Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Removal Pressure(Voltage) From Muscles Of A Body Automatically
Removal Pressure(Voltage) from muscles of a body automatically conducts to the some - the intense condition of mentality. In turn to achieve Full physical relaxation it is possible(probable) only at - a mental relaxation. Thus, these(thus) two Process (and conditions) are closely interconnected and interdependent. It is necessary to speak about a full physical relaxation with some Share of reserve, as an absolute relaxation of a body - it is impossible. It is possible to weaken muscles of a body, but not all. Muscles of heart which drives blood on -continue to work to vessels, their walls also continue the work and Etc. However that degree of a relaxation which is reached(achieved) - , it is quite sufficient for the purposes of improvement of sight. All of us it is resorted to various poses or - rest when we get tired. As a rule, we thus - in an eye also "is relaxed". However, it is far not always after Such rest we feel freshened up, - new inflow of forces and energy. If to speak about eyes, they Also continue to hurt(be ill,be sick), in them there is the same , - an attribute of strong exhaustion, etc.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
It Is A Question Only Accumulation Of Greater
It is a question only accumulation of greater number - and such them which will allow to understand quickly And to acquire them. Today, however, often it is necessary to stretch(drag out) Treatment for weeks and months though anomaly of a refraction can To be not greater both on size, and on duration Existence, than in those cases which it is fast - Whether " [16, .48] (in this occasion look also chapter(head) 7). Sometimes meet such difficult a case, when the person Cannot achieve vision of a black field before eyes in any way. Usually in these cases it(he) starts to strain, trying in what That began "to make out" black. Vision is especially frequent Black field before eyes is at a loss in conditions, when - it is sick, angry, tests any negative Emotions, etc., i.e. when its(his) mentality is deduced(removed) from a condition Balance. In such cases it is always better to refuse from - or to try to do some more "mechanical" Weakening exercises of type of greater(big) turns, Or blinkings.
During Rest This Compress It Is Necessary To
During rest this compress it is necessary To hold on eyes, and most it is necessary to be given sensation - effect. At this time your stomach will feel - warmly drink which you have just accepted. In - all these procedures on all your body will spread Pleasant feeling of a relaxation. Continue to relax and Present, that you fly on a magic carpet above what-- Be island in tropics. Forget about everything, except for it(this) - feelings of flight, these surprising experiences. After that exercises your eyes and your body will be poured New energy. As you can see, in P.Bregg's described exercise physical The relaxation adjoins to its(his) mental ways - . They are closely connected among themselves and hardly can be Are divided(undressed), if it is necessary to reach(achieve) a full relaxation. Usually all Exercises in system Bejtsa simultaneously use receptions Physical and mental relaxation. Thus physical The relaxation is considered the first and necessary stage of achievement Mental relaxation.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Holding Eyes Closed, Slowly Turn A Head From
Holding eyes closed, slowly turn a head from - aside. Do(make) so 4-5 minutes. Then, when eyes - will relax from heat of the sun and movements of a head, them It will be possible to open, but only for an instant and only keeping Turns by a head here and there. To look it is necessary not directly On the sun, and near to it(him). Do not do(make) any efforts to see Something. The only thing that eyes do(make) are blink. On To measure this exercise and accustoming of eyes to - to force of light, it will be possible to throw instant - all more close and more close to a solar disk. ............................................................. When eyes thus will learn easy enough To perceive process and it(he) will bring not a pain And irritation, and pleasant feeling of a relaxation in all body, Including eyes, you can start a "classical" way Executions(Performances) . EXERCISE N 49 For performance is better to leave on opened(open) Air if weather conditions allow to not distract on The various discomfortable exercises connected many(a lot of) - or heat.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Purpose Of This Exercise To Not Strengthen
the Purpose of this exercise to not strengthen Sight and to centralize it(him). It is necessary for us to stimulate The center of sight, , through, figuratively being expressed, " - "or" grinding " nerves of a retina sight. To make it it is possible, translating a sight from a white background on one - any letter, on the same background on another it(her) - Well, sliding a sight under the letter backwards-forward until Sight "not will get used" through reduction of nerves of a retina in - if so it is possible to tell, catalepsy, , - . Now, knowing what there letters, you can look without Efforts. Sit down so close to the table that you could see The top line of letters In About, but it is not so precise. Now it is soft Close eyes and recollect the letter "". Direct the nose on White surface to the left of the letter, then to the right from it(her) and so Backwards-forward in fast rate. Having made a breath, open eyes and Do the same. As on a pure(clean) background not Demands any efforts, probably it will be possible to a short-sighted eye To see the letter "" it is more precise.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Then In The Subsequent Will Make The Same
Then in the subsequent will make the same with the letter much Easier " [16, .64]. Further it(he) describes one case, which Evidently illustrates the practical appendix told by it(him). The description of a way what has restored sight of the patient, Can quite serve as independent exercise. EXERCISE N 14 On reception to the woman with sight 3/200 has come (..: it means, that sight of the woman was so Bad, that it(she) only from 3 foots was capable to see that The person with normal sight saw from 200 foots. More in detail about Volume as the condition of sight enters the name, it is told in the chapter(head) 5) which approved(confirmed), that it(she) sees the greater(big) letter "With" is better (The greatest letter in verifying table . - The wife on the top of the table) when looks on any Point in several foots away from it(her), rather than at a sight Directly on it(her). has paid attention of the patient to that fact, What is the eyes quickly get tired, and sight weakens, when it(she) Considers(Examines) objects in a similar way.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Open, After A While, Eyes And Dart A
Open, after a while, eyes and dart a glance On the letter directly under that letter, which you just - . You should see it(her) more precisely. If has passed(has taken place) Successfully, to you, probably, it will be possible to read through and all line Below that on which you had to stop. Look on Last letter which to you managed to be seen on this line, Close eyes and repeat all procedure once again. Sometimes for Time of training manages to be read through for some lines more, Than it was possible to make at the first approach. The reason of failure when it is not possible to read through following Line, maybe, most likely, badly executed - . .............................................................. EXERCISE N 5 (MEMOIRS OF PRINTED SIGNS) As one of the best exercises for improvement Sight recommends exercise for memoirs small Black letters, figures and other printed signs. Thus - to look at any greater(big) letter in the top part The verifying table, and then mentally to present the letter- That is less and more black color, than, on which you only That looked.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Yours Eyes Should Not Stare (to Read) On
Yours Eyes should not stare (to read) on just written Letters. Instead of it(this) move the sight after - a tip of a feather. To accustom eyes to - to behaviour during R.S.Agarval's letter recommends - a blotting paper just the written words and Letters. It helps(assists) to write long enough time without Exhaustions of eyes [8, .43]. 2. Blink during the letter more often. ............................................................. VIEWING OF FILMS (AT THE CINEMA) Widespread among inhabitants (not without the help - doctors) opinion became judgement about films as Kind of visual work harmful to eyes. Meanwhile, - use of eyes at viewing films not only Harmlessly for them, but also brings it(him) the certain advantage(benefit). - opinion of followers of system Bejtsa. Schooling of eyes to fluctuations of light during a session - to formation of a habit weakened on Objects. The big screen develops needs of nature Eyes in movements. However, that films really Brought such advantage(benefit) it is necessary to follow a number(line) of rules and - .
As The Proof Of It Growth Serve And
As the proof of it growth serve and streptococci at crop of internal parts of seams, though wound Were processed by these structures, and in the further were made intravenou Injections (seams undertook from wounds begun to live a primary tension). All these data testify that our medical receptions influence Only on process and in this influence their doubtless role playe Normalization of the broken attitudes. Ideas on advantage of preservation of normal attitudes at infectio Expressed and earlier, that indirectly confirms our initial positions So, for example, in the monography " Local immunization ", speaks " In essence the mechanism of immunity consists in the same, as the mechanis Infections. A difference only in intensity. When a sensitive fabric roughl Reacts to introduction of an antigene, business comes to an end a victory of an infection and death. When reaction from a sensitive fabric weak, in an organis Immunity " is established. Similar data Dr. Gajsky in clause " the Plague at susliks informs Infected in a condition of deep hibernation "/1/.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Observe - Behind How The Aperture In A
Observe - behind how the aperture in a moving stick incorporates in Yourselves a cord when you move up a stick to yourselves. Quickly Blink during this process and do not forget about breath. When in a stick it is close enough drawn near to each other, Start to extend a cord. Now close eyes and - that you saw, continuing to move a stick backwards-- . Then with a deep breath open eyes and continue - . Repeat it(him) on time during training, Before and after it(him) doing(making) . If each of yours Eye will appear in a sufficient measure are stimulated, once The near stick to you at your nose will fork. Its(her) top Will seem to you split, first, probably, all on - , but in process of improvement of merge the size of splitting will be To increase until reaches(achieves) 5-8 centimeters. These(it) M.D.Korbett's two images has named "gate". On it(her) - , their use during training allows to raise(increase) Productivity of exercises almost that twice. While the person with a squint will not achieve once vision "Gate" that is an essence of training, and will not achieve - in their achievement, until then merge will not be - .
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
EXERCISE N 28 Move Meaningly From One Part
EXERCISE N 28 Move meaningly from one part of any - objects on others also represent, that these objects Seem moving in a direction opposite to movement Eye. Change the size, color and other parameters of objects. ............................................................. Very strongly moving helps(assists) at mental - and concentration on represented objects (.- 3.3.1.; 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.). At correct concentration it is possible quickly enough - relaxations. Actually correct " concentration and - is the same " [8, .196]. How to achieve - by means of exercises on moving? For this purpose it is necessary To concentrate on any small object, - Measures, to the letter of a fine font. And how to concentrate? If you Address to the sections listed above, where an essence correct Concentration it(she) is described in more detail you will understand, that Represents constant moving the attention (Sight) from one part of object of concentration on other part The same object. To illustrate told, We shall result(bring) here the exercise recommended by the professor R.
