Friday, February 22, 2008

1. If You Wish To Achieve A Rapid

1. If you wish to achieve a rapid progress in - sight, you should refuse carrying glasses(spots) resolutely (. 7). However it is very important to remember the following here RULE: never remove glasses(spots) and do not go, straining everywhere The eyes. Removal of glasses(spots) as speaks M.D.Korbett, with - visions it not the same, that removal Glasses(Spots) with a constant pressure(voltage) of eyes in attempts to make out - . The first - is useful, the second - is harmful. 2. Removal of glasses(spots) without significant -is not always possible(probable) . In some cases without them it is simply impossible to work. Therefore in such cases it is authorized to use glasses(spots), but It always constrains progress. Put on glasses(spots) every time, When you feel, that have started to strain the eyes. 3. If you are compelled(forced) to work in glasses(spots), all the same - all receptions of correct sight, what only - But - the central fixing, movings, blinkings, etc. As It is possible do(make) breaks for weakening exercises is more often.

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