Thursday, January 24, 2008

Therefore Such Obstacles, Whenever Possible, Should Be Bypassed.

Therefore such obstacles, whenever possible, should be bypassed. The second positive property of preliminary warming - is a strengthening(an amplification) blood circulation in area of eyes to that will be To promote them warmly. It is enough for warming palms To take their some time under hot (but not too) - , intensively one palm about another or - time is vigorous fingers of hands. To inflow of heat to Hands are promoted also by their massage during short Time. However, if there is too hot weather, - to follow R.S.Agarvala's to advice(council) and to rinse - hands cold water, keeping them in such damp - and during [8, .60]. Or during - this exercise you can take advantage to two Pieces of the damp cotton fabric put as Linings between palms and the person(face) (eyes) [10, .143]. ............................................................. it is considered the easiest way of achievement - . It is true, if it will be possible to seize(take possession) in perfection Its(His) both parties(sides) - physical and mental.

Monday, January 21, 2008

So, How To Do(make) Exercise On Focusing? First

So, how to do(make) exercise on focusing? First of all, properly weaken eyes through , etc. Weaken as well other muscles of a body. Now take Any bright, brilliant object, for example, New Year's Toy with details from a foil and, looking at it(her), start to do(make) Blinkings. Can even close on time of an eye. - Fight a gleam of good sight both eyes, using Thus the central fixing, i.e. seeing a small zone - it is more precise, than its(his) rest. Now, reducing this zone in sizes, begin - But to involve the eyes inside in an eye-socket, compressing straight lines - eyes (try to make it without an excessive pressure(voltage)). Order to these muscles to pull back. Mentally present, where There are these muscles and operate them. Doing(making) it, simultaneously Do not forget to apply all correct habits of sight - - , the central fixing, blinkings, etc. Try to achieve by blinking of a gleam good Sight before will begin this exercise though such - is not an absolute necessity. If you cannot To achieve a gleam begin exercise, having applied - the central fixing, i.