The Organism Is So Combined And Connected In
The organism is so combined and connected in all parts that deliberately conceived or casual influence will inevitably be reflected in a course of those processes which have not been provided by the given private problem. We illustrate it examples. Kidney tuberculosis. Operation - kidney removal. The outcome - the patient recovers. Kidney removal not is, of course, the ideal medical certificate. Finally action it reduces probability of consecutive defeat of the right kidney. At the same time the certificate of intervention concerns to some extent a plasticity as deletes from an organism, anyway, unnecessary object. Apparently, here the preventive action which has been carried out by plastic methods, has indirectly rendered medical effect. Cancer of a stomach, breast or other body. Operation - removal of the amazed body. A conditional outcome - recovery. Clearly, as here plastic action is simultaneously preventive and on conditional effect - medical. Foot crisis. Treatment - elimination of displacement, the tyre.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thus The Child Looks At The Removed Letters
Thus the child looks at the removed letters and copies Them at itself on a leaflet of a paper in the same order. It is possible also To place in the distance a tablet with images of various objects. The child should choose in a pack of these reduced spears(copies) - , which it(he) holds in the hand (and it is even better - on a table to develop mobility of sight) a card with The image which it(he) has seen in the distance. Let it(he) displays Them at itself on a table in the same order, as on a tablet. 7. If you wish to improve sight of the child, Pick up to it(him) corresponding(meeting) toys and games. Any is useful The toy which jumps, spins, slides, etc., i.e., - which moves. It(she) will promote development Mobility of eyes of children. Any games with use of a ball are useful. They it is fine Develop mobility of eyes. It is expedient to exclude the games promoting - - checkers(blocks), a chess, puzzles, etc. 8. Ask the teacher to plant(put) the child enough Close, that it(he) could look without a pressure(voltage) and, if it - It is possible, without glasses(spots).
Friday, December 7, 2007
Thus It Was Possible Not Only To Get
Thus it was possible not only to get rid from , but And to improve sight for close objects. approves(confirms), that For 8 years of application of its(his) system teachers of schools possible - a level among children about 6 % up to less than 1 %. More In detail results of application of system Bejtsa at schools - in chapter(head) 7. At performance of this exercise is not present any - to learn(teach) children to bases of physiology of an eye, etc., which on To the age a little that will understand from told by you. Important Only to avoid mistakes(errors) at use of the verifying table. Typical mistake(error), for example, is its(her) removal from a wall after End of exercises because of fear, that children will learn(teach) the table By heart also will borrow(occupy) simply in guessing of letters. This(thus) most - all purpose of exercise consisting a summer residence to eyes Daily exercises on sight afar with familiar objects. It is necessary to enable children, leaving from a class on , To look at this table close.
Friday, November 30, 2007
(in More Detail How Glasses(spots) Influence On Sight
(in more detail how glasses(spots) influence on Sight of people will be told in section 3.1.). In such conditions to explosion of a bomb occurrence was similar in 1920 of the book of American doctor William Bejtsa " Treatment Bad sight without the help of glasses(spots) " (see [22]), was a result It(Him) more than thirty-year research activity. Earlier 16 clauses(articles), mainly, have been published in " New York " (see [17] - [20], [23], [25], [26], [28] - [30], [32], [33], [35] - [38]), some of which Have formed a basis for a writing(spelling) of the book. In spite of the fact that the ophthalmology has passed(has taken place) in the - the long way, was possible to reveal set new - . Thus it(he) has found out, that theoretical assumptions Classical medicine come to the contradiction with practical Results of researches and clinical supervision. Have arisen Questions to answer on which orthodox medicine - not in forces. Among these questions the following: Why, if excessive quantity(amount) of work on relatives Distance should lead to development of short-sightedness, among People which trade is far from great volume visual Works close (for example, among the people borrowed(occupied) rural - The house) short-sightedness meets not so seldom; Why, if short-sightedness is caused hereditary Factors, it(she) rather often develops at what parents Have fine sight.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
(6) Prospect Of Researches Depends On Forms Of
(6) Prospect of researches depends on forms of indication pathologica Processes. Indicators should reflect not only specific feature Each case, but also separate stages of its condition. * * These conclusions which are being only partially proved assumption, w Have based on the further work The resulted histories of illnesses cover only an insignificant part Supervision of this period. Actually in this term of cases spontaneous Gangrenes was nearby 120. Diseases of a gastroenteric path, septic Processes, chronic headaches, , neuralgias and a number of others Illnesses also were objects of supervision. Supervision were conducted with 1933. On 1938., also have captured over 450 cases. Estimation of results for this period conference of 2-nd and has given 4-th Surgical clinics at session on 9-th of November 1937.. I quote an extract from the report: " In both clinics the given methods Were applied in most cases after ineffectual treatment and a distance Positive results. Some patients from this cycle of supervision were in Absolutely hopeless condition.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
To Get Rid Of These Obstacles We Try
To get rid of these obstacles we try or Reducing depth of breath, or in general stopping breath For rather long period of time " [62, .95]. In - it(this) supply of eyes by oxygen worsens. To told before O.Khaksli adds what to fill Shortage of oxygen in a quantitative sense it is possible by Passive or dynamic relaxation (. 3.3. And 3.4.). Completion of qualitative deficiency (bad - blood) it is carried out by training conscious To breath even during the periods of concentration of attention on any Object [62, .96-100]. compares people with bad - , not caring the breath with pearl divers, - that behave practically as - type(collect) air in Lungs and as if(as) plunge into the sea. Uniform breath in - long time! Remember, that you not in the sea, where - On salty water, and in an atmosphere. So breathe in it(him)! For formation of a useful habit to breathe during - objects recommends to fill lungs such In the image as though you do(make) exercise on deep breath, But it is easy(light), without efforts and a pressure(voltage).
Friday, November 23, 2007
As A Result Sight Worsens. To Return Sight
As a result sight worsens. To return Sight in norm(rate) is necessary to remove(take off) a pressure(voltage) from mentality. In conditions of the present a brain of the person constantly - under influence of heavy mental loadings. - good sight without special exercises on - now it is hardly possible(probable). Therefore exercises from Systems Bejtsa will be practically useful to any person. As we already spoke, followers were - also a number(line) of additional recommendations to its(his) system, Mentioning(Touching) breath and a diet, and also directed on - , improvement and entering of a variety in - it(him) of exercise. Despite of it, as a whole, their methods - have kept much enough from an original technique to carry its(his) name. Below us the cores practical -will be resulted(brought) and its(his) followers, being base for - at all kinds of infringement of sight. Some distinctions in Application of these recommendations, and also additional, - for each kind of infringement of sight of exercise - us in chapter(head) 4 " Additional remarks and special Exercises ".
Thursday, November 22, 2007
At - Basically Sight Close Worsens. Is Fineest
At - basically sight close worsens. is fineest of usually used - fonts. A size (height of a letter) in a font - for a capital letter of 1,5 millimeters, and for lower case (Small) letter - about 1 millimeter. Inch - unit of length in system of English measures. One inch is equal 2,54 centimeters. - the same, that short-sightedness. At short-sightedness - sight afar. - specially picked up signs, which - in tables for check of sight. As Letters, figures, strips, figures, etc. can be applied Ophthalmology - the area of medicine studying(investigating) anatomy and Physiology of body of sight, illness of eyes and developing - their diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance. - the same, that so-called senile - . At sight close (basically) is broken and Sight afar. - the tool for definition of a refraction of an eye. Refraction - you also repeatedly will meet this term In the book. A refraction as writes , this refraction light Beams in optical system of an eye. More exact would be under Refraction to understand refracting force of optical system - For.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Wrong Diet, To Which Since The Childhood
A wrong diet, to which since the childhood The child and from which hardly (if at all) -gets used , becoming(beginning) the adult, thus, entirely fault(wine) of parents. And Meanwhile, according to opinion , to a wrong diet One of main "merits" in deterioration of sight belongs. It is necessary to note, that now exist Some "branches" from system Bejtsa, using a number(line) Its(His) exercises and recommendations, but essentially added and Putting forward own theories of the reasons of deterioration of sight. So, authors of the book " Force of eyes " A.Khoops and T.Khoops (See [61]) anomalies of a refraction are considered(examined) not as - genetic defects, and as result continuous, - stressful influences on the person plus - infringements of balance of its(his) psychophysical system. - as the reasons of infringement of balance of this system are considered - conditions and a way of life of the person. For example, - , persistent, tiresome reading, authors, -consider(count) itself some kind of " visual stress in a near point - " which if it(him) to not treat, leads to decrease(reduction) - abilities and, as result, to .
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
1. For A Case Of Direct Muscles. When The
1. For a case of direct muscles. When the far-sighted person can unite in itself sensation The compressed slanting eye muscles with sensation of the weakened straight lines Muscles, it(he) can essentially improve the sight. Can - difficult for understanding how it is a brain can - to weaken one group of muscles and to strain another. As Only you will manage to achieve precise sensation of a pressure(voltage) slanting Muscles, your brain will remember this sensation and can in the further Also it is easy(light) to reproduce it(him), as well as sensation of a relaxation. Time is necessary for this purpose only. Try during work on close distance - all over again feelings of the general(common) relaxation, and then feeling Compression of slanting muscles . Then try to unite These feelings. You can alternate(interleave) at the beginning also days - Portable radio sets on a relaxation with days of concentration on compression of muscles, Gradually starting to do(make) this all in the same day, and- Volume and simultaneously.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Let For Left - For It There Will
Let for left - For it there will be 3, 2 meters, and for the right eye - 2,5 meters. Remember these numbers. Record of a condition of sight in the further will be - in the form of fraction. In numerator of fraction you will write down - from which you could make out the tenth line, in - - distance from which this line should be read With normal sight. So, you could read through the tenth - from distances of 3,2 meters (the right eye) and 2,5 meters (left Eye), and it(she) should be read from distance of 5 meters. - , record of a condition of your sight will look(appear) Approximately so: On October, 4th, 1988. .. - 3,2/5,0 .. - 2,5/5,0 On January, 25th, 1989. .. - 4,5/5,0 .. - 3,8/5,0 At the given form of conducting record, i.e. at orientation Only for the tenth line in a denominator of fractions at you always There will be number 5,0. Basically, instead of the tenth line you can take any Another: want - the first, want - the second, etc. Then number in Denominator at you will exchange on new - that costs(stands) - from the line chosen by you.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
If To Consider, That It Makes The Big
If To consider, that it makes the big weakening effect on Children (similarly to " rocking of a bear " or greater(big) turns For adults) it is obvious, that it is necessary to consider(count) it one of Adverse factors of their development in general, and not just an eye. 4. Begin with age about two years to train children and . Transform it into game. , For example, it will be possible "to wedge" in rules of hygiene, imparting It(Him) together with them as a habit. Attach the child to To its(his) execution(performance) after awakening or when put(plant) it(him) on Pot. The last, by the way, through a relaxation will be - to the best clearing of intestines. 5. If at the child one eye is weaker, than another, and to it(him) The doctor registers carrying a bandage atop of a strong eye, Try, that at the child the complex -has not developed Values. Dress to it(him) a bandage only at the certain o'clock, - Yes you have time to play with it(him) and game does not demand from It(Him) the big visual acuity.
