pressure(voltage) of eyes. 2. Practise the central fixing on the Ohm-card(-map) and - Sivtsev's to table on distances from 30 centimeters up to- meters. 3. Read with some pressure(voltage) a fine font at - illumination(coverage) (for example, at light of a candle). As is known, - in a near point leads . Such - , at a pressure(voltage) in a near point occurs(happens) or decrease(reduction), Or disappearance . Reading of a fine font at dim Illumination(Coverage) during enough long time with small Pressure(Voltage) brings the certain improvement in sight afar at [8, .

............................................................. It Was Revealed, That To Some People

............................................................. it was revealed, that to some people very much - But to achieve vision of the objects which have been not fixed(recorded) by a sight, Worse, than directly considered(examined) object. " To the majority - , it(he)-writes, - without effort it is possible to look at a bottom big Letters "With" on the verifying table and to see its(her) top is worse. But in Some cases not only it is not possible to make it(this), but even It is not possible to get off large letters, if a distance - them to see. Such extreme cases sometimes demand - ingenuities: first, to show - , that it(he) does not see is better that, on what looks directly, and Secondly, to help(assist) it(him) to see any object at Sight aside from it(him) is worse, than at a sight directly on - . Useful use as one has been found of Points of fixing of a strong light source (or two sources Light in 5-10 foots (..: the foot is equal approximately 30,5 See) from each other). To the person when it(he) looks aside from Light source, it is easier to see its(his) less bright, than to see Worse any black letter at a sight aside from it(her).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Circumstance Complicates Our Representations About The Mechanis

This circumstance complicates our representations about the mechanis Actions of applied structures, but does not weaken the cores, initial positions. The primary goal was influence on inflammator Process; the basic purpose was normalization of the broken attitudes. the moments were outside of a field of our interest. The facts of experiment and clinical supervision have shown reductio Inflammatory hypostasis under influence of our medical receptions. surfaces has found out reduction of quantity and a gleam of capillarie In these conditions. Microscopic research of infections of a leather has reveale Decrease , narrowing of a gleam of capillaries and smal Zone at skilled, in comparison with . At the same time at skille There came primary healing wounds, and at the suppuration developed. W Repeatedly observed norm of leukocytes or at skilled and it is shar Expressed at . Skilled often survived, and . Laboratory supervision in vitro have shown, that any of our structures no Growth of bacteria braked: in the same way and in an alive organism these structures no Have shown antiseptic properties.

" When The Mentality, - Writes , -

" When The mentality, - writes , - is capable to recollect ideally what-- Be from displays of sense organs, it(she) it is always ideal - . Thus when eyes are opened(open), sight is normal, and When they are closed and covered by palms, that completely - light, absolutely black field, i.e. absolutely anything is visible It is not visible. If you can precisely recollect hours, - Which- the smell or taste, your mentality will come in ideal Condition of rest. Then, if you will close eyes and will cover them Palms, you absolute blackness. If your memory on The tactile sense can be compared to a reality, you not - Those anything else, except for blackness (if completely exclude Thus light). The Same would occur(happen), if you is precise - Whether any musical step " [16, .78]. Thus, if you wish to achieve mental - , you can pay all attention on pleasant, Better the quiet, not exciting melody flowing from - or to listen to the performance transferred(transmitted) on - . Simultaneously you can mentally play (- ) stages from this performance, clothes in which it is possible(probable) Actors are dressed, etc.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

............................................................. Now We Shall Address To One Of

............................................................. Now we shall address to one of aspects considered(examined) Problems which has found the reflection only in work of one From propagandists of method - M.Uindolfa. In the work [81, .85-95]] it(he) a lot of place gives, as it(he) names it(her), To technics(technical equipment) of focusing, i.e. TECHNICS(TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT) of ACCOMMODATION. With the some people Aspects of this technics(technical equipment) we have got acquainted in section 3.7. - considers(examines) this question under a little bit other corner. It(him) The special receptions directed on -have been developed in action by strong-willed effort of the certain groups eye Muscles for the purposes of correct focusing eyes on considered(examined) Object. Below we shall result(bring) substantive provisions of recommendations M.Uindolfa on this account(invoice). Here once again it is necessary to recollect, that the approach of supporters to process of accommodation other, rather than in traditional To school (.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

For Restoration Of Normal Work Of Eyes Were

For restoration of normal work of eyes were Special exercises on moving and -are developed [16, .108-112]. They are resulted(brought) below. At execution(performance) These exercises you should seize(take possession) - the central fixing. Therefore before you start To them, it would be good to familiarize with the maintenance(contents) of section 3.4.1. EXERCISE N 21 Look at any letter on verifying - The person(face); Move on other letter on the same line in Sufficient distance from the first so that it(she) was visible Worse; Again look at the first letter and see the second Worse; Alternately look at these letters during - seconds, seeing worse that letter on which it is not directed - . When it is possible to make this exercise, vision both Letters improves. They thus seem moving of the party(side) Aside (shake) in a direction, to movement Eyes. EXERCISE N 22 Look at any greater(big) letter; Look at the letter less on big enough Distance from it(her). The greater(big) letter then will be visible is worse; Again look at the greater(big) letter and see it(her) better; Repeat 6 times.

Usually White Parts Of Letters On The Verifying

Usually white parts of letters on the verifying table with - 4,5-6 meters seem for a normal eye is more white, than Edges(Territories) of the verifying table. For an eye with bad sight all Looks(Appears) on the contrary. ............................................................. Very important during visualization - To press to keep a precise mental image and after it Representation will enable the person to see new details Or objects, about which existence the person at all - it is simple because of the bad sight. Recollect, that we Spoke in previous section about memoirs of a point. Writes, that " when the person wishes to trust that letters is possible To represent, and it is ready to represent them without effort to see or To compare that it(he) sees that it(he) represents (that Always conducts back to a pressure(voltage)), by means of mental Representations sometimes can achieve fine results. After they will present some people, that see - Well absolutely black and precise, all is possible to read through the letter Letters on the bottom line of the verifying table.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

49]. At The Same Time It Would Be Desirable

49]. At the same time it would be desirable to note, that children more - age, than mentions , a little bit more difficultly They give in to treatment, mainly, that not Catch sense of such things, as the central fixing, - moving, etc. Even concept "relaxation" It is heavy enough to explain to children. Therefore that remark, that Does(Makes) P.Bregg concerns to such cases: " All that - to make children, adult do(make) usually much better. They It is much more as perfectly understand all Unprofitableness of the position connected with indistinct vision. Let's take for an example mowing eyes. Many adults - , that the squint should be corrected in the childhood, differently(otherwise) Will be too late. But it is known, that when adults - They toil for training of sight for elimination of this defect, Usually acquire more quickly how to straighten eyes, than it does(makes) The majority of children " [44, .31]. Authors of books mark(celebrate), that the age is not - in improvement of sight.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It Means, That The Person With Normal Sight

