Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Their Second Problem(task) Is To Serve Preparatory Stage

Their second problem(task) is to serve preparatory Stage to exercises from a series of small turns (short - ). All turns as greater(big), and small, are called To break a habit steadfast . We shall begin the description of this Groups of exercises from GREATER(BIG) TURNS. This exercise has come to system Bejtsa from time immemorial. Long since it(him) recommended in the East, in particular, in China, in Quality of effective exercise on a relaxation. The technics(technical equipment) of its(his) execution(performance) is simple enough, at least, At first sight (..6). Become directly, is better the person(face) To a window (it would be good if at a window there was a lattice with - rods or were available any others - elements, for example, bars of a frame). Place legs(foots) So that between there were approximately 30 centimeters. (These data are resulted(brought) for the person of average growth. Than above Growth of the person, the there should be this distance, and -more ). Straighten well a back (backbone), not .

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