In Case Of Its(her) Far-sightedness The Image Also
In case of its(her) far-sightedness The image also will improve. Make the same for the letter "In", all over again closed eyes, and then having opened them. Turn - on that when you look at a white field on one - Well letters "In", the letter is on other party(side) from a line Your sight. When you quickly transfer(carry) the attention with One edge(territory) of the letter on another, the letter seems leaving with yours Ways to the opposite party(side) so, that you again see - a background. It refers to as rocking or shuttle movement Also renders greater(big) help in development of sight. Achieve This illusion of movement in the representation, when you - from a white field at one edge(territory) of the letter up to a field at another Edges(Territories). Soon the letter which you shake, really Will seem vibrating or "pulsing". After you "", or "" Letters "", "In", "About", close the eyes and "write" these(it) three Capital letters a nose. Then, having made a pretty breath, - Thaw from top to down a word "relaxation".
And It Has Been Connected Here With What.
And it has been connected here With what. In 16 years after 18 months continued almost sharp - eye almost has completely gone blind. To read, to it(him) It was necessary to use font for blind. One it The eye could perceive only light, another managed to make out From 3 meters of the letter which the person with normal sight could To see from distance in 20 times more. Practically full - Sweat it has been caused by presence of opacities () in - to an environment of an eye. Condition was burdened still by that, That at it(him) was (far-sightedness) in a combination with . Ability of the writer to see steadily and - It is free quickly fell. The classical medicine has appeared - Strong to help(assist), and doctors designated to it(him) blindness in full sense This word. Casually learns(finds out) about method and - to California on treatment to schoolgirl Bejtsa M.Korbett. - in two months of employment(occupations) it(she) has a miracle. Turbidity In a cornea, remained constant during Over 25 years, have suddenly started to disappear.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Various Action Of The Structures Differing From Each
Various action of the structures differing from each other only by presence "K" Or "Ca", shows, that the qualitative nature has The big influence on current of process. This party of their action was not considered at all in the last stage Works. So, for example, increase in fabric permeability in the inflamed center, us to application . Qualitative structure It was not defined, and it could not be certain by this indicator, and, as Have shown the facts, is of great importance. Necessity to expand our representations in this area was: Indicators should define not only an orientation of treatment, but also Qualitative structure of medical means. The second contradiction: reception of good results at treatment Not inflammatory processes by the structures intended for treatment Inflammations, shows, that influence of these structures is much wider and Extends on any mechanisms which have not been considered in the past The period of researches. The medical effect reached by same reception at various Diseases, shows, that identical or close mechanisms are inherent To various processes.
Expansion Of Lungs Thus - , Mainly, Due
Expansion of lungs thus - , mainly, due to lowering a diaphragm downwards. When Such habit of breath is formed for many years, - Rotation of a thorax to normal activity and position Demands the big patience. However it is possible(probable). That - the purpose should do(make) exercises, similar described below [80, .84-85, 88]. EXERCISE N 82 Any exercises on the breath, accompanied - or waves of hands upwards, promote development - and to strengthening of a thorax. For example, doing(making) deep Breath, lift hands forward and upwards until the end Breath will not coincide with vertical position of hands above a head. Then without a pause lower(omit) hands through a side in a starting position, Simultaneously exhaling. Exercise (as breath is usual, and Movements of hands) it is done(made) slowly and smoothly, however it is possible(probable) and More vigorous variant when the fast breath is done(made), and hands Go to the final point sharply. But to start to such - it is possible for a variant only when it will be well mastered - a way.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Especially It Concerns(touches) Orthodox - " [62, .
Especially it concerns(touches) orthodox - " [62, . X-XI]. By such remarkable case with the celebrated personality The press could not pass(take place) already. Ignoring of method became Now impossible. In scientific, in popular scientific and it is simple Mass magazines there was a whole series of clauses(articles), where history has undergone to the all-round analysis (see, for example, [11], [53], [72], [79]). Besides we shall note, what even opponents of method That it(he) enables essentially enough admits sight due to improvement of interpretation - on a retina of an eye. The known expert in the field of - Duke-Elder, not recognizing system Bejtsa as a whole, Wrote in one of the works, that similar trainings - substantially to compensate failures on low () a level due to higher level (- Howl interpretations). also it has been established(installed), that the some people - it is possible to learn to operate the accommodation in - degrees [50]. The most favourite question of all starting to any To employment(occupations) the question beginning on, most likely, is Word "when".
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
According To It(this) Appears Or - . Changes
According to it(this) appears or - . Changes in the form of an eyeball can carry and Dissymetric character. Then it is inevitable . Except for That, the non-uniform pressure(voltage) of external muscles of eyes can - Messages to occurrence of a squint. Proceeding from interrelation between memoirs and a condition Mentalities and between a condition of mentality and a condition of eyes, Improvement of memoirs of objects comes to conclusion about that Can promote improvement of sight. The second important regulations about of communication(connection) between memory and sight Consists in that the the object is more familiar to the person, the The memoirs is better and, hence, sight is better. Therefore, When the person looks at any familiar object, an eye To some extent relaxs, as to it(him) is not present - to pay the big attention to things, about which brain already - representation. The missing information in such case - a brain. Soviet physiologist V.D.Glezerom was It is assumed, that processing of the visual information in a bark - a brain it is conducted with use of some principles Holography.
Monday, November 12, 2007
In That Case Expedient Would Be After Such
In that case expedient would be after such - which conduct to the certain loading of eye muscles, To follow a policy of weakening exercises - , - , greater(big) turns, etc. According to theory , the reason of deterioration of sight - effort to see, leading a pressure(voltage) certain (Opposite ) groups of muscles. So short-sighted The person at sight afar continues to strain " by inertia " and On a habit slanting muscles of eyes. Far-sighted, on the contrary, at Sight close starts to strain direct muscles of eyes. In - both of them suffer(bear) failure at sight on desirable - . In such situation a relaxation of unnecessary muscles, which Preaches , - the most necessary condition of fulfilment - accommodations, i.e. focusings on object of sight. But it is not enough relaxation of unnecessary groups of muscles for Realization of accommodation. It is necessary still corresponding(meeting) - necessary for focusing on the given distance of muscles. At sight close are slanting muscles of eyes, at sight afar- These are direct muscles.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Value Of Exercise From Similar - Practically Does
Value of exercise from similar - practically does not fall, as in it(him) are kept all - principles and the purposes of exercise. In other cases it is necessary to you Will act similarly, if the child yet - letters. R.S.Agarval as one of exercises for - It(Him) the far-sighted child recommended following exercise [8, . 133]. EXERCISE N 112 Take a leaf(sheet) of a white paper and draw on it(him) ink numbers(lines) Black letters "" which size should decrease from above Downwards (from 8 centimeters in the top part of the table up to 1,0 - Meter in its(her) bottom part). The letter thus should look in Different places in different directions - upwards, downwards, to the left, To the right. Let the child reads this table from distances from 3 up to 6 Meters from it(her). Ask it(him) to blink softly every time, when It(He) names in what direction the letter "" looks. In this exercise abstract symbols (are used for The child it not the letter "", and is perfect(absolute) nothing meaning Symbol-figure).
Kor- . A Little Bit Unusual Method Recommends C.L.Tomson
Kor- . A little bit unusual method recommends C.L.Tomson [80, .47]. Though it(he) also cannot be named in full Sense of a word , but it(he) is close to it(him,them) as a matter of fact and - fine preparatory exercise to - , more vigorous . EXERCISE N 51 Look at a white cloud in the sky in a bright sunny day Within several seconds. Close eyes, as in , For some seconds. Again look at a cloud, etc. - this cycle of 12 times. The bright light of the sun reflected from clouds, is enough - Flax to stimulate cells(cages) of a retina, and at the same time It is soft enough to look at it(him) the open eyes. ............................................................. it is possible to unite not only with small - (short rockings), but also with greater(big) turns Or long rockings. For example, R.S.Agarval advises Thus to combine both these(it) exercises [8, .136]. EXERCISE N 52 Close eyes and softly shake a body, a head and eyes Similarly to a pendulum here and there, allowing the sun to fall On your closed .
Training Exercises In Cybernetics Have The Purpose The
Training exercises in cybernetics have the purpose The following: 1. Overcoming of wrong visual habits and - the habits connected with a bearing (pose) of the person. It Can be made by demonstration to the patient of discrepancies Between the visible world and the real world. 2. Promotion of psychophysical system of the person in - a direction. 3. Development of skills of correct visual work and - the improved visual control and the control of a pose The person, necessary for achievement of it(this). The second and the third problems(tasks) are solved by improvement - bodies, its(his) coordination and balance. Thus also The exercises directed on expansion -are used , perceived by eyes, exercises on development - an eye during performance of the functions by them, etc. [51, .216]. As we shall see in the subsequent, many from listed Elements are actively used in system Bejtsa (and are stated Were for the first time in it(her)). Followers in it(him) - Theme recommendations concerning a diet and -have been entered the general(common) physical character.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
When It(she) Was Straightened, This Weakened Condition -
When it(she) was straightened, this weakened condition - Elk. writes further, that is not so important, in what - it(she) achieved a relaxation, is however important that to it(her) - all the same it(him) to achieve. Some recommendations concerning physical - are resulted(brought) in G.Pepparda's work. It(he) advises to remove(take off) glasses(spots) and To start to weaken all body, releasing(letting off) its(his) each muscle. It Should become soft as if(as) silk, to blur on a floor or To armchair where you sit, similarly to a body of a laying cat. Weaken The mentality - "spread" the ideas on a floor, let they Easy "" from a head. Weaken the person(face), language and All muscles around of a mouth. Let corners of lips leave upwards, instead of Fall downwards. Close the eyes and release(exempt) them and all Around of them from a pressure(voltage). Get rid of feeling of stiffness in Eyeballs, weaken their back part. Present - Behind the soft and weakened formations(educations). Think of a smile And let it(she) starts with you through closed .