It means, that the person with Normal sight should read the tenth line from distance 5 meters. To the right of lines other numbers cost(stand). They mean an acuteness(a witticism) Sight of the person, corresponding(meeting) reading of the given line with - 5 meters. So, if the person reads the tenth line with Distances of 5 meters it means, that an acuteness(a witticism) of its(his) sight 1,0. If it(he) from 5 meters reads only the third line, an acuteness(a witticism) Its(His) sight it is equal 0,3. To you when you start trainings, it is necessary to hang up Such verifying table on good illumination(coverage) on distance 5 meters from itself and, drawing near to the table to note, with - you are capable to read through distances now without the appendix Greater(Big) efforts the tenth line of the table. Check, certainly It is done(made) with the removed(taken off) glasses(spots) for each eye separately. It is necessary to cover other eye a palm, having combined it(her) , So that to not press on an eyeball.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Best Time For Such Games- After A

The best time for such games- After a morning toilet and after a lunch dream. 6. Since three years of the child it is possible to train in following(next) - . EXERCISE N 114 (" ROCKING OF THE PENDULUM ") If houses are hours put the child - them, and rise behind of it(him). Push the hands Under its(his) hands also cross them at it(him) on a breast. Raise It(Him), not compressing, above a floor on some centimeters and - it(him) in beat a pendulum, singing any friend to it(him) Melody or including . If at you is not present hours tell to the child, that It(He) is a basket for products, and you go with it(him) on the market. Do(Make) this exercise before a window. Watch(keep up), that - held a head freely - it(she) should change in The same party(side), as its(his) hands, but aside opposite, To fluctuation of its(his) legs(foots). This exercise in the subsequent will pass for it(him) in " - a bear ". ............................................................. 7. And this exercise very much helps(assists) at the SQUINT and Rather reminds exercises N 91 and exercise N 92 of - 4.

Therefore Let Sensations Of A Leather(skin) Will Prompt

Therefore let sensations of a leather(skin) will prompt you, when To stop . As soon as you will feel - leather(skin) also begin to pay to this attention, stop - . As to frequency of performance , P.Bregg Considers(Counts) what to do(make) it(her) is necessary at everyone appeared - [44, .23]. P.Bregg's sights, as a whole, coincide with opinion - authors of works. Unique distinction is a duration Continuous . Different authors recommend - its(her) different quantity(amount) of time - from several minutes and up to . However, always and in any cases remember: - it is necessary to stop immediately at any feeling of discomfort. ............................................................. What to do(make), if at you live in a severe climate, where - - not so frequent visitor or if in the street today - weather, and the sun and has not looked out. The sun is possible - The string an electric bulb, is better with a good reflector, Capacity(Power) in 150 watt. Sit down or rise from this lamp on Distance about 1,5-2,0 meters also do(make) exercise precisely The same as if it was the sun.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Sunlight Stimulates Nerves Retinas, And Darkness Enables

The sunlight stimulates nerves Retinas, and darkness enables them to have a rest. ............................................................. offers the variant of execution(performance) - [44, .24]. In it(her) it(she) offers direct on the sun, but PAY ATTENTION - only at - a looking eye. EXERCISE N 50 Having accepted the starting position similar described in - N 49, i.e. sowing conveniently, it is necessary to cover one eye, - , left, a palm combined , so that - To run pressure upon an eyeball. Now, doing(making) small Turns by a head and elbow of a hand here and there (- described in exercise N 47), be passed(taken place) some times Sight of the right eye through a solar disk. The right eye at It(This) should blink continuously. Do not forget during - about deep breath. As it is strange, any - you will not test sensations. Change roles of an eye and - Bark the same with the left eye. So short sights at the sun at - blinking will not bring any harm to eyes and will not cause Unpleasant sensations.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Other Interesting Direction In Nonconventional Kinds - Infringements

Other interesting direction in nonconventional kinds - infringements of the sight, incorporated some elements Systems Bejtsa (first of all, concerning(touching) communications(connections) mental Activity with sight) is a cybernetics, or so - May a biological feedback. In a basis of this system - sight training of mentality of the person lays. The purpose - stabilization of various subsystems -is Which systems of the person through mechanisms of return biological Communications(Connections). Visual perception(recognition) of space and time - as a basic element of thinking, and improvement Input of the visual information, in turn, promotes To improvement of cogitative activity. The approach -is interesting to understanding of the reasons of infringement of sight. So, , - the cybernetics, grows out deterioration of return Biological communication(connection) between fabrics of an eye. It, in turn, leads to deterioration of sight and reduction Volume of the visual information which can be - On also it is advanced by a brain.

Any Person Not - Marks(Aims) It(this). Even Such

Any person not - Marks(Aims) it(this). Even such exercise is capable to reduce - as it enables to be carried out vibrations Eye. Hold eyes during performance " letters a nose " softly Covered, and under centuries these(thus) will begin involuntary - an eye with frequency about 70 times a second. Sight, after How you will open eyes, becomes more precise. ............................................................. STOMACH(BELLY) - the area of a body comprising many(much) important Internal bodies. The forward part of a stomach(belly) represents Muscular wall. Its(her) applicability - maintenance of bodies - . If muscles of a stomach(belly) are in a good tone, They keep bodies from sagging. If muscles Stomach(Belly) are weak, the stomach(belly) sags and stands out outside - - as speak in people, "authority". Besides pressure Inside of a stomach(belly) goes down. Both these(it) conditions negatively Affect all organism, including eyes. Worsens - so also a feed(meal) of eyes, quality of blood decreases - In it(her) becomes less nutrients and more - It is new also waste of ability to live.

To Many Older Persons Only Just Starting Reading

To many older persons only just starting reading Fine font, happens difficultly to cope with it(him). Such - There it is recommended to move at the beginning the sight on To white lines. It will allow their eyes to relax. Then Is easier begins and make out a fine font. To strong mastering of principles of use of a white line For improvement of sight performance of some exercises will help(assist). Here One of exercises, recommended by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .117-118]. (Similar exercises are described also by M.D.Korbett in To the work [47]). EXERCISE N 96 During reading represent in the top part white Lines a thin white strip directly under line Letters on the verifying table or under line of a fine font. This strip - only a fruit of your imagination, in - it(her) is not present. Representation of a white line should be carried out - in the image. The wrong way is a representation white - and black letters at a time. It leads - which always washes away images of black letters and - to visualization of a white line.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

E. There, Where It Is Necessary To Look From

e. there, where it is necessary to look from near objects to distant they Can look from distant to near; there, where it is necessary mentally To represent well visible the removed letters, they should To imagine such letters close, etc. Therefore - it is close(attentive) with the previous section and try - these exercises for itself. ............................................................. Familiarize closely(attentively) that writes M.Uindolf about To technics(technical equipment) of focusing (accommodation) in the previous section on Short-sightedness. Everything, that is told there, to the full concerns and To far-sighted. Difference consists that at a far-sightedness For exact focusing on nearby objects it is necessary to you - direct muscles and simultaneously to strain slanting muscles Eye, compressing, thus, an eyeball in the middle. In - coming lengthening of an eyeball, rays of light From close objects should be focused precisely on a retina. After performance of weakening exercises it is necessary to you of minutes Fifteen to practise to compress slanting muscles, similarly To how it is described in section 4.

