Saturday, April 12, 2008

The There Will Be A Point Recollected By

The there will be a point recollected by you, the better less. But - you can about enough big area. At correct memoirs of a point to you should seem, That it(she) makes short, easy(light), slow rockings. If for memoirs of a point will be applied any - , you will spoil to yourselves its(her) mental image - a point or In general will disappear, that happens more often, or will occur(happen) - ???-or-or changes in its(her) form, color, sharpness of its(her) edges(territories) and Etc. The memoirs of a black point was recommended in - the means promoting improvement of vision of letters and Various objects. At sufficient training to the person - to recollect a point in any circumstances at a sight on Any objects. Your problem(task) consists in, that, - a point in mind(wit) to look simultaneously at object. Remember, That the point should be at you in MIND(WIT) (In REPRESENTATION), instead of on Object. It is not necessary "to decorate" objects of the sight - ! When you will manage to keep ideal memoirs black To point in mind(wit), your sight immediately becomes normal.

To You - , That The Finger Moves.

To you - , that the finger moves. Very quickly sensations of movement It is possible to achieve, if you will close eyes and will do(make) - Mouths so that a tip of a nose every time at - by a finger concerned(touched) it(him). If after you - Cover eyes, they will "stick" to a finger will appear - and to achieve the sensation of movement it will not be possible. If you cannot achieve any illusion of movement,- Try to do the following. Bring palms to the person(face), - To having spred wide fingers. Do(make) turns by a head, representing, That fingers are something like a paling, and looking in their moment Passages by the person(face) not on them, and through them. Fingers should To float by you. Alternate(interleave) 3 turns blindly (With an idea - " they move to one ear, and then to another ") with 3 turns with the open eyes, seeing fingers passing(taking place) - you. Do(make) these turns till 20-30 time, not forgetting at It(This) about breath. The turns described above possess removing a pain - Volume.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

............................................................. Greater(Big) Turns Render Rather Salutary - On

............................................................. Greater(Big) turns render rather salutary - on all organism engaged. They not only remove Exhaustion of eyes, but also develop flexibility of a backbone, - work of sympathetic nervous system, and through it(her) - work Practically all internal bodies of the person (heart, lungs, Digestive path, etc.). Result of it(this) is Fine it . How many time it is necessary to do(make) turns? M.D.Korbett considers(counts), What is the total in one approach there should be hundred: 60 Turns it is necessary to make to reach(achieve) necessary to you - Relaxations, within the limits of from 60-th before 100-th turn you Enjoy the reached(achieved) level of a relaxation called To help(assist) to improve your sight [47, .25]. When it is necessary to do(make) greater(big) turns? Them carry out in - a preparatory stage to other exercises, when It is necessary to relax properly preliminary. You can Them to do(make) practically before any exercise on a relaxation - , before exercises on the central fixing and Etc.

Then Close Eyes And Recollect It(her). If You

Then close eyes and recollect it(her). If you have well mastered you can (mentally present, that the letter Has more dark shade, rather than you saw in a reality. Recollecting this blackness during repeated examining - You, it is possible to see its(her) more black, than it was before. - repeatedly this process and all time representing the letter Having more black color, than in a reality (but in any Case not due to representation of the real letter by less black, For example, sulfur or even white), you in some cases can Very quickly to improve vision of this letter. Thus you - Those such feature - than the shade mentally will be deeper Represented black, it will be easier to that to go right it(him) - at examining letters on the verifying table or in To the book. ............................................................. Usually than longer people are engaged , especially The deep shade black it(him) manages to be reached(achieved) and that greater Relaxations they achieve. To other people of greater(big) - it is possible to achieve at short, but frequent - .

Monday, April 7, 2008

It Is Necessary To Hope, That Practical Aspects

It is necessary to hope, that practical aspects of method - can fill up an arsenal of medicine in struggle against deterioration Sight. THE DICTIONARY OF TERMS Accommodation is an ability (property) of an eye - on a retina the light beams reflected from considered(examined) The subjects located on various distance from an eye, I.e. ability to see well and afar, and close. - the easing of sight caused functional Frustration of the visual analyzer. Anomalies of a refraction - when we deal with a deviation(rejection) Refracting force of optical system of an eye (refraction) from Norms(Rates) speech should be conducted about occurrence of anomaly of a refraction. You repeatedly will meet this term in the book. As at Short-sightedness, far-sightednesses and occur(happen) Such deviation(rejection) of a refraction from norm(rate) all of them are - refractions. Therefore it is necessary to consider, that every time, When in the book speech about anomalies of a refraction will come in The whole, short-sighted, far-sighted and to the people suffering - , it is necessary to know, that all told directly - them.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Normal Eye Becomes . 2. The Eye

The normal eye becomes . 2. the eye becomes less or - . 3. the eye becomes more - . Now it is easy(light) to understand, why short-sighted it is recommended Reading with some pressure(voltage) of a fine font on dim - That. Effort arising at it(this) to see in a near point - Drives to that the degree decreases. Similarly, - reading the verifying table on -is recommended 5 meters or more, located on dim to light. ............................................................. At performance of exercises remember the following: 1. Never do(make) efforts to see object, except for as in Exercises where it is especially stipulated. For example, reading - a font short-sighted at dim illumination(coverage) it is recommended - with some pressure(voltage). pays attention to that, That we should get rid of some wrong - how it is necessary to work: " Time(Temporary) circumstances - to promote occurrence of effort (pressure(voltage)) to see, That entails occurrence of anomalies of a refraction. However - It is new pressure(voltage) it is covered in wrong habits of thinking.