Sunday, November 4, 2007
............................................................. Some Exercises On A Relaxation Of The
............................................................. Some exercises on a relaxation of the certain groups Muscles which condition of intensity renders most - influence on sight, will be resulted(brought) in section 3.7. And in some other places on a course of the text. It is a lot of literature on methods of the general(common) relaxation. Therefore to stop in detail on these questions in present(true) To the book it is deprived sense. You should familiarize with this - and, having mastered the exercises most comprehensible to you on Relaxation to apply them as a preparatory part To performance of recommendations of system Bejtsa on achievement - a mental relaxation. ............................................................. Of what you should think during physical - ? Than your brain should be borrowed(occupied)? About it(this) we shall talk in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. 3.3. THE PASSIVE RELAXATION The basic purpose of method as it is visible from - chapters(heads), achievement of an ideal condition -is Whom a relaxation.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Let It(he) Resolves To It(him) Also Time From
Let it(he) resolves to it(him) also time from - to look out in a window to replace focusing eyes, and Also will allow to do(make) from time to time . 9. Be engaged in preventive maintenance wrong visual Habits at the children. Learn(teach) them periodically to blink, not To stoop, let's stare, ask a thicket - focusing of eyes with near on distant object and back , etc. Train the child in correct methods of viewing - and telecasts (. 5). 10. Let the child, if at it(him) normal sight, - to do(make) some of described before exercises in - preventive measures. The nobility to it(him) is not present all of them - . Accustom it(him) to move, for example, from time to time The sight from near object to distant and back. Let It(He) periodically does(makes) small turns or short - . Stimulate it(him) to do(make) on some minutes in day - turns after performance of homework, etc. 11. It would be very good, if in improvement of sight of yours Children teachers of school where they study would be interested also.
Monday, October 29, 2007
We Shall Note Also, That Training Of Children
We shall note also, that training of children to exercises - Was found without "architectural supervision" , i.e. - which not always could find the correct approach to - technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of exercise by pupils in inconvenient Cases. Such cases could be unwillingness of the pupil - with the table, a persistent pressure(voltage) of eyes during On the table, etc. [29]. Thus, method has much more surpassed on the Productivity other measures of preventive maintenance and treatment of infringements Sight. Method has proved to be effective not only at - anomalies of a refraction, and a squint, but also in - Which cases with serious organic (degenerate) Regenerations of eyes. The case with is most remarkable . That we can enjoy magnificent novels This known English writer, we are obliged to system . If we shall address to biography which is usual It is printed before the beginning of its(his) products, we shall find in it(her) Data on its(his) crossing(moving) to California.
In The Researches Has Come To Conclusion, That
in the researches has come to conclusion, that if an eye With bad sight meaningly imitates properties normal Eyes, sight of the first always improves. So, for - to ability of an eye to the central fixing it is necessary - its(her) training. It is carried out by representation Visions of one part of a field of vision of more precise, than all - parts. The person should be shown, that it(he) does not see as Precisely objects in a peripheral field of vision (and such field Actually all field of vision except for a point is, Fixed central pole), as directly considered(examined) Point. For this purpose are developed special - . You already met some of them, with others - - . So, you can do(make) six offered Exercises from section 3.4.2. (exercise NN 21-26). At their performance pay special attention that Point where your sight at the moment, it is visible Is better in comparison with other objects. On the first Times this "point" you will have a letter or, maybe, even Zone of the greater size.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Direct The Sight Downwards And Often Blink. -
Direct the sight downwards and often blink. - thus an eye within 1-2 minutes. It is not recommended to put a jar to an eye and to lift Head upwards [10, .25]. EXERCISE N 60 Take pure(clean) and fill with its(his) water ( and - Yes should be ideally pure(clean) - . N 58). - the person(face) in water and, doing(making) short rockings by the person(face) in water, Softly blink. Pull out the person(face) from water, make a breath and again Repeat exercise. The number of repetitions should make 10-20. In water for washing eyes we can add a teaspoon Table salt. ............................................................. Special kinds of applications on eyes with their washing and Etc. by procedures were widely used Indian national - . Similar kinds of applications refer to. - On it was applied as medical procedure at loss Eyelashes, sight, in case of anomalies of a refraction (Especially at a high degree), diseases of a retina, Feeling of weight in centuries and at some other indications.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
- The End, It(she) Has Read Through A
- The end, it(she) has read through a line ten ( which is usual It should be read with 10- foots) from distance of 20 foots. Same Method it(she) has learned to read a font at first with 12- Inches, and then and from 3 inches. As a result, owing to only one To these simple methods, it(she) has learned to see is better that, on That its(her) sight has been directed. " Sight it(her),-writes , - - completely " [16, .64]. ............................................................. Logic continuation used a method The exercise recommended by R.S.Agarvalom [8, .111] is. It(He) uses a bright light source to show the patient That at the central fixing it(he) should see is better Object on which the sight is directly directed. EXERCISE N 15 Place a light source, for example, a bulb in six Or there are more meters from itself. Look at it(her), and then - Those a sight aside on any object in 30 or more - from a bulb so that it(she) has seemed to less bright. By training and change of a distance up to fixed in - from a light source of a point the patient on own experience It should be convinced that the light source is visible is better When the sight is directed directly on it(him).
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Take Wheat Flour And, Having Added To It(her)
Take wheat flour and, Having added to it(her) there is some water, unroll the turned out dough in Thick flat cake. Put such flat cakes on slices - Paper fabric, and from above cover with a piece of cloth with thinned out Structure of weaving or gauze. Bandage eyes - on half an hour. This bandage is very useful at - inflammatory conditions of eyes also promotes removal - in them. 4. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of ZINZIBER. Prepare, as it is described Above, slices of fabrics with flat cakes from wheat flour. From above on Them put a thin layer of vaseline, and vaseline strew - quantity(amount) of a dry powder from zinziber. Put these(it) " - " on eyes also bandage them for a while from up to Hour. This bandage is useful at chronic diseases of an eye. 5. The BANDAGE With APPLICATION of SOUR CREAM. It is done(made) similarly To bandage from wheat flour also it is used for mitigation of fabrics Eyes and for removal of a pressure(voltage). It is especially useful at feeling Dryness in opinion of and at loss of eyelashes.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
In General, It Is Necessary To Recognise, As
In general, it is necessary to recognise, as earlier and now morphological and clinical symptoms do not define structure of medical actions, no less than recognition of a kind of an infection does not define recipes for its destruction in an organism. Direct communication between knowledge of symptoms and the causal moments which have called them - No. Precisely also there is no also a direct communication between factors and the selected receptions of influence. There is only a general precondition - to destroy an infection or "To eliminate consequences" the put damages. So, for example, studying of morphological infringements in an organism at a malaria, the account of clinical symptoms and the laboratory analytical data, studying of morphology and properties of various kinds helps to distinguish illness, but even do not depict structure of an external method of treatment. Medical means arises in passing and the statistics of the empirical data enters the given means into an arsenal of actions for malaria treatment.
It Is Known, What Even The Slice Of
It is known, what even the slice of the hologram allows Completely to restore all picture which has been written down - in the way. Usually this fact is not realized by the person, but at desire It is possible to notice, for example, how much more quickly we read - to us a font and however(as) more slowly - unfamiliar. For this reason In many exercises on memoirs of the letter and others printed Signs are the best objects for memoirs. Everyone know Also, that we learn(find out) the familiar person from afar. In the same - , features of strangers on the same distance, as Rule to make out it is not possible. Rather evidently characterizes communication(connection) between acquaintance To the person of object and its(his) sight an example with presentation - a picture new to it(him). C.L.Tomson tells on - the book about the case which has occured(happened) to it(him). Once, being Still the student, it(he) has tried to make out all fine details - and plants which have been represented in the textbook.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time Lead By You Without Glasses(spots) Day By
Time lead by you without glasses(spots) day by day should To increase. 19. Follow also to recommendations of chapter(head) 5. ............................................................. Thus, you have familiarized with how it is necessary to you To work. Now we shall tell, that else it is necessary to do(make) to you in yours Concrete case. 4.1. FOR SHORT-SIGHTED () , or short-sightedness is one of forms of anomalies Refractions. At short-sightedness the person usually enough well Sees the objects located in centimeters twenty-forty from Than itself both is closer, and it is rather indistinct the objects located in Meters of three and further from eyes. An eyeball at short-sightedness Has the extended form that does not allow an eye precisely - on the removed objects. To compensate this - Prosperity, doctors glasses(spots) with the concave lenses register. The reason of occurrence , on , is the effort To see the removed objects. To acquire firmly this fact - here The first, that it is necessary to make to the short-sighted person.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
L.Tomson Writes What To Avoid Described Above Problems Easily
L.Tomson writes what to avoid described above problems Easily enough. It is enough for this purpose after perusal of several Lines to tear off a sight from the book and to look on any Object in the distance within 1-2 seconds. Besides it(he) recommends During reading smoothly to move the book or a head so that The distance between eyes and page often varied. If Long visual work, in one more way is necessary Maintenance of muscles of eyes with new employment(occupation) change of a corner is, Under which the book keeps. Then eyes instead of To make simple turns here and there, will be - on a diagonal [80, .28-29]. At reading movement of a sight not on is important To letters, and on the white strips dividing(sharing) lines. These strips Refer to as WHITE LINES. Movement of a sight on a white line Allows to avoid a unnecessary pressure(voltage) of the sight appearing At attempt to make out the letter. Its(her) use at reading Promotes treatment , , - , many cases and other troubles with eyes.
When Sight Is Ideal, Letters On The Verifying
When sight is ideal, letters on the verifying table wait, - black and absolutely distinct(clear) that them have learned(have found out). Them It is not necessary to achieve - they there. At bad sight for them search and - i.e. to see them, the effort " [16 is put, .52]. G.Peppard continues: " Remember - on what object you Looked - whether at a word on page, whether on a landscape - to you - Up to to achieve such effect when the object comes in - an eye, instead of the eye tries to get it(him) " [73, .26]. Very important for splitting a habit steadfast - periodic blinkings. 2. The PRINCIPLE of STIMULATION. It is necessary to improve - and sensitivity of a retina solar beams, Breath, the central fixing, concentration on a flame of a candle, Readings of a fine font on good illumination(coverage) and at light of a candle , etc. strengthening of muscles of eyes by means of -will be useful also from section 3.7. 3. The PRINCIPLE of the RELAXATION. You should do(make) exercises on Relaxation of mentality and an eye: , movings and - (greater(big) and small turns), memoirs of letters and - , on a pure(clean) surface, the sky or a green grass Without effort, etc.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Then It Is Necessary To Open Eyes And
Then it is necessary to open eyes and again - for white lines, representing their same white, as well as Objects which it(he) just recollected. Then it is necessary again To close eyes and, having presented, that at it(him) in hands a white paint And a thin feather to lead mentally this feather thin white - under any line of a font. After that the patient - eyes also represents, that it(he) spends a white line - under each line of letters on the table of a manual format (- Measures, " the Basic data on sight ") or in any book, Simultaneously turning the head here and there. In The end every line it is necessary to blink softly. From time to time - Drive also the sight somewhere aside. Besides More often shut eyes to half-minute or about it(this), that To allow them to have a rest. Training thus, you will manage to see letters, - were not visible earlier, black and distinct(clear). In process of Improvements of ability of the patient to reading, the table manual - (or the book) should be brought more close to eyes for - similar training while the table it will not be possible To read through from distance of 20 centimeters.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
If It Is Possible, The Greater(big) Letter And
If it is possible, the greater(big) letter and letters - the fine size on the bottom lines will be visible better. It is possible to the majority of people at good enough - memoirs or visualization to recover - To with their help. It is done(made) by alternation of closing of eyes on Minute or longer during which it is recollected what-- Be the letter, with their opening and the same - You during a share of second. After the patient will learn in Favorable conditions to represent mental images Letters at the open eyes so well as well as at closed, Its(His) ability will be good for seeing to be kept - Interducks of time. For example, one patient R.S.Agarvala, - to see the greater(big) letter from 3 meters by alternate Memoirs of letters at the closed and open eyes, has found almost Normal sight for some weeks [10, .81]. ............................................................. More often among exercises on memoirs meet Exercises with application of the verifying table [8, .47]. EXERCISE N 6 Hang up the verifying table on good illumination(coverage) and - Thaw it(her) downwards.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Various Games Concern To Additional Exercises With Application
Various games concern to additional exercises with Application of a ball (football, ping-pong, etc.), sewing, the letter, Card play, walks, reading, drawing up of puzzles and Etc. these kinds of employment(occupations) allow to use All actively - Personal methods of a relaxation also bring up in the person - habits . More in detail about it(this) look chapter(head) 5. ............................................................. Make the employment(occupations) with the verifying table (and also Any other exercises) cheerful entertainments, instead of - exercises. Especially it is important, when it is a question about Children. Remember: the boredom is a pressure(voltage), the pressure(voltage) is - sight. ............................................................. HOW TO WRITE DOWN THE PROGRESS Powerful stimulus to persistent employment(occupations) is conducting - the progress in improvement of sight. Many people - do not notice improvement in the sight because of smoothness This process and because of its(his) relative duration.