Monday, September 15, 2008

For 3 Years, The Past Between The Moment

For 3 years, the past Between the moment of the beginning of employment(occupations) on method and time Publications of these data in the book [58], sight almost Blind it became twice better, than it was, when it(he) Wore glasses. Its(his) worst eye now could from 30 centimeters - To look a line which the normal eye reads from 3 meters. Not So small achievement if to consider, that earlier this eye could distinguish only light from darkness. Book " Art of sight ", let out(released) in 1942 how it(he) has passed(has taken place) course of treatment at became the best seller. It(she) became an ode to method . in the book has undertaken attempts as it(he) has written, - communication(connection) between training of sight and opening - psychologies and critical philosophy [62, . IX]. comes to conclusion, that an establishment of such communications(connections) Will allow to show method , which Represents only practical application to the decision Problems of sight of the certain theoretical principles, which All over the world are apprehended as true.

In Other Work Devoted As Method , And

In other work devoted as method , And to methods of improvement of sight, M.D.Korbett - , that from six kinds of breath developed by Yoga for - during physical exercises, and four kinds - breath (in the same Yoga) system Bejtsa does(makes) Accent(Stress) on breath with a deep exhalation which conducts to - shoulders, a thorax and cervical . Thus At removal(distance) of air from lungs the top part of a body as though It is flattened, pressing the weight on a stomach(belly) and a basin, and air Leaves through lips with heavy singing. To make it it is possible only In case of when the breath previous an exhalation was enough Deep [49, .58]. Do not strain and do not put - efforts at performance of breath. Deep breath not - the intense breath. As well as to all organism as a whole, any respiratory - will be useful to your sight. 3.7. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS Followers had been developed also the some people - recommendations, which direct reference to - , the incorporated founder in the system, would be not absolutely Correct.

It Only A Way Achievements Of A Relaxation.

It only a way Achievements of a relaxation. Try to do it - and you are convinced of it(this). For greater realness in - exercises you can even present yourselves to roles Such bear. Place legs(foots) as to you it is convenient, and start to rock Here and there, transferring(carrying) weight of a body that on one leg(foot), On another, as a pendulum turned(overturned) "head over heels". Let All your body as a unit, including a head rocks, Eyes and hands. Movements should be soft and rhythmical.- to do(make) exercise under a melody of any waltz, that Will help(assist) you to keep rhythm of execution(performance) of exercise. All, That is before you, should pass by you in - , opposite to a direction of rocking (the same as The lattice should float by a bear, and all objects Should float by you - recollect technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) Greater(Big) turns). It should be especially appreciable such - if objects are located close to you. Do not try - To hold movement and to make out any objects, differently they Will stop the fluctuations, and you can have a lung - .

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Same Ability Which You Will Develop By

The same ability which you will develop by means of - - ability ideas to supervise a body - you - to put(apply) to management of direct muscles of an eye for them - . That is, in this case it is a question of technics(technical equipment), - to a relaxation - technics(technical equipment) of a tension (compression) - groups of muscles. Instead of ordering to direct muscles To relax, we should order to them to be compressed. It will give - short-sighted to see the removed objects, as it(him) The eye is too extended in a -back axis, and a tension of straight lines Muscles allows to reduce length of an eyeball. Certainly, Difficulty of this exercise consists that all - Processes going at it(this) have the latent character. Results This exercise it is not visible, unlike results, - Measures, bicepses. Besides the last to carry out - it is easier, as management of this process (process On bicepses) from mentality it is enough performance of exercise Simply, even it is primitive. At the same time, above management - muscles you should work, as here to you - Is got to to achieve stable strong-willed management of them (NOT - HAPPEN - ANY EXCESSIVE PRESSURE(VOLTAGE) AND EFFORTS AT - EXERCISES!).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Here The Writer - And Principal Causes Of

Here the writer - and principal causes of imperception traditional medicine Method : " Can ask, why orthodox - it is not possible to carry out similar application - methods? The answer is clear. Since ophthalmology Became a science, the attention of its(her) figures has been persuasivly borrowed(occupied) Only one aspect of total, complex(difficult) process of sight- Physiological. They paid the attention exclusively Only to eyes and at all did not give its(his) mentality, which - to these eyes to see. I was treated by people of the highest - in the speciality, but from their party(side) never even - was not on the mental party(side) of sight or that - to be as wrong ways of use of eyes and - , and correct, as unnatural and abnormal - visual functioning, so and - kinds. After they have stopped a sharp infection in My eyes, that they with greater(big) art, they have given To me some artificial lenses also have released(have let off) me. I use Whether I the mentality, whether am good, whether eyes badly feel in Glasses(Spots) how can influence sight - use - all this for them was perfect(absolute) It is indifferent.

Friday, September 5, 2008

- The Sight Directly Before Itself. Now, Having

- the sight directly before itself. Now, having presented, that It is the center of a spiral, start to do(make) by eyes from this point - movements on trajectories. With everyone Turn(Turnover) of your eyes diameter of a coil on which you conduct - For, should increase, while in the end of exercise you, having reached up to The maximal amplitude of movement, will not start to do(make) - rotations of eyes on a circle. To reach(achieve) such maximal - you should approximately for three turns(turnovers) on coils of a spiral. When you will reach the maximal circle, make on This trajectory some turns by eyes and again return In the center of a spiral. This time movements by eyes do(make) in - a direction. This exercise allows to strain up to a limit and - all external muscles of eyes. Besides it develops - feeling of coordination. ............................................................. If any from described above exercises it is given to you Hardly, it(he) during employment(occupations) should be given special - .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

In What The Reason Of Absence Of Laws

In what the reason of absence of laws in medical business and prevalence of empiricism in search of medical means. It is possible to think that level of knowledge of the epoch which have created these diagnostic categories, to give and could not. New forms of researches establish some reasons of it. So, for example, application of methods of the physical and chemical analysis has shown that at various disease processes the stage between the most insignificant morphological changes is filled by a number of physical and chemical processes. The Physical and chemical party of processes can change already considerably, and morphological and clinical displays remain without appreciable shifts, therefore kliniko-morphological symptoms, in general, display rather static results of processes, instead of the mechanisms which have created them. Problem of medical medicine - a reconstruction of normal character of relations. The indicators connected with dynamics of development of processes and with their mechanisms are for this purpose necessary.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

D.Korbett. It Is Recommended To Do(make) These Exercises At

D.Korbett. It is recommended to do(make) these exercises At once on awakening to morning [47, .35-37]. Though the description of these eight exercises (together with " the Letter Nose " with which you have familiarized earlier and which too is necessary To do(make) in the morning) it seems long, on their performance to you - only 10 minutes. Therefore it is not necessary to be upset, thinking, That you will not have not enough time for all this. Try it - , and time will be. You will be surprised by how it is not enough - it is necessary to begin day with fresh to eyes. EXERCISE N 103 Be pulled in bed and from a side sideways, Deeply breathing during execution(performance) of exercise. It promotes To relaxation of a backbone and the muscles strapped during a dream in - Tea if you slept(burn) in the intense condition. EXERCISE N 104 Widely open eyes and a mouth 4 times. Many people sleep, Having squeezed a jaw and strong having compressed a teeth and . As is known, - the animal on awakening stretches.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

