Saturday, July 5, 2008

It Is Informed, For Example, That All For

It is informed, for example, that all for a week was possible To relieve from in +6 dioptries of the child [10, .58]. Speaking about terms of restoration of sight on a method of the doctor , it is necessary to note, that in the literature are resulted(brought) different Data on this account(invoice). Usually, as well as in book , alongside with Very fast (but rare) as cases of treatment refer to Terms within the limits of a year. At the same time, other authors a little Differently approach(suit) to a statement of efficiency of method . So, K.Khakett has analysed data on 2857 patients, - at it(her). Data included data on all of them, Including even those who has stopped to train then who especially Did not burn enthusiasm at training or shirked work Above the eyes of the house, etc. Their age laid within the limits of from 3 till 92 years. Trades were most the diverse - from - up to doctors, from housewives up to ministers. As a result of the treatment lead by her(it), for example, 1584 Short-sighted people with sight from 20/30 up to 20/1000 (that mean You already know these figures), the majority from which had sight 20/400, i.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Exception - Only Institute Of Ideal Sight In

Exception - only Institute of ideal sight in India. The institute was It is opened(open) on May, 5th, 1968 under protection religious - Ashram in Pondicherry. This Institute, - professor R.S.Agarvalom has for an object development - U.G.Bejtsa and its(his) addition as old indian - methods of treatment - the Ayurveda, Yoga, etc. - and - , received our contemporaries. Are widely used In this Institute and homeopathist methods. Institute Provides passage of a four-year-old curriculum - to a science based(founded,established) on synthesis various - That . For a mainstream of training the system is accepted . Doctor Agarval, besides Institute of ideal sight, Heads the institutes which were deal with problems of sight, in Delhi And Madras which also adhere to line . In a number of the countries abroad there are special centers, Where any can be trained in method wishing to improve The sight. In the USA there are even some organizations- sorts. The largest training center is - in Johannesburg (republic of South Africa).

................................................... 2- THE STAGE Now You Should Stimulate Weaker

................................................... 2- THE STAGE Now you should stimulate weaker (- ) eyes. For this purpose put on stronger eye in Time of walks at the house a bandage - all over again, while sight Only it is formed, on short, and then and on more - time. Do not carry it(her) until you will not cease To be nervous thus. When you remove a bandage, always - Those and if it is possible(probable), do(make) also . Make all the exercises described in chapter(head) 3 and - Affairs 4.1.-4.4. Depending on what kind of infringement Sight your mowing eye suffers. During performance of these(it) Exercises use only the weak eye, achieving - that it(he) looked under a corner which you wish to learn it(him) To use. If, for example, the left eye mows inside,- Return the left shoulder under a right angle to the table with - . If it(he) mows outside to the table turn right Shoulder so that the left eye has been compelled(forced) to look in the return Direction through nose bridge to see words on the table.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If You Will Pass Past - ?"-or The

If you will pass past - ?"-or the market, fair, etc. the objects dazzling advertising, Signboards, announcements and so on, avoid attempts - each of them. It leads to "sticking" of a sight and To occurrence of effort to see. If it is necessary for making, That the nobility where to descend(go) from the bus or a trolley bus, - blink during signboards. Hold the head and Eyes in continuous movement during search necessary to you - . It is necessary to the same principle , having got on the market or - Mark as the pedestrian. ............................................................. SOMETHING ABOUT HYGIENE OF SIGHT According to the standard views of hygiene of sight, - it is necessary to be careful of many things to keep the eyes By way of. This reading laying, reading and work at dim - , reading in moving transport, reading of a fine font And others, presumably harmful to sight, ways - Usings of eyes. However approves(confirms), that these views diametrically Are opposite to true. It(he) considers(counts), that at correct - an eye, sight in such adverse conditions - greater(big) advantage(benefit) as to see in such Conditions the degree of a relaxation, greater(big) rather than is required at Favorable circumstances.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It Allowed - To Put It(him) Is More

It allowed - To put it(him) is more precise. O.Khaksli, marking(celebrating) advantage of natural means - blood circulations in the field of eyes (and through it and their supply Oxygen) before mechanical, explained this fact so: " It Time(Temporary) improvement of sight is caused easy(light) short (.. - local increase in quantity(amount) of blood At its(her) strengthened inflow to any body or a site Fabrics or its(her) complicated outflow) in the field of a head. It in The turn it is caused by easy(light) compression of veins in the field of a neck, Caused by the certificate(act) of an exhalation. Thus presence -is marked(celebrated) , than usually, quantities(amounts) of blood around of eyes. It results(brings) To that this body of perception(recognition) does(makes) the work more Effectively, and the brain receives the information of higher - that it(him) and to enable the person to see " [62, .99-100]. Therefore develop in itself a habit at a sight on bad Visible object to do(make) it, throwing(stopping) a short sight from odes - an exhalation.