Friday, October 5, 2007
But Each Person Has Colors, - To It(him)
But each person has colors, - to it(him) are unpleasant also which cause in it(him) irritation. The irritation is already a pressure(voltage), and the pressure(voltage) is - sight. By psychologists it has been noticed weakening - green color on the person. Usually green Objects, without dependence from a shade of their painting, renders Weakening influence on mentality and eyes. Let's pay your attention also to following opening, - psychologists. It was revealed, that memoirs narrow, The constrained places (or their visualization), as - , renders making active, raising(exciting), - Action on the person. At the same time memoirs wide, - Covered spaces renders calming influence on - . Therefore with the purpose of a deepening of a condition of a relaxation to you in Exercises on memoirs follows as its(his) objects To choose landscapes, landscapes, sea coast, etc. places, Where the open space is felt. During it is possible not only to represent mentally Or any images, but also it is close(attentive) - to any from sensations of the sense organs.
What Exactly To Write? Recollect The Alphabet And
What exactly to write? Recollect the alphabet and write names - The sorts, beginning on letters of the alphabet under the order (on so much Letters, on how many you can recollect). For example, for and - - , for - Boston, for To - Clevelend, etc. In following Time to avoid boredom, set to itself other problem(task). - names of the countries, colors(flowers), jewels, trades, Products and so on - at each lesson a miscellaneous. It you - , and you will lose sensation of weariness at the basis of a skull, Leading to a pressure(voltage) of eyes. This exercise, as you - contours of letters, in addition, starts yours Memory and visualization that bears(carries) with itself - . " The letter a nose " can be used as first aid At occurrence of a pressure(voltage) during day where it would not arise. Certainly, in public imperceptibly to use the nose as Handles and to move thus a head it is impossible, but then you - Those to close eyes and mentally to write a tip needles Any letters on a head of a pin.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hands Hang Freely And Absolutely (as Spin) On
Hands hang freely and absolutely (as spin) on To sides of a body. Now turn smoothly and softly a body around of the Vertical axis to the left wall, so that a line of shoulders - it is parallel to it(her). For simplification of turn you can - a heel of the right leg(foot) from a floor, turning it(her) on - In. Now turn a body to the right wall, tearing off - But a heel of the left leg(foot) from a floor. The line of shoulders now should become To in parallel right wall. Thus, your body should make turn from - Howl walls to right on an arch of 180 degrees. Do(make) such - Mouths successively, continuously, softly and smoothly. That exercise has brought effect, it is necessary for you strictly To adhere to the following key moments. 1. The head, shoulders and should make eyes as though uniform The whole also should move at turn together. " Take away - itself with itself " as spoke . Thus, eyes Should look all time directly. Your sight, as well as a nose too, It should be perpendicular all time of a line of shoulders.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Such Illusion Is - Achievements Of A Relaxation
Such illusion is - achievements of a relaxation of eyes. So, if before you There was a window with a lattice with vertical rods or - bars of a frame, they should seem leaving aside, Opposite to turn. Simultaneously, objects, - in the distance - buildings, trees, etc., will seem moving in The same direction, as you. 4. During turns it is not necessary to close eyes, differently(otherwise) You will not see, how " the world floats by you ". 5. Of what you think during execution(performance) of exercise, Very important. Ideas should be approximately those: " the Window leaves To the right, the window leaves to the left, the window leaves to the right, the window leaves To the left... " If eyes "will stick" to objects, - To fight a necessary degree of a relaxation to you it will not be possible. - people, trying to avoid such "sticking" of eyes to - , turn the eyes aside turn more quickly Bodies. It too the erroneous approach to execution(performance) of exercise, - thus muscles of eyes, that -start to work .
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Nevertheless, Their Application Promotes - Efficiency Of Method
Nevertheless, their application promotes - efficiency of method and positively affect on Sight. It is necessary to carry to these recommendations: Exercises on strengthening(amplification) of blood circulation in the field of eyes; Exercises on development abilities of eyes; Exercises on strengthening of external muscles of eyes; Exercises on a relaxation and strengthening of parts of a body, In the indirect image influencing sight. EXERCISES ON STRENGTHENING(AMPLIFICATION) of BLOOD CIRCULATION In opinion of It is necessary to carry exercises to number of these exercises, - alternate an eye warm and cold Water. Michael Ronan, the secretary of Association Bejtsa on Sight, recommends to do(make) this exercise in the following order. EXERCISE N 56 Twice a day both eyes on twenty times. Eyes thus should be closed. After morning rise It is recommended to rinse them all over again (..: in the original in a literal translation was " enough Hot ") water, and after this cold. Second time - it is done(made) in the evening, but already in return - - all over again cold, and then - hot water.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Inflammations, I.e. The Mechanism Of Its(his) Development, Composes
inflammations, i.e. the mechanism of its(his) development, composes of finiteness of the phenomena among which the important role belongs to vascular infringements. Researches, V.V.Voronina, I.V.Murasheva, and A.A.Bogomoltsa's doctrine about a role of physiological system of a connecting fabric, have shown dependence of vascular changes and dependence of development of all inflammatory complex on a condition the device. On the other hand, the review of the medicinal substances used at treatment of inflammatory processes, shows, that, irrespective of their chemical structure, a red string passes(takes place) the general(common) much of them property - to condense fibers. This property preparations of copper, zinc, bismuth, calcium, chlorine, an acid, spirit, derivatives, tannins possess. It was represented to us, that applying, we shall condense the connecting fabric surrounding a network of the inflammatory center therefore there can come(step) reduction of their gleam and reduction of a filtration through walls.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Very Much Few Of Millions Suffering Senile -
Very much few of millions suffering senile - I eat (or their medical advisers) realize, that for it Change in visual opportunities answer their WRONG HABITS of a FEED(MEAL) within 45-50 years of their life; but it, - , illness, and sight of many suffering from - to be restored by simple introduction of a reasonable diet and - several simple exercises on eyes. To emphasize vital communication(connection) between food and sight, It is enough to inform, that there are data on set - the cases of bad sight cured by simple STARVATION. The clarification which has improved at starvation leads - the collected stocks of products of ability to live, - hammered in muscles and the blood vessels surrounding eyes. As result, muscles relax, and sight improves " [40, .41-42]. P.Bregg in the book " System Bregg for improvement - " pays attention to importance of receipt sufficient Quantities(Amounts) of vitamins B an organism of people of average and elderly Age. It(she) writes: " Senile sight in most cases It is directly connected with lack of vitamin C, and there where There is a lack of one vitamin, is always observed - other important vitamins " [44, .
Saturday, September 15, 2007
As If To Duration Of Execution(performance) , Here
As if to duration of execution(performance) , Here all depends on a situation, from time, which you - . Than longer you will do(make) without any Attributes of discomfort, the better for your sight. Usually The longer the person does(makes) , the greater success it(he) Achieves. results(brings) in the book the description of a case with One patient at whom was complex(difficult) and . The situation worsened, besides An arising cataract and age of the patient (70 years). - , having understood, that long cannot damage(injure) it(him) To sight, it(he) did(made) it(him) successively within 20 hours, coming off Only on drink of water. As a result of it(this) its(his) sight - The elk up to norm(rate) - it(he) read from 6 meters the bottom line verifying Tables, and with a fine font confidently consulted and with - in 15 centimeters, and from distance in 1 meter. In the subsequent 2 years, inform , at this patient was not any - . Such cases, most likely, carry unique Character, but they perfectly show vivifying force .
Saturday, September 8, 2007
But Would Be Absolutely Unjustified To Deny This
But would be absolutely unjustified to deny this method, That refers to, from a threshold. When supporters traditional - ask, whether treatment of those or others -is possible(probable) It(Her), before considered incurable or hard to cure, with The help of any new method, it is quite often possible to hear - the answer. When ask to explain, than it is caused such Estimation it is possible to hear simply amazing with "logic" Phrase: " before and I, and my colleagues already tried to cure these(it) Illnesses, but at us nothing has turned out. These illnesses - We. " It, certainly, an extreme case, but in any measure it(he) - the latent ideas of many and many settled (and can To be ?) in the opinion of doctors. Nevertheless, - count, that method will not be apprehended - also that its(his) application in practice will add an arsenal - in struggle against so widespread illness - , as bad sight. During work as authors the problem(task) critical was not put Estimations of approach and its(his) followers to principles of work Eyes.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Participants Of Game Move On A Circle Around
Participants of game move on a circle around of chairs, knocking Balls on a floor. When the handbell, their problem(task) - -will sound To sing to borrow(occupy) places on chairs. After that they start to - exercises. ............................................................. Very detailed recommendations on improvement of sight of children Exercises of yoga for sight " contain in M.D.Korbett's work " [49, .168-184]]. Basically it is the advice(councils) concerning(touching) - revealings of infringements of sight at newborns and - Them children (preschool children, as a rule) and to their treatment. We shall result(bring) Here substantive provisions of its(her) recommendations and some of - M.D.Korbett of exercises. 1. The ORIGINAL CAUSE of INFRINGEMENT of SIGHT of CHILDREN from the moment of them - in school, according to opinion practically all - , consists in compulsory character of training At school. It causes a strong mental pressure(voltage) in children. Up to school nobody asked the child, whether it(he) sees air Snakes in the sky.