On The Second Can Submit Dried Fruits, The

On the second can submit Dried fruits, the nuts, baked apples, etc. ............................................................. Views on Indian are interesting enough Professor R.S.Agarvala who have written a series of books, in which Natural methods of restoration of sight, -have been stated applied in India (including ), and Also method which adherent it(he) is. - on an eutrophy were generated basically Under influence of old indian system of doctoring the Ayurveda. They are original enough and differ from accepted in a little To traditional medicine, it is not so much resisting to them, how many - it is perfect(absolute) from the unexpected parties(sides). To stop we on They shall not be, as the statement of those enters into our problems(tasks) Aspects of a diet which communicate foreign authors - Mediocrely with sight. In this connection, writes, that usually anomalies - meet at normal digestion and a condition - and to do(make) any special changes in a diet is not present - . At the same time it(he) adds, that rather useful (I.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Now Close Eyes And " Write A Nose

Now close eyes and " write a nose " (. 3.7) that you saw, but letters thus - in more precise kind, than you saw them actually. Again look at the same line in the distance. It(she) should be visible Better. Continue process of reading down to those times while it Probably without any discomfortable sensations: first - I eat a card of a manual format close, then it(her) on distance The extended hand and, at last, we dart a glance at a leaf(sheet) with - phrases in the distance. Do not forget about necessity deeply - and always to have a rest (to support(maintain) eyes during them Works in the weakened condition) at transition from one - to another, doing(making) turns by a head, and then and " the letter a nose " Between lines. It is enough of it(this) for your first employment(occupation). On following employment(occupation) from the same distance you can - little bit further downwards on lines of a font. There will come(step) day, When from the same distance you will see all of them. Then you can To remove the chair on back.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Having Learned Meaningly To Worsen The Sight Steadfast

Having learned meaningly To worsen the sight steadfast , a pressure(voltage) Eye, fixing or the appendix of effort to see Object, you quickly will understand, in what the reason of your deterioration Sight. Then achievement of a relaxation, the central fixing and Etc. becomes a problem(task) of easier(lighter), than it(she) was earlier. ............................................................. Starting treatment of anomalies of a refraction, it is useful to acquire, On what the principle of some of described below -is based(founded,established) . As it has been told earlier, the reason of deterioration of sight - effort to see. Effort to see the removed objects - to , i.e. entails lengthening an eyeball. The effort to see near objects leads , i.e. Entails shortening an eyeball. Thus, we can tell, that effort to see - objects can result in the following: 1. The normal eye becomes . 2. the eye becomes even more extended, i.e. will increase. 3. the eye becomes less - or normal. The effort to see will result(bring) nearby objects, - , to that: 1.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

However, Instead Of The Look On The

However, instead of The look on the black lines forming the letters, throw lungs Sights at their white parts which were not coated. Time from - close eyes to a minute and recollect any objects White color: a white snow, a white paint, white clouds in the sky and Etc. It will enable the person to see uncovered a paint Parts of letters are more white, than fields of the verifying table, and as white parts of letters increases, accordingly - and their blackness. As consequence(investigation), letters become - precisely visible. ............................................................. Everything, that to pleasantly person, is considered in system Bejtsa for memoirs and useful to improvement of sight. If the brain of the person is borrowed(occupied) by memoirs of any objects, Events, etc., causing in it(him) pleasant feelings, - , receiving rest, to some extent relaxs. In some cases the memoirs of black objects is given to people Hardly. Then you can go two ways. You can - memoirs of black objects by means of bringing (Auxiliary) exercises.

Friday, August 8, 2008

In This Case This Question Will Sound -

In this case this question will sound - so: " When, at last, I shall achieve the first results? " Is better will be, if this question will be answered with authors of books on To method . It(he) writes: " it is usual people, which never Carried glasses(spots), recover easier, than those who carries them. Therefore glasses(spots) should be rejected from the very beginning of treatment. - Yes it(this) cannot be made without significant inconveniences or when The person is compelled(forced) to continue during treatment the work and not Can do(make) it(her) without glasses(spots), their use can be resolved For some time, however it always constrains improvement. People of all age reached(achieved) success at treatment of anomalies Refractions a relaxation, but children usually (though and not always) Adults reacted much more quickly, than. If it(him) still is not present 12- or even 16- years and they never carried glasses(spots), they Usually recovered in some days, weeks or months And always within the limits of a year simple daily reading - tables " [16, .

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Any Muscle Which Is Used Only In Small

Any muscle which is used only in small Parts of its(her) amplitude, it is predisposed to abilities - to move. In this aspect glasses(spots) are partially harmful, - instead of watching or looking(keeping up or looking) for what-- Be object only eyes, the tendency to move is observed Head. Eyeballs, thus, rather - , and their muscles and blood circulation suffer as a result Divergences " [80, .28]. Told by Thomson especially Truly, when speech comes about monotonous work in glasses(spots) on Close distance, for example, reading. In these cases Eyes are borrowed(occupied) by identical movements practically in one and volume Direction (to the left-to the right) and with small amplitude, - in the width of a line in the book. For indemnification arising Thus pressure(voltage) are developed special exercises (. 5). " It, - continues C.L.Tomson, - explains ours - objection against use of glasses(spots): Pressure(Voltage), they weaken(easy) process of self-improvement and " - hunting " at fabrics (.

R.S.Agarval Recommends To Allocate(remove) For This Exercise Though

R.S.Agarval recommends to allocate(remove) for this exercise though 5 minutes and before the beginning of employment(occupations) at school. It is not recommended in this business children carrying - as they are obliged to be under care of the doctor and Training while they wear glasses, will give them a little that or in general It will appear useless. Though it and is not obligatory, the big help would be - the records reflecting sight of each pupil during the moment - systems and further through any convenient intervals of time- Annually or more often. Records can be made by the teacher and Should include a name and age of pupils, sight of everyone Checked eye from distance of 5 meters and date (. 4). Usually after the beginning of regular employment(occupations) on verifying To the table deterioration of sight stops. Moreover, according to(agree) To statements , it improves practically at all children. Sight which was below normal, improved in - cases up to a normal level, while children, - normal sight to which sight in 5/5 is accepted, Have improved it(him) up to 5/4-5/2,5 (that these records mean - look Chapter(Head) 4).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

............................................................. To Relatives By A Principle Use Is

............................................................. To relatives by a principle use is at reading (lights) around or inside of letters. R.S.Agarval offers To use this imagined light thus [10, .36]: EXERCISE N 97 Take any card with cut out in it(him) - . This aperture can be as more letter, and - it(her) (such size to close black parts of letters and - opened(open) its(his) internal white parts, uncovered - Which, for example white inside of the letter "About"). Impose this Card on any letter, for example, the letter "About" also present Around (or inside, depending on used by you - Points) white light which is much more white, than fields of the table Or books. When you will remove(take off) a card, contrast of this letter with a background also the letter considerably(much) will increase becomes more precise. ............................................................. R.S.Agarvalom develops also some other exercises For elimination of discomfortable sensations during reading and - sight [8, .

