Saturday, June 30, 2007

" When An Eye Looks At Unfamiliar Object,

" When an eye Looks at unfamiliar object, - writes , - it(he) always more Or less strains to see it(him). Thus always- Anomaly of a refraction is. When the child looks on - inscriptions or figures on a board, removed geographical Cards(Maps), schemes(plans) or figures, always shows, that They became , though their sight at others - can be absolutely normal. The same occurs(happens) and With adults at them removed unfamiliar - " [16, .172]. Putting effort to see the removed objects, eyes - become . If to give this process - long enough time, the schoolboy necessarily Becomes - so strongly in it(him) the habit takes roots To strain at sight afar. Simultaneously, some children strongly strain, - deducing(removing) in a writing-book flourishes new to them, reading - letters and words, drawing any . Effort - To put in a near point leads to occurrence . If the effort to see in a near or distant point results(brings) To to changes in the form of an eyeball or - to a pressure(voltage) of muscles of an eye - there is this or that The form or a squint.

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