........................................................ As For You That Is Important Not, How
........................................................ As for you that is important not, how much(as far as) your sight - Replies norms(rates), and however(as) quickly there is a progress, you can Independently to make the verifying table, having chosen - But the sizes of letters in lines and having taken advantage of the help - with obviously normal sight. Put down to the left of - Bathing you of numbers(lines) numerical values in meters of distances, with Which your friend could read through these numbers(lines). And further record Sight it is made in the form specified above. As tables for sight it is afar simple enough - To put, problems from them or manufacturing will not be. As if to tables of a manual format to make them it is possible In two ways. 1. To print from a film with any pieces This text so that the size of letters in the first piece Was hardly more usual, in the second - the normal size (As in this book), in the third - less, etc. Paste these(it) Pieces on a cardboard so that the size of a font in pieces Decreased from top to down.
Then Start To Swing Softly It(him) On Solar
Then start to swing softly it(him) on solar To light. ............................................................. Some recommendations concerning prevention(warning) - at children we have resulted(brought) in section 4.5. Told we shall add M.D.Korbett's advice(council) how it is necessary to act in case of already An available squint of the small child. It(she) advises - To live all efforts that everything, that rivets its(his) attention, Occured(Happened) from, opposite to a direction Eye of the child. So, if at the child the left eye mows inside, Everything, that involves its(his) interest should occur(happen) with left The parties(sides) from it(him). It is necessary to swing more often, for example, the child to - to the left of it(him). Besides it is necessary on some times in day - the child through a bright sunlight (as in exercise N 113) and then to do(make) to it(him) by the hands , having planted(put) - to itself on knees and its(his) back on itself. Thus Shake and lull it(him) how it(he) would like it(this).
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Our Sensations In Such Cases Often Happen Are
Our sensations in such cases Often happen are deceptive. There can be so, that a person, - the greatest pressure(voltage), thus will test - Greater comfort, and on the contrary [16, .80-81]. How to define(determine), We are weakened now or we strain? That can serve The objective indicator of it(this)? As means of definition of a true condition - suggests to use memoirs small The black area, for example, points in size with that, that costs(stands) in The end of this offer. Having defined(determined) the ability - this point, the person at once understands, it(he) strains or No. If it(he) strains, it(he) starts to search, than is caused This pressure(voltage). At elimination of the reason of a pressure(voltage) it is possible To recollect a black point. Constant memoirs Black point recommends to erect(announce) practically in a rank Habits. It(he) writes: " What a method of improvement of sight the person Did not apply, it(he) is recommended to recollect constantly thus Any small area of black color, for example, - that it(he) could and eliminate(erase,remove) the conditions creating - .
............................................................. Before To Start Exercises On Memoirs -
............................................................. Before to start exercises on memoirs - Remember the following. You should look at object, which - to recollect, from such distance, whence it(he) is visible Is better. " To recollect precisely black,-writes , - - It is possible, if it has not been precisely seen. If the person saw Black it is indistinct, the best, that it(he) can make, so it So indistinctly to recollect it(him). All people without exception, - to see or read a font in a near point, - from that, their degree or a degree is however great Defeats of an internal part of an eye, are capable to see black in Time easier, than people with or . It is connected by that , despite of That they cannot see ideally even in a near point, People with or -see in it(her) nevertheless better, than see on any distance. However, people with - degrees quite often find rather - as they not only very badly see black, but And because of effort, which they put to see, not Can recollect black more than 1-2 seconds " [16, .
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
- If The Person Provides To Itself Good
- if the person provides to itself good sight with- Power concave, convex or lenses, it - , that it(he) keeps constantly certain degree - refractions which in other conditions would not be kept Those. Unique result of such situation follows - To give deterioration of a condition. Experience shows, that is usual and Occurs(Happens). " [16, .35]. It is necessary to consider and such fact. That a refraction of an eye - When there is no constant, does not allow to write out exact - on glasses(spots). It is no wonder, that to some people and not It is possible to pick up glasses(spots) to which their eyes would reconcile. - The constancy of a refraction results(brings), besides to that - which we can observe in statistical data about Prevalence of those or other kinds of infringement of sight. According to theory , the reason of occurrence of anomalies - the pressure(voltage) is. At this effort to see The removed objects, at - near. Glasses(spots) only Correct(Adjust) anomaly of a refraction, but do not eliminate(erase,remove) its(her) reason Occurrence.
Pays Attention To That Fact That Is Usual
pays attention to that fact that is usual together with Memoirs of the black letter people recollect and a background. Not It is necessary to worry! If you will manage to keep some time The attention on black the white background will quickly disappear. Before Your eyes remains only a black field. Sometimes patients experience greater(big) difficulties in vision Black color in general. offers such output(exit) from this Situations [16, .75]. EXERCISE N 2 Recollect a number(line) of colors(flowers) - brightly red, yellow, green, Blue, lilac and, in particular, white - all in maximal Degrees of intensity of a shade which will be possible to achieve. Not Do(Make) attempts to keep any of them more than seconds. Do(Make) this exercise of minutes 5-10. Then recollect a slice White in diameter about centimeter such white, as it Only it is possible. Pay attention to color of a background. It will be usual it(he) To have any shade of black color. If it so, - Trust, whether you can recollect or see the open eyes Something is more black.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Then Begin Slowly - The Sight On A
Then begin slowly - the sight on a sign. All time pay attention on That a part at which you look at present, - is most black than the rest. Repeat exercise 3 times. - Mark(Aim), that all sign seems now got more dark Shade. It is possible to do(make) this variant of exercise on distance From 30 centimeters up to 3 meters from the Ohm-card(-map). VARIANT 2. Around of a sign as you see, there is a broken line Line. Move the sight on pieces of a broken line and Pay attention to that a piece at which you look Now, it is visible having more dark color, rather than the others. When you move a sight, move together with it(him) and a head ("Look" at pieces a nose). The sight and a head should - together. During performance of exercise do(make) soft Blinkings on each break. It is possible to do(make) exercise, costing(standing) from Ohm-card(-map) on distance from 30 centimeters up to 1,5 meters. EXERCISE N 12 Around of a sign the circle is lead. Move the - , moving simultaneously eyes and a head, on a circle.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Who Is Right? Criterion Of True, As Is
Who is right? Criterion of true, as is known, practice. That It(She) speaks? In spite of the fact that leaned(based) in the method on - which modern medicine admits insufficiently Strongly proved, practical results of application - Yes give all the bases to consider(count) its(his) deserving - and the further studying. In due time method has been experimentally introduced and It was applied within 8 years at schools of Grand Forks (USA), and Also at 5 schools of New York (also during of some years). In Grand Forks system Bejtsa has been introduced in all Schools of city under the request operating its(his) schools and - in them it is continuous within 8 years. Result of it(this) - experiment was that, according to data Bejt- , the level among children has decreased about 6 % up to less than 1 % [16, .175]. The general(common) number of children, to experiment in -- , has made about ten thousand. were - data on 5700 from them (nearby 2000 from which - Elk twice in connection with the termination(discontinuance) for the first time experiment.
Monday, August 27, 2007
To Overcome This Problem, - It Is Compelled(forced)
To overcome this problem, - it is compelled(forced) to weaken muscles of eyes, and a relaxation - a squint " [8, .132]. The modern ophthalmology considers(counts) as the reason of a squint Or wrong muscles, or anomaly In muscles (excessive length of one and others). There are also other theories of the reasons of an origin of a squint. In Quality of means of treatment are offered surgical (them - But to name mechanical) ways of treatment through a resection or Section muscles or optical methods of treatment with Application of glasses(spots), trainings on special devices, etc. However efficiency of all these measures, in opinion - Grease experts, it is insignificant. The reason, according to opinion - , consists in not complex account - a squint of factors, in ignoring an original cause - an eye - a mental pressure(voltage). " Optical or - correction, - writes C.L.Tomson, - can to be, certainly, Effective, but if the basic mental contradiction - , it will be inevitable to be observed the tendency to occurrence Relapse " [80, .
From - Circumstances Depends Only A Kind -
From - circumstances depends only a kind - refractions. So, (short-sightedness) is not connected, - But , with work on close distance, and it is caused- Tortures to make out the removed objects. The return is true for - (far-sightednesses) - it(she) contacts excessive Pressure(Voltage) of eyes at sight close. At the same time " an eye with Normal sight never tries to see. If on - ???-or-or to the reasons - dimness of illumination(coverage), for example, or - - it(he) cannot make out object any - Efficient point, eye moves on another. It(he) never Tries to reveal a point steadfast in it(her), as It constantly does(makes) an eye with bad sight. Every time when the eye tries to see, it(he) immediately - normal sight. The person can look at stars, Having normal sight but if it(he) will try to count them in Any separate constellation, it(he), most likely, - Is not present as such attempt usually leads - to see " [16, .51]. The normal eye functions without any efforts,- to other sense organs.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
After It Is Established That The Given Disease
After it is established that the given disease does not demand preventive or plastic actions, the role of kliniko-morphological indicators is finished, and character of medical actions is defined only by the schedule of our display sheet. Experience has shown that our schedule happens sometimes is similar at various diseases and is distinguished at the same illness. Parallelism between kliniko-morphological infringements and the schedule of display sheet we did not see. Absence of parallelism specifies in incompatibility of these diagnostic forms, and this circumstance demands a comparative estimation of these various forms of diagnostics and a comparative estimation of methods of therapy defined by them. In second half of last century Pasteur has given generalisation of separate supervision of the past, having created bases of the modern theory of an infection and immunity. Results of preventive actions following from here were rather convincing. It has inclined also a number of other sections of a medical science to search for permissions of the problems, following on the same way.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
............................................................. The Theory Of Work Of An Eye,
............................................................. The theory of work of an eye, on , other - in it(her) main The role in processes of accommodation is allocated(removed) to external muscles of an eye. Look at figure 3. On it(him) are represented external - eyes. As you can see, from above, from below and on each side eye - so-called direct muscles of an eye, which -last its(his) turns in various directions. In figure you See also two other muscles of an eye, which the name slanting Muscles and which surround an eyeball on a circle. - , that necessary adjustment of an eye for precise - on close distance it is carried out by pressure on Eyeball of slanting eye muscles, therefore it - the form, being extended in a -back axis. A crystalline lens Thus keeps away from a retina of an eye, keeping the form Constant. At sight afar slanting muscles of an eye relax, And the eye accepts the usual spherical form, - in a condition of rest of an eye for sight afar. As proofs of correctness of theory Has put forward the following was(former) known earlier, and also for the first time Found out by it(him) the facts: The traditional approach could not explain, how Accommodation in cases, when people with removed was carried out Because of a cataract a crystalline lens, could read well enough and To see the removed objects.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
............................................................. P.Bregg's One More Exercise Offers As -
............................................................. P.Bregg's one more exercise offers as - , removing exhaustion and a pressure(voltage) of eyes during - visual work on close distance: reading, - , the letter, etc. [44, .22-23]. EXERCISE N 55 Become directly, make a long deep breath and - breath. Now, having bent knees, incline a head forward To a floor so it is low, as you only can. In such position Compress eyes as it is possible more strong. Then widely open them. Having held the breath for 10-15 seconds, do(make) such opening and Closing of eyes, putting thus some effort (- eyes, instead of blinking). For performance of this exercise from time to time - the work also leave on street (it is possible instead of it(this) - to air the room). writes, that this exercise allowed it(her) - long to read and print on the machine without any Exhaustions of eyes. ............................................................. In M.D.Korbett's many exercises recommends in The moment of throwing of a sight at considered(examined) object to do(make) (After a preliminary breath) an exhalation [47].