Saturday, August 2, 2008


EXERCISES, - FOR RESTORATION OF SIGHT AT - APPROACH(SUIT) FOR TREATMENT , And on the contrary. AT - OR ARE USED - THE REPLYING EXERCISES INTENDED FOR TREATMENT AND . Besides exercises for and (and Means and for ) on technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) Practically the same. Only everything, as to distances You should do(make) on the contrary. 10. Than is more often you will do(make) these exercises and than - , thus, you transform them in unconscious - , that normal your sight becomes faster. Remember: Your problem(task) consists not in execution(performance) formal - as it happens in sports, and in transformation of these exercises In habits of sight. Your rule - to do(make) exercises - , but more often. 11. If one eye at you is stronger, than another give Weaker eye has more than work to unite them then In one command(team). It is done(made) by covering of stronger eye Bandage or . It is better, if this will have The convex form. Your eye should move freely, - and to blink together with other eye.

63-64]. EXERCISE N 75 Keeping Position Of The Person(face)

63-64]. EXERCISE N 75 Keeping position of the person(face) looking directly and inclining - on one side, press a head to one shoulder. Then press it(her) to To other shoulder. Repeat some times these movements, - the recommendations resulted(brought) in the previous exercise. On The first times it is better to do(make) this exercise before a mirror, - To be assured(confident), that you really PRESS the HEAD To To SHOULDER, Instead of, ON THE CONTRARY, a shoulder - to a head that is wrong. EXERCISE N 76 Holding a head directly, turn it(her) slowly at the left - and from right to left, repeating, as before, with increasing Tension of muscles of a neck (..8). Pay attention to that, That the body, as well as a neck, did not strain anywhere. Benjamin - to repeat this exercise (slowly) 10 times [40, .66]. EXERCISE N 77 C position of the person(face) looking directly, do(make) - top of a head on a circle of the greatest what is possible, Diameter all over again on hour, and then counter-clockwise.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Correct Blood-groove Is Broken, Drainage Processes, And

The correct blood-groove is broken, Drainage processes, and muscles instead of were soft And elastic, become firm and tense. Gradually It leads to infringement processes, and - affect and the form of eyeballs. In The end of the ends, sight of the person worsens. And further Benjamin Does(Makes) such application(statement): " In many cases simple , and are caused not than other, as - above the reason, while (senile Sight) - ONLY it(this) " [40, .41]. G.Bendzhamina's what recommendations concerning correct Diets? Here it is necessary to note once again, that its(his) opinion, as well as Opinion , differs that is accepted in -a little Numerical editions of last years on the rational organization A feed(meal). Substantive provisions of its(his) recommendations it is briefly possible To reduce to following key instructions(indications): 1. We eat to live, instead of that To give to itself pleasure. Remember always it(this) and eat I peep not so much pleasant on the taste, how many rich - nutrients.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Get A Leaf(sheet) Of A Whatman Paper In

Get a leaf(sheet) of a whatman paper in length about 1 meter and a little Old magazines which can be started up on cutting. In - It(Her) parts of a leaf(sheet) of a paper paste any word in the size About the title of magazine " Spark ", "Health", etc. Under it(him), - on centimeter 2,5, paste a following word or a phrase With letters it is less, the size, for example, about the title of magazines "Vietnam", " the Science and religion " and others. Under it(him) paste - In or a phrase c smaller letters, continuing this Process and reducing height of letters until in height of letters In words or phrases at the very bottom of a leaf(sheet) will make nearby Centimeter. In total make lines 20-25. In each line, - they are equal on width, and the size of a font decreases - downwards, there will be a different quantity(amount) of words. The top line will be To consist all of one-two words, the lowermost is already The whole offers. At selection of magazines for the table consider, That words from them which you will paste to a whatman paper, Should have black color.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In The Right Part Of The Table Of

In the right part of the table of Sivtsev are the various sizes with break in different places- From above, sideways or on each side. You can use this part Sivtsev's tables for training sight of children. ............................................................. There are symbols and other type. They are used in - tables for check of visual acuity of children. These(it) - happen in any eye cabinet(study). On them are represented - , and other figures. With similar - you can make the interesting exercise developed K.Khakett and recommended it(her) when is required Use of memoirs, principle of acquaintance of objects and Etc. ............................................................. children it is given easily enough, if that - age. However very small children, which else - on hands, certainly, do not understand, that such and As it(her) to do(make). Then R.S.Agarval recommends them Eyes as follows [8, .136]. EXERCISE N 113 Take the child so that solar beams - Have given it(him) on the person(face).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

If, For Example, We Look At Any Letter

If, for example, we look at any letter on - to the table, we should see it(her) better, than any another The letter on it(her). If we consider(examine) any small - on the verifying table also we look at its(her) top, we should - To put a bottom and other parts of this letter is worse, than directly - top. Thus the degree of blackness of top should be above, Than other parts. At the same time, than the letter is more precisely visible, That above the degree of its(her) blackness and that is more white uncovered a paint Places. An eye at the central fixing on objects not Should test any feeling of a pressure(voltage). When an eye - the central fixing, it(he) is in ideal - rest also can look at objects vaguely long Without any attributes of exhaustion. If the central fixing It is ideal, also sight, according to(agree) , ideally. approves(confirms), that " a constant symptom of all - conditions of eyes, as functional, and - , is that... The central fixing is lost. These circumstances are connected by that when sight - , sensitivity of a pole is normal, but when sight Worsens (for any reason), sensitivity of a pole - up to such degree, that the eye sees in the same way and even still Better other parts of a retina " [16, .

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Such Improvement Should Is Obligatory - To Drink,

Such improvement should is obligatory - To drink, if your relaxation was valid ideal or Close to ideal. A degree of slackness in such cases It is possible to check up which recommends [16, .71-72]. This way will help(assist) you to understand, whether is valid you Have achieved the maximal degree of blackness of a field of vision or nevertheless "Have not gathered additionally". Recollect a slice white on a background black Fields which you see. Present on the letter "", such Black, as well as a background. Then about also recollect Only the letter "" (and its(her) one part it is the best than the others, I.e. use the central fixing) on a black background. For - time all field can become same black, as well as - a black part "". This process can be repeated with - increase in blackness of a field. Other way of achievement of a black field is " - " those defects in its(his) blackness which appear before - eyes. That you have understood, how it is done(made), we to you - as one of patients has achieved it(this).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

However, To Achieve It(this), Do Not Do(make) Any

However, To achieve it(this), do not do(make) any efforts, not - Those of, do not enslave a neck as it usually happens with for the first time Starting exercise. All will come in due course. 2. At correct execution(performance) when eyes remain in Initial position concerning a head, and a head - Concerning shoulders (present, that your body is - Company tower on which the pair projectors (eye) is fixed, Which beams you on a room), objects before you - to be washed away(be dim). The they will be closer to you, the above will be Degree . Such effect likely a sign that who - Yes- went by the express train. Your sight during turns Should be directed all time directly, its(his) line should - rotation in a horizontal plane. 3. During turns you should ignore any - objects, differently eyes "will immediately stick" to them. At It(This) there should be an illusion, that nearby objects " - " back from a line of your sight. At the same time, objects, Located in the distance, should seem moving in the same Direction, as your turn.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Then Them Ask To Present Any Part Of