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Your Eyes Should Look Afar In Space, In
Your eyes should look afar in space, in - where the tip of your nose looks. A sight, such - , should change together with movement of a body. It, at first sight idle time, exercise will render - weakening influence not only on your eyes, but And on mentality, will weaken your back, a backbone, muscles of a neck. It will enable eyes to begin natural - which occur(happen) to frequency about 70 times a second and Which at the intense condition of eyes considerably - . Achievement of such natural movings of eyes Is the purpose of exercise. Their renewal is - a deep relaxation which was possible to you - To fight. R.S.Agarval, describing similar exercise, informs Some additional data on technics(technical equipment) of its(his) execution(performance) [10, .27]. So, it(he) recommends to place legs(foots) - on 30 centimeters. For convenience of execution(performance) of exercise It is authorized to tear off heels from a floor (at movement of a body to the left- The right heel, to the right - the left heel).
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
From That, How Much(as Far As) Strongly You
From that, how much(as far as) Strongly you will acquire about what it is spoken in it(her), will depend Your success or failure in achievement of the purpose. " People, - writes , - which this method brings success, Do not realize, representing the precise letter, vision at the same time The indistinct letter also do not distract, when their sight improves Such representation. Many people can absolutely precisely To recollect, closed eyes or looking at a place, where for certain Cannot see the letter but as soon as they start to look On it(her), there is a pressure(voltage), and they lose the control above - It(Him) memoirs. And as representation depends from - they cannot present vision of this letter. In Such cases I have got used to act one of the ways described In the previous chapter(head). I begin with a question: whether " you Can - a black point in the bottom part of this letter and in the same - , precisely representing this point, whether you are capable to present, What do you see this letter? " Sometimes it is possible to them, but is usual - is not present.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Even Such Simple Thing, As A Point, -
Even such simple thing, as a point, - It is possible to recollect absolutely black and absolutely motionless More, than shares of second. When moving is not carried out unconsciously, it(him) It is necessary to do(make) meaningly. For example, recollect one behind another Black hat, black boot, black velveteen dress, - a curtain or a fold on a black dress or - , keeping each thing in memory no more a share of second. Many people are helped(assisted) by search with memory of all letters of the alphabet on Turns, recollecting their absolutely black. Others prefer To move from one small black object, such as The black point or the small letter, on another or "to shake" Such object in the way which will be described later " [16, .71]. Therefore in achievement of vision of a black field you it is active - to use and exercises on moving and - (. 3.4.2.). Here a simple example of use - in vision of black object. Look on what-- Be the letter and continuously move a sight from one side of this Letters on another.
For The First Time - Volt To The
For the first time - Volt to the child to choose distance from which it(he) can - To put words. Warn it(him) what especially to try it is not necessary. Help(Assist) it(him) with reading. Promise to it(him), that " in one - put it(he) will see all this without any work. " After - as the child will read through 2-3 lines, allow it(him) to approach(suit) More close and to read through a next line. Do not pay attention On that it(he) remembers these lines. Familiar objects easily To make out, hence, you present it(him) a lesson - . The memoirs helps(assists) sight. It is not necessary - Mother, that without compulsion your child will not want to look. Eyes wish to see, they thirst sight. If the child rests Also does not wish to look at the table the reason of it(this) is, More likely, the pressure(voltage) caused by compulsion, rather than its(his) bad Sight. Watch(Keep up) also that the child did not apply any Shifts, trying to see. Help(Assist) the child to familiarize with words on the table and Praise it(him) for each new achievement.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Do Not Force Children To Read Through So
Do not force children to read through so much lines today. No compulsion should be. Let read so much Lines, how many can prohonour. ............................................................. Exercise with the verifying table parents can - and houses. As, as writes M.D.Korbett, children avoid The verifying table where they do not manage to show good - because of the usual fear inspired by the school doctor, not - at training sight of children separate letters. Instead of It(This) make the table of any words, similar to the table With cut out from magazines . Pick up words, - to age of the child. M.D.Korbett recommends - with this table in the following order [47, .72-74]. EXERCISE N 111 Hang up the table on a wall, to which child often - the person(face), for example, in a lunch room. If - during reception of food difficultly hang up the table - its(his) beds or on a wall of kitchen(cuisine) against a door, through - it(he) usually enters. It(she) should hang on good - . Your problem(task) consists in transforming - with the table in " easy(light) game for sight ".
Thursday, August 16, 2007
In Water You Open Eyes And Do(make) By
In water you open eyes and do(make) by them Turns upwards-downwards and to the right-on the left. After a while You repeatedly immerse the person(face) in this water, but this time - Those diagonal movements by eyes. As you can see, warm water as contrast - for eyes by Thomson it is not used. During execution(performance) Exercises needless to say, that should be - it is pure(clean) (and it is better, if it(he) will be used only for These purposes). Water also should be pure(clean), it is better - Bath(Bathroom). ............................................................. At once some variants of use of water for - the eye is offered to R.S.Agarvalom [8, .136-137]. EXERCISE N 59 Take a pure(clean) cup (it(she) reminds a jar more) For washing eyes which is widely used in - . Fill its(her) pure(clean) (better distilled, and if it(her) No, boiled) water. Put(apply) the bottom edge(territory) of a jar under - It(Her) . The top edge(territory) of a jar remains in air. Now- Having gathered additionally an inclination of an eye cup, make so that an eye - water.
1.), Or For - Peaks (section 4.2.), Depending On
1.), or for - Peaks (section 4.2.), depending on the form . - Whether you know, what form at you (- or ) it will prompt you Your doctor. 3. Follow recommendations and exercises from chapters(heads) 3 and 5. 4.5. FOR SUFFERING THE SQUINT As a whole between the methods applied and it(him) - at treatment of a squint, and methods, - traditional medicine, it is observed big enough Similarity. These two approaches absolutely -however developed to what can testify even resulted(brought) - exercises with and other exercises, not - orthodox medicine. Are characteristic in this respect And explanations of the reasons of treatment of a squint, if for treatment Traditional methods are used. So, R.S.Agarval, - Blowing for treatment of a squint of the four-year-old girl daily Digging in of an one-percentage solution of atropine (that is done(made) and Orthodox physicians) in the best or both eyes during About one year so explained coming disposal from - : " Atropine complicates to the child vision and does(makes) intolerable Sunlight.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
............................................................. Use Also All Variety Of The Receptions
............................................................. Use also all variety of the receptions resulted(brought) In chapters(heads) 3 and 5 (are especially recommended from this chapter(head) section "Reading". All exercises therefrom - yours). 4.3. FOR SUFFERING THE SENILE FAR-SIGHTEDNESS () , or as it(her) often name, senile - traps the person, as a rule, on its(his) middle - ways, in the age of nearby forty years. Becomes - reading, especially in the evening. Sight afar Usually remains normal. As a rule, at - comes earlier, rather than at . Many people perceive a sight worsening with the years As natural result of ageing. " I am already old, - speak They, - and consequently sight quite often brings me. " It is considered, that With the years fabrics of a crystalline lens are condensed also it ostensibly not - to a muscle to change curvature of a crystalline lens, that To focus an eye on nearby object. and its(his) followers have evidently proved, that is wide Popular belief in inevitable deterioration of sight with - , wrongly.
Effort To See The People Put Usually, Got
Effort to see The people put usually, got used long time to do(make) Work on close distance. If in the subsequent at them - need(requirement) for sight afar, they not can at once correctly To be focused on the removed objects. Then they begin Steadfastly to look at them, trying them to make out. Thus Nervous impulses from a brain first of all strain slanting Muscles of an eye, that in the subsequent leads to deformation eye Apple and to deterioration of sight. Another manage to avoid it(this), As they while translating a sight from near object on Distant there and then relax (or continue to keep - ). If the removed object is not visible precisely, they Move the sight at others, as a rule, located More close objects. Let's note, that treatment , as well as treatment of other kinds Infringement of sight demands the close(attentive) attitude(relation) to all - as a whole, it(him) through a diet, breath, etc. Specific recommendations on this account(invoice) are resulted(brought) in - sections of the book.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
For Achievement Of This Purpose It Has Been
For achievement of this purpose it has been developed A series of exercises which can be grouped on several To greater(big) categories. All these(it) are applied at - anomalies of a refraction, and a squint practically Without any changes also make base of treatment for all The specified kinds of infringement of sight. Therefore they are resulted(brought) up to Special exercises for each kind of infringement of sight, - already differ from each other and carry specific - . In a complex with special exercises base - form a method of treatment of this or that lack Sight. All the nuances connected with application base - at treatment of a concrete kind of infringement of sight, are resulted(brought) In corresponding(meeting) sections of chapter(head) 4 " Additional remarks And special exercises ". Exercises on a mental relaxation it is possible - To pour on exercises of passive character and on exercises - character. According to it(this) distinguish - and a dynamic relaxation. The specified classification was For the first time O.
During Their Performance Become Directly And - .
During their performance become directly and - . Correct position of a body is important for achievement good Results. During employment(occupations) try, that the person(face) - all time in the same party(side). EXERCISE N 64 Lift a sight on a vertical upwards (to a ceiling), not - thus of a head and not moving a body. Then look down Vertically downwards (to a floor). Repeat exercise a little Time. It is not necessary to hurry up, give muscles of eyes time, that - to make the work. EXERCISE N 65 Turn eyes here and there, looking as It is possible further to the left, and then to the right. The head and a body should be Are motionless. Repeat exercise some times. EXERCISE N 66 Turn eyes to the right-upwards, then to the left-downwards. Make These are 10 times. After that turn eyes to the left-upwards, and following Behind it(this) to the right-downwards (too 10 times). EXERCISE N 67 Present, that before you there is a huge hoop. - eyes along it(him) in a direction of movement - Howl arrows, having described one full circle.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
4. Usually People Who Are Not Carrying Glasses(spots),
4. Usually people who are not carrying glasses(spots), recover - earlier. 5. If you have set as to yourselves the purpose improvement of sight, to you It is necessary to cease to wear glasses. If to make it it is impossible, their use - But to resolve, but it will constrain your progress. Where it is possible(probable), Use glasses(spots) more poorly. In process of improvement of sight change In due time glasses(spots) on weaker (is more detailed about glasses(spots) .- Affairs 3.1.). During performance of all exercises remove glasses(spots). 6. Children react to treatment usually much more quickly. - them is swept more up(more appreciable). 7. Not all people will manage to get rid of glasses(spots), but all of them Can receive greater(big) or smaller advantage(benefit) of exercises. 8. Any method which does not give fast results, Should be excluded from your program of employment(occupations) and it is replaced Another. writes, that " to reach(achieve) continuous - , a lot of time and is required sometimes to an ingenuity.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
" If You Want To Have Strong, Bright
" If you want To have strong, bright eyes, - it(she) writes, - it is necessary for you - behind that you received enough " [44, .5]. " Weakness of eyes, their presenilation and - , - continues , - are directly connected with - Such " [44, .6]. The basic sources are apples, vinegar from Apple juice and honey. In lots(plenties) it(he) contains and in Parsley, celery, potato, melon, green onions(bow), - , raisin, dried apricots. Itself for satisfaction daily Needs(Requirements) in every morning accepted a glass of a mix, - under the following recipe: tea pure(clean) - vinegar it(she) dissolved in a glass of water and added there Tea honey. Besides it(she) daily ate two kinds Crude salads where added apple vinegar and some kinds Nonsaturated oils(butters) (such as olive, sunflower, - , soya, corn). For a dessert at were fresh, Stewed or baked fruit with addition to them of honey. It(this) Was there is enough to receive a daily doze . You try to follow also to this program, speaks , and shortly you sweep up(will notice) remarkable changes In a condition of the eyes.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
E. When Legs(foots) Of The Person Are Above It(him)
e. when legs(foots) of the person are above it(him) Heads. In this position weight of internal bodies of digestion It is temporarily removed from muscles of a stomach(belly) so they can more Freely to be compressed and work with smaller efforts. If To carry out exercises, costing(standing) they can promote - to forces of gravitation to pressure of internal bodies Downwards and, thus, to worsen a condition, especially, if It is a question of the bottom part of a stomach(belly). Exercises in the turned(overturned) position are called to strengthen in Some degree of a muscle of a stomach(belly) of the person so that, when It(He) will rise, they supported(maintained) its(his) internal bodies is better. That any superstretched(superdragged out) muscles of a stomach(belly), It is necessary to load their heavy (but not too, that not - their overstrain(overvoltage)) the work demanding maximal them Compression. EXERCISE N 81 To carry out exercise on strengthening of muscles of a stomach(belly) it is possible in Two variants.
... On Light Does Not Exist Any Special Diet
... On light does not exist Any special diet for patients with infringements - . If the general(common) diet is good, and digestion and in The order it is quite capable to provide eyes with all Substances which are necessary to them as for their maintenance in norm(rate), And for restoration if it is necessary " [80, .80-81]. Thomson's approach to understanding of a rational diet for eyes It is represented to us correct. Eyes, being compound Part of a body, receive a feed(meal) from same blood system, As all other organism. Lack of vitamins and others The vital elements has an adverse effect not only On eyes, but also on other bodies of a body. Therefore to speak about Balanced diet only for eyes it would be incorrect. - the diet for eyes means a reasonable diet for all - , and on the contrary. Speech can be conducted only about some nuances, Can be, greater sensitivity of eyes lack - nutrients or vitamins. So, attributes Night blindness can start to be felt earlier, rather than becomes Appreciable the peeling of a leather(skin) also caused by lack - On And.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Gradually You Can Read Through All Words Of
Gradually you can read through All words of a microscopic font. When it will manage to be made Weaker eye then it is possible to consider(count), that you are ready to - two centers of sight together. .............................................................. 3- THE STAGE That without the help of the expert on method to unite Two centers of sight together, you need to make one - . Get two sticks () in the length nearby 30 - . Having receded on 3 centimeters from top of sticks, drill in Them on . Through these(it) pass a linen cord In the length in 1 meter. On one end of a cord make . To To other end adhere any . Can approach(suit) The tin tell-tale from a set which is on sale in shop. Now Hold a stick from vertically on distance 7-8 centimeters from the nose, and other stick - on - 20 centimeters before the first. The tin tell-tale will be Freely to hang on the distant end of a cord. It(he) will hold Cord in the tense condition. Slowly move distant Stick backwards-forward, (that to a nose, from it(him)).
Friday, July 27, 2007
3]. Last Phrase - It Is Necessary To Understand
3]. Last phrase - it is necessary to understand so: special researches was It is established(installed), that efficiency duty of vitamins can increase Or to decrease depending on presence certain - , for example, other vitamins. So, it has been certain, that Efficiency of some vitamins of group In and vitamin C - at their combinative reception. In more detail with questions of the correct organization of a diet You can familiarize in section 3.5. System Bejtsa recommends at : 1. Daily to read a fine font (or the table " the Cores Data... ") at good and at dim illumination(coverage). Reading It is possible to spend as without glasses(spots) (if it is possible), and to them. The same measure is considered effective preventive means Against if it(her) to spend daily, since 35 Years [8, .124]. 2. To use correctly organized diet. - Pouts to reduce in a diet a share of sweet and fat dishes and - a share bitter on taste and fresh vegetables [8, .125]. 3. As considers(counts) as one of forms - (far-sightednesses), to you it is necessary to follow all volume, That is written in the previous section for , and - all the exercises intended for them.
To Make It It Is Possible And Covering
To make it it is possible and Covering stronger eye a palm of a hand, having given to it(her) - The different form. 12. Practically in all exercises it is necessary to blink. Not - Happen about it(this). Practically in all exercises it is necessary - in the way of the central fixing. Remember it(this). - in all exercises it is necessary to care of, that an eye Moved. Remember it(this). Supervise itself anywhere and everywhere with The points of view of observance of these properties of a normal eye. 13. Remember: restoration of sight - complex - . Harmonize with the desire to improve Sight the mode, a diet, breath, a pose, etc. 14. At least, once a week re-read just The resulted(brought) rules and technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) of the exercises. It is very often found out, that like all this you and know, However do(make) all absolutely incorrectly. 15. Whenever possible, take advantage of the help of the doctor-- which will advise on a regular basis you and to observe Behind your sight.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
From You A Candy, - Or Simply Kiss.
From you a candy, - or simply kiss. 8. Now you should train child . - marks(celebrates), that the child for has not enough themes For representations and memoirs and it is too much information For an exchange. Therefore the child seldom when is capable to be engaged more than five minutes on end. It(he) starts to spin, To be nervous and irritated it is much more, than the adult, - has lead in a dark room more than hour. Therefore act(arrive) as follows. Let the child - Digs eyes as in , and you read to it(him) at this time - I forge- a fairy tale. Is better to accustom the child to that It(He) will receive a fairy tale only during . That not- Ripening, the child will receive from it(this) double advantage(benefit), as It(He) can (and often and happens) to go with heroes of a fairy tale In mental travel. Imagination (mental - ) the child thus will earn on power. In good weather after game with the friends it is possible- To do(make) and in the street, reading up it(him) the end of a fairy tale.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
If They Do Not Become More Precise, Close
If they do not become more precise, close eyes again and - a finger write these letters on the palm. Then, Exhaling, again look at letters. If also it will appear ineffectual bring the The chair is little bit closer, that the purposes could achieve a lung, and Not intense sight. It will be possible(probable) the award to you a little Fine gleams of the improved sight. Do not forget at transition from one line to another - eyes and to do(make) turns by a head here and there. Continue these small turns by a head and during - on the table. Go downwards under the table consisting of five words, - every line before to glance at it(her). If you Will do(make) it , not trying to strain sight, You, probably, will overcome half of lines on this leaf(sheet). Not - on reached(achieved) too long. Pass(take place) on 4-5 Lines for each lesson also exceed the in following Time. This exercise, besides training sight - , very much helps(assists) as exercise on autohypnosis. A phrase " The RELAXATION WILL return to me SHARP SIGHT ", repeated it is a lot of Time during performance of exercise, is an example - methods of auto-training in improvement of sight.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
During Employment(occupations) On The Verifying Table It Will
During employment(occupations) on the verifying table it will be necessary to you To take advantage in addition of recommendations of chapter(head) 4. ............................................................. The resulted(brought) exercises with the verifying table - not - which you can use for improvement of sight Children. You should involve all arsenal of receptions and - , described in the previous chapters(heads). However here it is necessary - some remarks. Sight of children requires special attention. At the same time, Mastering by them of some exercises which we have resulted(brought) earlier, - with the certain work, and the some people and it is not possible - in connection with their small age. Therefore training of children - To theme has specific character. Some Is required Updating of exercises, giving of game character by it(him), etc. Let's consider(examine) some recommendations on this account(invoice). In described below exercise you will see, how Simplification of an essence of exercise for the child, not -is reached(achieved) still the alphabet.
Friday, July 20, 2007
4.4. FOR One Of The Reasons Of
4.4. FOR One of the reasons of occurrence , as we - earlier, under theory , is non-uniform - muscles. it is always accompanied or - . As the form of letters on the verifying table - , the patient often enough incorrectly names them. Quite often at people suffer headaches and - in reading. As it was already marked(celebrated), many exercises has taken from Old indian systems of improvement, in particular from the Ayurveda and Yogas. In this connection, it is necessary to note, that in these systems - it is constant on necessity of preservation - as a whole in a good condition if by the purpose it is put - its(his) separate functions. So, E.R.frame Kumar, - the Indian expert in the field of Yoga writes: " Force of eyes - Hangs from the general(common) condition of an organism. When it(he) is sick, it - and on them. They can to swell up, for example, or - , on them there can be a barley, sight will begin - , there can be a color blindness, night blindness, - , a cataract, etc. The main thing that is necessary for maintenance of good sight Is a faultless condition of blood.
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