Then them ask To present any part of this letter, usually bottom. When they will manage to present this part of a straight line, or Opened(Open) (depending on a situation), they can present Lateral and top parts, still keeping a point below. But - After they will make it, they, probably, on-- cannot present the letter entirely without loss of a point. To stimulate them to it(this) it is possible, bringing the verifying table Little bit more close to them, and then removing it(her). It is connected with that, That at a sight at a surface where there is any object For examining, representation improves proportionally To approach(approximation) of a point where sight is better as in this To point of an eye more all are weakened. When on a surface There is nothing especial for examining, the distance has no Values as thus it is not put any effort To see. To help(assist) people to present mentally, that they see The letter, it(he,they) again and again should be inspired: " Certainly, you not - the letter.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Choice Of A Line Below Or Above

A choice of a line below or above - That it will be defined(determined) by presence of sufficient space in To your room and a condition of your sight. ............................................................ For testing sight for close distance exist Similarly arranged tables of a manual format. Record - sight thus it is made as follows. Take The verifying table of a manual format " the Basic data about - " (??.???.11.) keeping it(her) at arm's length about 25 centimeters From eyes, read its(her) one eye, having covered with other palm - in the image to avoid pressure upon an eyeball. - enters the name in the form of the letter "About" (from a word "Cores") with In figure through a dash. The figure means a serial number most Fine font (number of the paragraph) which you could read through The given eye. We shall assume, you have read through the fourth paragraph with Distances of 25 centimeters the right eye. Then your sight Will enter the name so: .. -4 from 25 centimeters. .....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3. Do Not Read On The Sun. Inexperienced

3. Do not read on the sun. Inexperienced by means of - the eye starts to strain because of reflection of beams of the sun From a white paper [10, .22]. 4. If you wish to read laying, it is possible to do(make) it, but Only if you during reading will hold a head - . Do not forget to blink often thus. 5. The book it is necessary to keep at such distance, whence a font It is visible is better. 6. Try to not incline a head and a body it is strong forward. It leads to infringement of blood circulation and deterioration - a brain. 7. Weaken during reading a muscle of hands and shoulders. Usually People do not notice their pressure(voltage). 8. Never read, if you are sick, excited, - headaches or it is strong . Always properly Relax in such situations before to start to To reading. ............................................................. Last years the big distribution have received so Named rates of fast reading. However the majority, if not Everything, offered techniques suffer one essential - , negatively influencing sight of people.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Comparative Statistics Reveals Dose Size, Time And

The comparative statistics reveals dose size, time and frequency of its application. The method of treatment of a malaria is as a result developed by quinine. Considerable part, even the most effective medical means (Sulphamides, penicillin) has passed or pass now a similar way. Throughout millenia the applied medicine has saved up a huge useful material. This material continuously replenishes by check of new means and new receptions. Effective remedies are made in various variants, and medical practice expands or narrows sphere of their application, being based on the statistican of results. The abundance of means and a variety of their structure are one of the reasons of practical successes of medical medicine. Thus, the kliniko-morphological diagnosis and the account the moments define only an illness category. Treatment means arise in passing, and the statistics confirms their medical utility. After that they search to themselves for justifications in old and new positions of the theory.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It Was Expressed In P.Bregg's This Occasion: "

it was expressed in P.Bregg's this occasion: " The age does not weaken(easy) eyes. The age is a measure, instead of force. - is the best pretext which they can find for that, To justify the wrong vital habits, which Also were the reason of deterioration of sight. " [44, .30]. considered(examined) as one of forms . In the theory it(he), as is known, did not consider(count) Crystalline lens the factor of accommodation, therefore its(his) hardening with Age should not affect accommodation in any way. The reason of deterioration of sight at sees in - the pressure(voltage) caused by effort to make out nearby Objects. Some other opinion adheres one of - G.Bendzhamin. It(he) considers(counts), that unique - approaches a wrong feed(meal) is. " Down to today, - it(he) writes, - it was supposed, that With achievement by the person of middle age of an eye natural In the image change the form (being slightly compressed), doing(making) such - inconvenient vision of NEARBY objects and causing . It is considered(examined) as causing inconvenience, But a necessary payment which we should bring for so - the existence in this world! This problem - carrying of glasses(spots) with convex lenses.

At A Squint Ability Of A Brain Is

At a squint ability of a brain is broken. As soon as eyes will achieve such merge, they any more will not be - any other sight. Merge will keep them Constantly direct. So, we start treatment. 1- THE STAGE To weaken the tense muscles of eyes, - Blows to take advantage , following a rule " it is a little, But it is frequent ". Besides exercises on it(she) as - exercises recommends to do(make) greater(big) and small turns (. 3.4.3. And 3.4.4.). Add to these turns still Some their kinds. EXERCISE N 92 (TURNS, COSTING(STANDING) THE BACK TO THE SUN) You know, where your eye is delayed: inside or - . If, for example, the left eye mows inside become - to the sun, cover an eye with a palm of a hand and Turn a head and an elbow on a circle aside the left ear and The left shoulder, i.e. to the left so that the mowing eye could see Gleam of a sunlight. Do(make) these turns rhythmically on 10-12 times as are frequent, as well as an eye. If left The eye mows outside, to catch a gleam of the sun, - it is necessary in the opposite party(side), i.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Theoretically An Opportunity Of Work Of An Eye

Theoretically an opportunity of work of an eye in described - Catfish to the form it has been stated even before occurrence of its(his) works: (1696), Listing (1851) and a number(line) of other authors. However - experimental works confirming to this theory and Development of methods of the treatment based(founded,established) on it(her), - merit - . It(he) has put a lot of experiments on eyes various Fishes, animals and, at last, the person. Sight and a condition of eyes in The whole were estimated(appreciated) in various situations: when objects - were awake, when departed to a dream, in a condition- Which and during movement, etc. During inspection of eyes of people the set was found out Cases, when ANOMALIES of the REFRACTION (. in the end of the book) Spontaneously disappeared, reduced the degree, or changed The form. So, could pass in , and Idle time could pass in complex(difficult), and on the contrary. - the theory of functioning of an eye to explain these phenomena It has appeared not in forces.

Monday, July 7, 2008

) Also Repeat Item(point)). Compare - Mentally To Move

) also repeat item(point)). Compare - mentally to move and carry out rocking with Ability to do(make) the same visually in a near point; Now look at this letter in a distance and - from its(her) top to its(her) bottom. If it is possible, vision Letters will improve and there will be an illusion . EXERCISE N 25 Some people (especially children) can see better - Yes, when somebody specifies letters. In other cases it On the contrary, distracts. If the method will appear useful, That is recommended to operate(work) as follows: Let somebody will place a tip of the finger on 7-10 centimeters below the letter. Then to the person, - the sight, it is necessary to look at this letter and - on a tip of a finger, having seen the letter is worse; Reduce distance between a finger and the letter all over again Up to 5-7 centimeters, then up to 2-5 centimeters and, at last, up to Centimeter, acting each time how it is specified in item(point) . If it will be possible, the patient can translate a sight from Top to a bottom of the letter and back, seeing alternately each of them Worse and creating illusion .

Sunday, July 6, 2008

But You Can Take Advantage And Other Methods

But you can take advantage and Other methods of achievement of a relaxation during . Let's begin with the first way of an output(exit) from the developed situation. One of ways of achievement of memoirs of black objects Offers R.S.Agarval [8, .138]. EXERCISE N 7 Take a piece of black velveteen and put it(him) on - which you use as a lining under elbows During . Look within a second at velveteen and At once close eyes approximately to half-minute. - until you will not find out it, that is possible To recollect black during enough long time. - But on it 10-20 recurrences are required. ............................................................. Instead of attempts to achieve memoirs of black objects with The help of auxiliary exercises you can address to To memoirs of pleasant stages, landscapes, etc. If memoirs It is carried out in true light, according to - the person during sees before itself - a black field. To recollect it is possible also favourite shades of colors(flowers). At everyone The person there are colors which to it(him) are pleasant also which - to its(his) relaxation.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It Is Informed, For Example, That All For

It is informed, for example, that all for a week was possible To relieve from in +6 dioptries of the child [10, .58]. Speaking about terms of restoration of sight on a method of the doctor , it is necessary to note, that in the literature are resulted(brought) different Data on this account(invoice). Usually, as well as in book , alongside with Very fast (but rare) as cases of treatment refer to Terms within the limits of a year. At the same time, other authors a little Differently approach(suit) to a statement of efficiency of method . So, K.Khakett has analysed data on 2857 patients, - at it(her). Data included data on all of them, Including even those who has stopped to train then who especially Did not burn enthusiasm at training or shirked work Above the eyes of the house, etc. Their age laid within the limits of from 3 till 92 years. Trades were most the diverse - from - up to doctors, from housewives up to ministers. As a result of the treatment lead by her(it), for example, 1584 Short-sighted people with sight from 20/30 up to 20/1000 (that mean You already know these figures), the majority from which had sight 20/400, i.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Exception - Only Institute Of Ideal Sight In

Exception - only Institute of ideal sight in India. The institute was It is opened(open) on May, 5th, 1968 under protection religious - Ashram in Pondicherry. This Institute, - professor R.S.Agarvalom has for an object development - U.G.Bejtsa and its(his) addition as old indian - methods of treatment - the Ayurveda, Yoga, etc. - and - , received our contemporaries. Are widely used In this Institute and homeopathist methods. Institute Provides passage of a four-year-old curriculum - to a science based(founded,established) on synthesis various - That . For a mainstream of training the system is accepted . Doctor Agarval, besides Institute of ideal sight, Heads the institutes which were deal with problems of sight, in Delhi And Madras which also adhere to line . In a number of the countries abroad there are special centers, Where any can be trained in method wishing to improve The sight. In the USA there are even some organizations- sorts. The largest training center is - in Johannesburg (republic of South Africa).

................................................... 2- THE STAGE Now You Should Stimulate Weaker

................................................... 2- THE STAGE Now you should stimulate weaker (- ) eyes. For this purpose put on stronger eye in Time of walks at the house a bandage - all over again, while sight Only it is formed, on short, and then and on more - time. Do not carry it(her) until you will not cease To be nervous thus. When you remove a bandage, always - Those and if it is possible(probable), do(make) also . Make all the exercises described in chapter(head) 3 and - Affairs 4.1.-4.4. Depending on what kind of infringement Sight your mowing eye suffers. During performance of these(it) Exercises use only the weak eye, achieving - that it(he) looked under a corner which you wish to learn it(him) To use. If, for example, the left eye mows inside,- Return the left shoulder under a right angle to the table with - . If it(he) mows outside to the table turn right Shoulder so that the left eye has been compelled(forced) to look in the return Direction through nose bridge to see words on the table.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If You Will Pass Past - ?"-or The

If you will pass past - ?"-or the market, fair, etc. the objects dazzling advertising, Signboards, announcements and so on, avoid attempts - each of them. It leads to "sticking" of a sight and To occurrence of effort to see. If it is necessary for making, That the nobility where to descend(go) from the bus or a trolley bus, - blink during signboards. Hold the head and Eyes in continuous movement during search necessary to you - . It is necessary to the same principle , having got on the market or - Mark as the pedestrian. ............................................................. SOMETHING ABOUT HYGIENE OF SIGHT According to the standard views of hygiene of sight, - it is necessary to be careful of many things to keep the eyes By way of. This reading laying, reading and work at dim - , reading in moving transport, reading of a fine font And others, presumably harmful to sight, ways - Usings of eyes. However approves(confirms), that these views diametrically Are opposite to true. It(he) considers(counts), that at correct - an eye, sight in such adverse conditions - greater(big) advantage(benefit) as to see in such Conditions the degree of a relaxation, greater(big) rather than is required at Favorable circumstances.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It Allowed - To Put It(him) Is More

It allowed - To put it(him) is more precise. O.Khaksli, marking(celebrating) advantage of natural means - blood circulations in the field of eyes (and through it and their supply Oxygen) before mechanical, explained this fact so: " It Time(Temporary) improvement of sight is caused easy(light) short (.. - local increase in quantity(amount) of blood At its(her) strengthened inflow to any body or a site Fabrics or its(her) complicated outflow) in the field of a head. It in The turn it is caused by easy(light) compression of veins in the field of a neck, Caused by the certificate(act) of an exhalation. Thus presence -is marked(celebrated) , than usually, quantities(amounts) of blood around of eyes. It results(brings) To that this body of perception(recognition) does(makes) the work more Effectively, and the brain receives the information of higher - that it(him) and to enable the person to see " [62, .99-100]. Therefore develop in itself a habit at a sight on bad Visible object to do(make) it, throwing(stopping) a short sight from odes - an exhalation.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

When The Person Evidently Sees, What Was Its(his)

When The person evidently sees, what was its(his) sight in the beginning - and what it became now, in it(him) appears strong - to continue trainings sight. That messages of record about progress of sight, to you - correctly to measure an acuteness(a witticism) of the sight. As it To make without the help of the doctor? If you have got to yourselves Sivtsev's verifying table, - it is possible to meet in any eye cabinet(study), you likely Have paid attention to figures at the left and to the right of numbers(lines) ( are specially picked up signs for definition Visual acuities. As letters can act, Figures, , etc.). To the left of numbers(lines) of letters in table - there is a figure meaning distance in meters, with which The given line should be read at normal sight of the person. So, for example, to the left of the first line from letters "" also Would cost(stand) Number 50,0. It means, that the person with normal sight Should read this line from distance of 50 meters. To the left of - lines there is number 5,0.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Always, When White It Is Recollected - ,

Always, when white it is recollected - , the background will be so black what to recollect or see with The open eyes something is more black it will be impossible. ............................................................. During if you do not manage to make any Other exercises, you can concentrate also on - I eat breath up to account(invoice) 100. How often and long it is necessary to do(make) ? Concerning frequency of execution(performance) it is possible to tell, That principles here the following. it is necessary to do(make): As it is possible is more often if you on it have time; Necessarily after during time, in two Time exceeding time ; Every time when you feel, that your eyes - Whether, strain, etc.; Every time when you test any feeling - or mental discomfort. In it(this) it is shown - weakening and calming character ; Before a dream it (is desirable). This fine exercise, - to a good dream. After awakening at you will not be To hurt(be ill,be sick) eyes as it often happens if to lay down to sleep without them Preliminary relaxation.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Than Moving A Sight From One Point To

Than moving a sight from one point to -will be wider , the will be (fluctuation) of the table more. By - the patient should realize, that every time, when - the point is displaced to the right from the verifying table, the table And all other objects should be displaced to the left, and on the contrary. When it will be firmly acquired, to make illusion - all becomes easier and easier. The patient, it is as though firm it(he) Has believed in that motionless objects cannot move, It will be compelled(forced) to recognize, that when its(his) sight is displaced in - Well the party(side), the table moves in opposite. - this movement it is so indisputable, that soon the patient simply Should represent motionless objects moving Every time when eyes move from right to left, at the left To the right or in any other directions. To achieve it(this) - But it is possible for short enough time. .............................................................. It normal sight - to see objects - at moving an eye, as a rule, it is lost at it(him) Deterioration.

More Often, But- - Here Your Principle. At

More often, but- - here your principle. At a choice of exercises observe and Following principles: Try, that in your personal entered - all types - , memoirs, mental - , , washing of eyes, turns, etc.; Make to itself complexes on every week and change them After 7 days to avoid boredom. Try, that Complexes differed with structure of used exercises, - thus "representation" all of them of types; Do not look at the exercises resulted(brought) here as on - . Dream! Observing the principles incorporated in them, you - to think up to itself not less useful exercises (and can and More). 18. Than more than time you will give the - , to those more quickly you will return to yourselves sight. Usually for - fast and progress it is required to finish time Trainings (means, total time) till 1-2 o'clock in Day. For self-stimulation to employment(occupations) and the control - during day of time for training get(start), as advises K.Khakett, a special card [56, .273-275]. Take ordinary in a section and, having receded From a left edge to the right on 10 centimeters, lead - a line.

75-81]. To Get Rid Of A Squint To You

75-81]. To get rid of a squint to you it will be necessary To pass(take place) 3 stages: 1. To weaken and release(exempt) the tense muscles of eyes with that, That they could turn together, being in correct To centering. It will allow to weaken the intense muscle, which Withdraws your eye aside. 2. This stage consists in returning it(her) - the center of the sharpest sight. The matter is that an eye, - deviated outside or inside during long - , has got used to see a peripheral site of a retina, instead of To fix considered(examined) object . That To keep such eye constantly in correct position, - to restore sight until it not Becomes stronger, than originally generated sight Edge(Territory) of a retina, or as it often refers to, false - . This stage is desirable for passing(for taking place) and to stronger eye, As a deviating eye can pull behind itself and another Eye. 3. It is necessary to unite sight of both eyes, i.e., - , turned out in two , it is necessary to merge together - That of data of the same points the image together in one and The same moment of time (this process of merge refers to - To IT(her)).

Monday, June 23, 2008

E. Having Seen One Part - It Is Better

e. having seen one part - it is better than all rest. Not necessarily thus to see Object well. The main thing that one part of this object was It is visible better, than the rest. When you will achieve it(this), begin direct muscles of eyes back. In such cases itself - on focusing becomes exercise on achievement Gleam of good sight. First time at a mental tension of muscles of an eye you not Will feel appreciable effect. Be not upset and - the trainings. Look at other object and - all time a constant tension of straight lines The muscles involving an eye in an eye-socket. It is not necessary to try - any changes in vision of objects. Your main The purpose in the given exercise is achievement of sensation Direct muscles. And to notice it at once it will not be possible. - it with a raising of a brick from a floor. If to lift its(his) one Time, will pass(take place) it imperceptibly, but it is enough to repeat of this - hundreds times, and you at once will feel, that muscles work. Probably there will be even some morbidity.

Such Position Not Only - Leads To A

Such position not only - leads to a pressure(voltage) and exhaustion, but also conducts to The blood vessels passing(taking place) through a neck and supplying with blood Brain and eyes. The effect will be more likely negative, rather than - . The correct approach here such: it is necessary for you to be bent In a waist, having removed chair from a table, so that -there is some The night lamp and neck (actually, cervical ) were on - a straight line. Thus, you keep correct "bearing" and Will avoid an excessive pressure(voltage). If you prefer to do(make) laying on a back, Without a pillow under elbows you very soon will feel - in hands that will destroy the purpose of your training - to get rid From a pressure(voltage). Then it is better to you to turn over on a stomach(belly) and prone. In the rest it is done(made) in the same way, As though you laid on a back. Similar position - prone and Closed eyes palms - it is possible to meet among exercises of Yoga On a relaxation. What position is the most convenient for execution(performance) ? You can accept any convenient for you, for example, to lay down or To sit down.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Therefore, If You Had A Headache Or Any

Therefore, if you had a headache or any Pain in general do(make) these turns within 10-20 minutes, Alternating(Interleaving) turns with the open eyes with turns with closed Eyes. Make after that , and to you it becomes easier. Always during execution(performance) of exercise think about illusory Movement of fingers. Also breathe! Manual turns superb act on an organism - , as they through sympathetic nervous system Remove a pressure(voltage) literally from everyone bodies. ............................................................. Exercise close as a matter of fact is offered to R.S.Agarvalom [10, .6]. EXERCISE N 32 Put an index finger of one hand on distance 15 Centimeters from the right eye and approximately on same Distance to the right from it(him). Looking directly forward, turn It is a little head here and there. The finger should seem Moving. This exercise in some cases is given easier, than - , also allows to achieve illusion of movement of a finger more quickly. ...........

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

- Unexpectedly The Asterisk Has Gleamed, And, Despite

- unexpectedly the asterisk has gleamed, and, despite of its(her) small The sizes, the woman clearly has seen it(her). Where would not move - this asterisk, the secretary invariable set up it(her) on - That and is frequent on it(her) trained, while, at last, did not become - To put it(her) it is constant, instead of gleams. Let's note, that M.Uindolf also recommended to use Bright, brilliant objects for movings and - as to train on them it is easier. As Such objects it would be good to apply from children's A feed(meal), a foil from sweets, etc. [81]. Use such process of search and in work with the table From letters In O.Vy know, what letters there should be. If You have forgotten them, approach(suit) more close to the table and freshen the - . Remember, that the purpose of this exercise not check of yours Sight. ............................................................. Here one more exercise recommended by M.D.Korbett for Short-sighted. EXERCISE N 87 (Exercise on the table "") On the top edge(territory) of the table "" (.